If Okuyama knew what Lu Cang was thinking.

I’m afraid I’m going to scold it directly.

Not bad?

Do you call this OK?

Okuyama was resurrected in the distance with a confused face.

“By …”

“What happened?”

He was just there, right at the very center of the explosion.

His physical strength was only the strength of the tenth rank.

Eat [self-detonating type] a core position of the full frying.

Don’t talk about survival.

If there is a corpse, it must be dissolved directly until there is no clump left.

He looked up into the distance.

The area where I was before.

What I saw was billowing smoke and a cloud of soaring mushrooms that had not yet dissipated.

That area, even if it is so far away, can be seen.

It’s also horrible.

“Is the dead side gone?”

“It’s really troublesome to want to kill a Saint Order Lord.”

“The other lords can be killed by breaking a territorial core.”

To ascend to the Holy Order yourself, you need the territorial core of the Holy Order.

Lu Cang put the opponent’s core fragments into the backpack.

This is its own upgraded material.

The seventh order rises to the eighth order territory.

The required conditions are:

One hundred billion flesh and blood.

Dominates three areas.

Only these two conditions.

It’s very simple.

Well…… Rising from the seventh to eighth levels, you need to rule over three areas.

It’s outrageous.

Ordinary lords ascend to the eighth order, and if it is such a condition for upgrading, it is estimated that they will all have to close themselves up.

Except for the Holy Order Lords, who can rule over an area.

Not to mention three pieces.

This task, for ordinary lords, can only be said to be difficult to the level of perversion.

Even if it was the task of ascending to the Holy Order of the Tenth Order, it seemed too difficult.

But for Lu Cang.

It’s not difficult.

There are many options.

For example, go directly to sweep an area and occupy it.

Or fight the existing holy steps and rob them of their territory.

Taken together, the best consideration is to fight a Holy Order Lord.

In this way, you can get multiple areas directly.

If you lay down the territory of the Holy Order, you are the only master of this area.

After all, no other lord lived here.

The sole owner of the Borderlands is the new ruler of the region.

And kill the ordinary lords…

It was too much trouble for Lu Cang.

Even to the seventh order.

Lu Cang’s nerve capacity had only just reached 100 million.

One hundred million nerve capacity, to fight trillions of lords.

That’s a lot of trouble.

One hundred million seems like a lot.

But actually, put it in the Lord’s World.

Not even a single wave can be turned over.

After all, the world of lords is too big.

In the past life, the blue stars still have seven billion people.

In this way, it is still sparsely populated.

Not to mention, an area of the Lord’s World was already countless times larger than the surface area of the Blue Star.

Seven billion is a vast and sparsely populated area.

One hundred million troops put it down.

Playing water rafting?

That is, the Holy Order Lord, carrying out continuous carpet bombardment, can have such an effect.

But at this stage, Lu Cang can only say that it is compared with its carpet bombing.

Not yet kill one Okuyama faster.


At present, the major Holy Order Lords in the world are not also cleaning up other ordinary lords.

They went to clean up the ordinary lords, and Lu Cang went to clean them up.

Doesn’t that save effort?

It’s the best of both worlds.


Okuyama saw, from among the clouds of smoke from the explosion.

A figure sprang out of the air.

The speed of this figure is extremely fast.

Get closer quickly to yourself.

“Grass … Damn it. ”

【Shaper – Guide】

The shaper itself is an auxiliary positioning.

Has the ability to guide.

It is possible to guide a person to a goal, and the speed towards that goal will be greatly accelerated.

Brush brush brush!

Lu Cang walked in the air.

Activate the ability to assimilate flesh and blood, and run wild in the sky.

After obtaining the Floating Island of Flesh and Blood.

Lu Cang could use the ability of “Ten Thousand Flesh Taking Me as the Source”.

The ability to use floating islands.

Assimilate the air with flesh and blood.

In this way, it creates a landing point run in the air.

And the speed of the eighth-order fantasy grade brute force type creatures…

Lu Cang could only say that it was outrageous.

This was the first time that Lu Cang had come into contact with a grade above the Super Myth.


It can only be said that in their own feelings, their physical abilities seem to have broken through the rules of physics.

It is possible to act entirely by force and cause unthinkable and unimaginable actions.

Thinking of this, Lu Cang no longer assimilated flesh and blood.

Instead, it is directly pedaling the air.


A boom erupted beneath his feet.

There is no difference at all from the flat foot.

“Such a strong force.”

There is no need to build any landing points at all.

It’s just down-to-earth.

Lu Cang even felt that his current strength could even take over the heavy blow of Tai with his bare hands.

Without any additional defenses.

Too strong!

Look at the black dots sprinting towards you.

That ever-enlarging Lu Cang.

In his heart, fear gradually rose.

“Sky Giant!”

“Stop that lord!”


However, he had just given the order.

The next instant!


Only to see the black dot in the distance, instantly falling towards the ground!

“What? Gone? ”

Lu Cang fell out of his field of vision.

He just wanted to synchronize the territorial vision and specifically locate the location of Lu Cang.

But the earth shook suddenly.


He hadn’t realized what was happening.

But I saw that a huge rock was floating on the ground.


Not floating.

Instead, it was moved up!

Moreover, it was not a rock, but a huge piece of land, which was lifted directly by bare hands like a billboard!

“This… What a power. ”

“Is this really the power a lord can have?”

Okuyama saw this.

I couldn’t help but swallow.

Lu Cang tried his own new powers.

There is a real feeling, a dreamlike feeling.

No wonder, this grade is called Dream.

The power of the eighth order alone had reached such an incredible level.

It is indeed a fantastic combat power.



The earth trembled.

Lu Cang actually lifted up this whole large block of land and threw it away.

Okuyama’s heart instantly raised his throat eyes.

He sensed something ominous.

An ominous premonition filled his mind.

Subconsciously, he wanted to escape!

Sure enough.

Lu Cang “gently” threw the large plate in his hand.

Then, a throwing posture is posed!

The next moment, throw it directly in the direction where Okuyama is located.


Huge continental plates, flying out in the direction of Okuyama!

Okuyama’s forehead, cold sweat flowing.

“I’m your uncle’s!”

Behind Okuyama is another territorial core.

But TM, this whole continent is thrown over, how can this resist?

Even the Sky Giants did not have the strength to take it down.



With the darkness in front of me.

Okuyama was resurrected again.

This time, it was resurrected at the core of the third territory.

Immediately after his resurrection, he sent messages to several other Saint Order Lords.

“Brother, I was stolen by Lu Cang, so help!”

“Lu Cang is in my territory, ask for help!” Urgent help! ”

“Lu Cang is really strong! Don’t take him lightly! Help! If we don’t solve Lu Cang together, it will be too late! ”

This TM, this Lu Cang, is definitely not human!

It’s a monster!

Totally monsters!

Where are the humans who can afford to move the continental plates?

No, not just lifting.

Instead, throw it out!

This is not at all a concept with lifting.

Weightlifters can lift heavy barbells, but it is almost impossible to throw heavy barbells out.

If it can be thrown, there is only one explanation.

That’s too light.

An entire continent, too light.

“Okuyama, what are you mad about?”

“What’s wrong with you today?”

“How can we support you?”

“Lu Cang hit your territory?” How did he get in? ”

“You can’t clean up Lu Cang at home, and now that you’re at home, you still can’t clean up Lu Cang?”

“Wait… I felt the earth just shake. ”

“Could it be the aftermath of the battle on your side?”

Several Lords of the Holy Order sent questions to Okuyama.

But the questioning turned to questioning, and their attention was also focused on the past.

After all, Okuyama could say such a thing.

It also indicates that the situation is very serious.

But the problem is…

How is it Lu Cang again?

In Okuyama’s territory, beat Okuyama to ask for help?


In the territory of Okuyama, it seems that a high mountain has suddenly appeared.

The height of the mountain is extremely high.

Up to tens of thousands of kilometers.

It was like a curtain that obscured the western part of Okuyama’s territory.

Even, at great distance.

The ordinary lords looked toward Okuyama’s territory.

You can see a huge plate erected.

This plate has crossed the heavenly dome and reached the sky.

It’s very bizarre and scary.

“Okuyama, what’s going on?”

“What is that huge plate?”

“Well, I seem to have a familiar feeling.”

“This bizarre, puzzling situation is often a man.”

Speaking of which.

The lords all gulped involuntarily.

No need to say it.

We all know who that man is.

Flesh and blood disaster, Lu Cang.

A being that subverts the perception of the Lord’s world.

A spooky recipient.

Now, the lords of the whole world have reached a tacit consensus.

But anything that arises that cannot be understood, that transcends common sense.

Nine times out of ten, this man did it.

Other than that, there is basically no other explanation.

“By …”

“Even if I know this man is awesome, but the problem is.”

“How the hell does this TM work?”

Let these lords think in whatever organs or ways.

I couldn’t imagine the horror of this huge plate being thrown and smashed, and even the ground of the whole world trembled slightly.

It was Lu Cang who used brute force to move directly with both hands.

And did not rely on any technology, magic, and any means of amplification.


However, it wasn’t too late for Okuyama to start a new round of fear.

Okuyama felt as if he had been lifted up by a huge being!

A huge mountain of flesh, somehow formed under him!


Mountains rise from the ground.

After Terraria advanced again, it had reached a height of 50,000 meters.

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