Lu Cang had not yet carried out this round of flesh and blood blessings.

Lu Cang was still hesitating whether to create a new Supreme One or enhance the already Supreme One to the Dream Level.

All of this also needs to verify the combat power of the dream level by yourself.

Only then is the conclusion made.

However, now it seems that it is indeed better to raise the class to the dream level.

Make up one’s mind.

Lu Cang blessed on the spot.

“Blessed with flesh and blood, Terraria.”

“Equal order breakthrough.”

Terraria was blessed by Lu Cang.

In an instant, from his consciousness, countless emotions of gratitude and adoration were transmitted.

It was his supreme glory to be blessed by Lu Cang.

Terraria, as the supreme class, also has its own consciousness.

But Terraria belongs to the very sullen type and basically can’t speak.

The task will only be performed silently.

Rumble —

With the blessing, I saw only Terraria’s figure, and it continued to rise, rise, and rise.

Okuyama looked at his body, constantly leaving the ground.

It is also topped higher and higher.

But at the same time, he couldn’t fly normally.

Instead, it is firmly adsorbed on the surface of the meat mountain, unable to move.

His body was dissolved, his soul was shaken, his heart burned, his will contaminated.

All kinds of negative states were blessed on his body.

Lu Cang’s research in so many laboratories was not done in vain.

Terraria itself has both architectural and biological properties.

You can also eat the most bonuses.

Against Terraria, it’s better not to come to him.

Otherwise, you will be greatly tortured.

Terraria’s body is still rising, rising, rising.

Through Terraria, Lu Cang finally knew how outrageous the Dream Level would be compared to the Super Myth.

The eighth-order super mythical level Terraria is only 50,000 meters high.

But the eighth-order dream-level Terraria had become a huge mountain range.

The height of the peak is up to one million meters, that is, thousands of kilometers.

As for its width and size.

It is equivalent to one-fifth of the Far East region.

Be aware.

The Secret Steel Stone Mountain only covers the Far East region, the easternmost fog area, and the easternmost small piece of land.

Even so, it was a big mountain range for Lu Cang in the new era.

And this mountain range, compared to the entire extreme east range, can only be said to be ridiculous.

But right now.

Terraria, surprisingly large, can be compared to an entire area.

It’s huge.

This is perhaps the largest mountain in the entire Lord’s World.

In Lu Cang’s impression, it seemed that there was no mountain that could account for more than one-fifth of an area.

“Dreamy… What a dream. ”

The gap between the super myth and this grade is inevitably too big.

The difference between dragons and ants is nothing more than that.

And Lu Cang also thought that his supreme grade territory was actually still above the dream.

And I don’t know how many grades higher.

When you think about it, it feels a bit outrageous.

Just like now, dream-level abilities are contained in the Root Flesh and Blood Nest.

However, it is not the level of the nest that can immediately obtain classes and abilities equivalent to the level of the nest.

Even mythical level territory starts from cannon fodder and ordinary to cultivate troops.

Nor have I seen any lords born into mythical level territories, and once they establish a territory, they can create mythical level troops.

Not to use mythical level abilities.

These things are unlocked as the nest continues to level up.

“If my lair continues to upgrade, I can still use abilities of a higher grade than Dream…”

“How strong does this have to be?”

The dreams were all so outrageous, Lu Cang didn’t know how much against the sky was above the dreams.

Moreover, the improvement of grade often means that his rank is improved.

This pair of pairs lifted up.

That’s not linear growth.

No matter how this is, it can also be regarded as a geometric double speed, showing an exponential explosion of increased combat effectiveness.

Lord Okuyama, originally had a body like a giant.

But at this moment, against the backdrop of Terraria’s super-massive body.

He was like a little ant on a playground.

So trivial.

And he hadn’t even realized his smallness.

Terraria’s terrifying attraction directly squashed him and turned him into a corpse as thin as paper.

Terraria, which was originally 10,000 meters high, already has a huge attraction.

Creatures of the Holy Order cannot escape.

Now only promoted to the Dream Grade.

The enhancement of tens of millions of times has made Terraria’s attraction once again rise to a frightening level.

Its existence seems to have turned into a black hole with a huge mass.

All matter is flying fast towards him!

“Terraria, don’t suck it up.”


In the next instant, the space returns to tranquility.

All the material that was sucked and pulled fell along the original gravity.


In the distance, Okuyama, who was once again resurrected, looked at the new mountain that appeared, and his heart was filled with fear.

He had been killed three times.

These three kills were actually one without duplicates.

And it’s so impactful every time.

How many means does this Lu Cang have?

How powerful is it?

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