At the same time, the blue phoenix in the middle of the river of blood.

The pupils also shrank slightly.

World announcement messages will not be blocked.

He looked at the announcement of the world in front of him.

The mood fell to the bottom.

Lu Cang of the sixth order had already trapped him in this place.

What would the Seventh Order Lu Cang look like?

Will you still be able to go out one day?

Thinking of this, he no longer waited, but used a long-distance displacement skill in an instant.

Rush in one direction!

Completely separate from the undead birds.

Even if you abandon these immortal birds.

Escape from this place yourself!



He slammed his head against the wall of flesh.

He touched his forehead and stood up from the river of blood.

He touched the river of blood in front of him, and finally it was not an empty river of blood.

It’s a solid wall.

“It’s not the same thing!”

【Yan Fist】


Bluish-blue flames intertwine.

This blow exploded directly on the wall!

However, it does not help.

“Is it still a Saint Order-level defense?”

“But now that I’ve found my way, I can’t give up.”

Qingfeng didn’t want to go back to the situation where he could never find a way out.

“Undead Birds!”

He shouted.

Just as he was going to summon the undead bird from the territory again.

But this cry did not respond at all!

He found.

He had lost contact with the undead bird.


It was as if he had lost contact with the territory.

“This… What happened? ”


【Okuyama Territory】

“That guy, promoted to the Seventh Order Territory?”

“His territorial upgrade, is there no time and conditions required?”

“How can it be so fast?”

“How can I have a little, bad premonition?”

“My left eye, how is it jumping?”


Lu Cang looked at his new ability.

After being promoted to the Seventh Order Territory.

It is still a qualitative improvement.

【You have obtained a new building: gazing at the tower】

【You have obtained the New Lair Effect: Level Breakout】

[You have acquired the Lord’s abilities: Physical Strengthening, Spiritual Enhancement, Flesh and Blood Compression, Nest True Body]

[Flesh Strengthening: Your physical strength is equivalent to that of an eighth-order fantasy grade brute force type creature.] 】

[Spiritual Strengthening: Your spiritual strength is equivalent to that of an eighth-order dream-grade spiritual creature. 】

[Flesh and blood compression: Your body can hold more flesh and blood, and you can control the flesh and blood changes of your body more wantonly. 】

[Nest True Body: You can use the flesh as a nest, your body can hold infinite classes, you can release the classes from your body at will, in addition, your body can contain the building and release it. 】

These are very much more reinforcing for the personal lord.

One building, one nest effect.

However, there are four lords who have their own enhanced abilities.

And, this time, the ability to strengthen the individual.

Compared with the last time, it is another qualitative change.

Dream grade.

Never heard of a grade.

Obviously, this grade is far above the super-myth.

Lu Cang could feel that his body was constantly gushing out explosive power.

No…… Explosiveness alone can no longer describe one’s sense of power.

It’s like stuffing a sun in your body for nuclear fusion to provide energy.

There is a feeling of infinite power.

If you use the seventh-order super-mythical level power of the previous order, it is compared with the dream level power of the eighth order.

Lu Cang’s description is to compare insects with dragons.

However, Lu Cang did not intend to try his power in his own city.

Here, it is completely impossible to let go.

For trying new powers, Lu Cang already had a good idea.

“It was a good experience.”

At this level, the total number of abilities acquired is relatively small.

There is only one nest ability.

The building is also one.

Classes are not gained.

Compared to what the sixth order gets, it is indeed much less.

However, the most important ability of the Seventh Order Lord is the number of classes and the increase in the upper limit of the building.

Coupled with the start of the Seventh Order Lord, you can take your troops with you to fight.

Compared with the Sixth Order Lord, the combat effectiveness was not a grade at all.

Of course, for Lu Cang, leading troops to fight is almost an innate ability.

【Nest effect: Step breakout】

[Level Breakout: You can use the number of Flesh and Blood Blessed times per day, you can do a second Flesh and Blood Blessed to the Most High, and the class that is blessed by the second can be upgraded from the Super Mythical level to the Dream Level]

“Above the super-myth, is it really a dream?”

This conjecture was confirmed.

After all, it’s just a description of personal improvement.

Lu Cang didn’t know if he was above the super myth and had continuously improved his strength by one grade.

Whether it is between fantasy and super-myth, there is another grading gap.

After all, the difference in power is too great.

It’s unimaginably big.

But now it seems that the dream is indeed a grade above the supermyth.

At the same time, Lu Cang also felt that he had already used two flesh and blood blessings.

Blessed with flesh and blood, it has been refreshed after just being upgraded.

“Last time you upgraded, the cooldown of Flesh and Blood Blessing was directly reduced by 12 hours.”

“This time it’s a complete refresh.”

“It was very good.”

The last minus of 12 hours is a one-time.

Instead of halving permanently.


【Okuyama Territory】

In front of Okuyama, a familiar face appeared.

No, nor can it be said to be familiar.

After all he had never seen this face.

But during this time, he saw this face countless times above the community.

【Lu Cang】

“Lu Cang, how did you appear in my territory?”

“Sure enough, it was unpredictable.”

“Don’t play cards according to common sense at all.”

“Who can appear directly in someone else’s territory?”

“I really don’t know where you got your weird abilities from.”

And for the appearance of Lu Cang.

Okuyama looked cold.

Around them, giants came around.

Whichever lord fights in his home arena will have a bonus.

Lu Cang is, and so is Okuyama.

Originally, it was Okuyama and others who attacked Cangcheng.

And now, it has become the territory of Lu Cang attacking Okusan.

Lu Cang’s eyes looked at a core behind Okuyama.

The core hidden in the huge stone statue.

“Is that the territorial core of Okuyama?”

There is more than one territorial core of the Holy Order Lords.

Every time you occupy an area, you have a core.

Just like Lu Cang’s nest heart, it has more than one.

However, their core is still easy to find.

It’s not like Lu Cang, going deep into the ground.

Now if not carefully perceived.

Lu Cang didn’t know where his heart had gone.

“What, you want to come alone and break my territory?”

“I don’t know how many soldiers you brought with you this time.”

“Besides, you don’t have a blood curtain, can you still be as strong as you were then?”

Okuyama probably knew what Lu Cang’s reliance was.

Those strange buildings in Cangcheng should be Lu Cang’s biggest reliance.

As for the classes…

Okuyama believes that he may not be without the power of a war.

No matter what, he was a true holy rank, and he was a mortal saint level.

Outside, the wild is hard to say.

But this is his territory, he has the final say.

If he is a mortal saint, he cannot win a seventh-order lord in his own territory…

No, Okuyama thought of this.

It felt as if something was wrong, and a cold sweat appeared on his forehead for an instant.

When he first attacked Cangcheng, he seemed to think the same way?


“You think the advantage is in you?”

There was no other reason why Lu Cang was able to come to the other side’s territory.

Just because of a small parasitic eye.

【Parasitic Eye】

In fact, he had already climbed onto Okuyama’s body when Okuyama attacked him.

In the same way, in Mutsu’s body, there is actually a parasitic eye.

Lu Cang closely watched the actions of the two lords.

However, Mutsu was too far away from himself, in the west.

Moreover, the strength is relatively strong.

Mutsu suffered virtually no battle losses.

Also, it is a lord of the control type.

In his own territory, he is extremely powerful.

Even the current Lu Cang was not completely sure of defeating it in someone else’s territory.

A lord, on the outside and in his own home.

It’s all two kinds of combat power.

At least four or five times higher combat effectiveness in their own home arena.

Moreover, Mutsu acts as a lord of the control type.

The increase in combat effectiveness in the territory is actually more exaggerated.

Lu Cang directly gave up provoking Mutsu.

Instead, it is to devour Okuyama, which is a little more dish.

Lu Cang really thought so.

In any case, Okuyama is the strongest fighting force to die.

At this time, there was no increase in the combat strength of the new students.

Plus, the giant-type class, although it can be said to be the Almighty King.

Each property is superb.

However, in the defensive battle, it was the most unpopular.

Therefore, consider a variety of factors.

Lu Cang still decided to fight Oshan first.

I haven’t waited for Okuyama to continue to put some bullshit.

Lu Cang directly waved his hand.

Soon, ghostly creatures floated out of the void.

【Shaper Shaper】

“What East…”

Okuyama didn’t react to what this thing was!

A strong light, as well as a violent explosion, erupted directly from the spot!



A magnificent mushroom cloud rises in the sky.

The radius of this mushroom cloud is as wide as the sum of the three or four Cangcheng cities.

【Self-exploding shapers】

Lu Cang will self-detonate worms and directly load them all into the shapers.

Originally, the self-detonating worm was just cannon fodder-level, first-order creatures.

Its role is only one, that is, explosion.

Can’t evolve, can’t advance.

Even if the level of the nest increases, they will not level up with it.

It is a very fixed class.

And now, Lu Cang put them inside the shapers.

The cannon fodder of the first order became the emperor of the seventh order.

But there is still only one ability.


This power changes so much that you can imagine.

Lu Cang only released ten [self-detonating type]

It has the power to blow up three or four Cangcheng cities.

And the original tens of thousands of self-detonating worms, under the blessing of the Blood Mist Flower to blow up a Bayer City core.

They are two completely different powers.

Lu Cang also wanted to try it.

This had just been promoted to the Seventh Order Territory.

How strong can an eighth-order emperor-level [shaper be?

After all, it is a new class, always want to play and watch.

This attempt, the effect is indeed OK.

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