Mutsu held his breath for half a day, and finally held out a word.

Be open-minded.


Lu Cang looked at the Heavenly Lord again.

I don’t know why, being looked at by Lu Cang, the Heavenly Lord felt very hairy.

The nerves also tensed up.

It was as if, being stared at by a prehistoric beast.

This fierce beast is extremely terrifying.

He couldn’t help but scold in his heart.

“Grass, are we really here to support?”

“Why does it feel like you’re being tortured?”

However, saying so, he did not dare to go back.

But he still avoided Lu Cang’s gaze.

“It is our duty to support Okusan.”

“But I don’t have any prejudice against the cursed.”

“I also think that the great enemy is present, and we should unanimously open up to the outside world.”

“No… In fact, I think that the recipients of the curse are the same lords as us. ”

“A long time ago, the cursed were treated the same as ordinary lords.”

“I think our relationship should be able to return to the way it was before.”

Lu Cang looked at them quietly.

In my heart, there was some laughter.

Is this the ugliness of the alliance?

At this time, the lords of the world were also shocked.

At this time, Lu Cang’s place was not anywhere else.

It was on the edge of the city walls.

And, because of the aftermath of the battle.

The city walls had completely collapsed, leaving only ruins.

At this moment, Okuyama was standing here, along with several other holy steps.

The lords in the distance could hear their conversation clearly.

Between Lu Cang and them, they themselves were thousands of kilometers apart, communicating with each other.

It’s like a trumpet shouting.

They didn’t have Lu Cang’s contact information, so naturally it was impossible to chat privately.

Speech can only be heard in this way.

As for why they are so far apart.


Do you TM in this situation, let Lu Cang get close?

Obviously, impossible.

“Doesn’t the alliance always convey the idea that the cursed are dirty?”

“Evil, dirty, dark, evil.”

“Cursed, it should be eradicated.”

Countless lords looked at this picture and, at the same time, synchronized their perspectives toward the whole world.

And this perspective has also been received by countless lords.

At this moment, the world’s ideas were subverted.

The alliance, in an instant, completely lost credibility.

It became the object of abuse.

The faces of these Holy Order Lords were also very ugly.

After all, if you say this, you can’t get it back.

But at this time, facing Lu Cang, what else could he say.

Do you still say to the landing fly, you who are cursed should die, and those who are cursed should be crusaded?

We’re just going to crusade against you.

It is to kill you all.

So, is this because Okuyama didn’t die fast enough?

Lu Cang was not in a hurry and immediately took action against them.

After all, these holy orders said.

Very interesting.

Make people laugh.

It feels like you’re listening to a joke.

Moreover, those ordinary lords outside probably heard it too.

Lu Cang was not a robot.

Nor is it without emotion.

It’s a fun person.

A person who acts to his liking.

As long as it is interesting, in the absence of any harm, no harm, of course, you can wait.

What irony is what these Holy Order Lords say.


“You mean to say.”

“We who are cursed, and your ordinary lords, are born equal?”

“Born, you don’t need to be hunted down?”

“Don’t you have to hang on the execution table and execute the world?”

Lu Cang used a playful tone.

Ask these words.

The reason why I wanted to be so meticulous in the first place.

It is not because of his status as a cursed person.

Lu Cang asked to Aoshan.

Okuyama’s face was very pale.

The other Holy Order Lords did not make a sound.

After a moment’s pause.

Okuyama replied, “Yes, that’s right. ”

“Those who are cursed should have been on an equal footing with us.”

“It shouldn’t have been hunted down.”

In the end, he still admitted what Lu Cang said.

“So, we should be friends, and I will make up for the wrong things we did before.”

“So, I hope you, reconcile with us.”

Okuyama looked at Lu Cang again, but his look was very complicated.

“It’s like a sound luan, I surrender.”

“I already know how strong you are.”

“Lu Cang.”

“I am willing to surrender!”

However, in the face of the surrender of the other side.

Lu Cang sneered.


“It’s late.”

“You say that those who are cursed have the same status as you.”

“But, I don’t agree.”

“I’m not hypocritical, I just want to say that I am in a position of supreme, equality, who is equal to you.”

“Is it a dream to wait until death is imminent to think of equality?”

“So, I think you die, you still have to die.”

“I’m sorry, I’m just high up in the sky, I’m a Draco.”

Lu Cang didn’t leave any emotion.

At the same time, the arrogance is on full display.

Humility is reserved for those who need humility.

Politeness is also reserved for respectable people.

Lu Cang, who had been educated in previous lives, knew that modesty and courtesy could be used in many places.

But obviously, it is not used here.

Lu Cang did not accept the other party’s request for reconciliation, apology, and surrender at all.

The next instant.

Lu Cang disappeared from the spot again.

It was at this moment that the celestial archers sent out arrows from several directions!

Countless arrows trailed towards the landing sky!

They were talking though.

But in fact, the nerves are tense all the time.

If we can resolve peacefully without fighting, it is best to resolve it peacefully.

But no matter what, they are also ready to fight.

Lu Cang acted in an instant.

It also announced the breakdown of negotiations.

Fight, once again!

Lords of all sides, respond immediately.

Lu Cang’s pupils turned into countless compound pupils in an instant.

“Elemental Arrows?” It wasn’t a physical attack, it was trying to break my defenses. ”

Anti-shock keratin only resists physical damage.

Also only anti-physical damage.

After knowing Lu Cang’s ability.

He didn’t use physical attacks anymore.

Instead, elemental attacks are used.

However, in the face of these attacks.

Lu Cang used a simplest method.


A call.

Terraria was directly exchanged for flesh and blood.

Lu Cang is also a flesh and blood creature and can also be exchanged with Terraria.

And on Terraria.

Another characteristic is reproduction.

Terraria can continue to breed the classes possessed by the Terracotta Horde.

Therefore, on top of Terraria’s body, there is no shortage of flesh and blood creatures.

It’s just that these flesh-and-blood creatures are compared to Terraria as a whole.

Not something to care about at all.

Lu Cang was after using flesh and blood exchange.

Through these flesh-and-blood creatures, they were transferred to Terraria’s body.

In this way, the movement of Terraria is completed.

One of the biggest drawbacks of Terraria’s promotion to the Dream Grade was that.

Moving seems to be more difficult.

The volume is really too large.

After being promoted to the Dream level.

The movement speed has indeed been improved.

But the problem is this lift, compared to its volume.

Not at all the same grade of existence.

This also leads to the fact that even if it moves, it seems to be not moving.

Although it was originally like this.

But the effect can still be seen to some extent.

But now, it is completely invisible to move.


The ability to break down a creature into countless pieces of flesh and blood.

It also has a special nature.

The speed of this aggregation is certain.

This flesh and blood decomposition is not the ability of the class itself.

Therefore, the speed of aggregating into a class through flesh and blood did not increase much.

It’s still the same as it was.

Originally, it would take five minutes to converge into Terraria.

Now aggregate…

I’m afraid it won’t be able to gather for three days and three nights.

Therefore, the only reliable way to move is [flesh and blood exchange]


With this huge [iceberg] switched to their face.

The tracking arrows also all attacked Terraria’s body.

Bang bang bang!

A few small dots of light exploded on the terraria of Terraria.

But not even potholes remained.

“Flesh and blood mud.”


This time, Terraria truly exploded with a dream-level attack ability.

Lu Cang himself is very strong.

But Lu Cang himself was a lord.

The true strongest of the lords is never the lord himself.

Instead, they are the branches of their own ranks.

The strength of the Lu Cang body that Okuyama feared.

In fact, it was only a small part of Lu Cang’s full strength as a lord.

Ability to launch.

The whole earth turned into an ice-blue swamp in an instant.

The earth turned into flowing ice.

Terraria’s favorite thing to use is ice elementalization.

Has a strong sticky ability.

Although Terraria is very sullen, she is indeed a creature and has her own personality.

The cold feeling was exactly what he liked.

“Disposition, how?”

At this moment, the hurricane element was actually plunged into the flesh and blood mud and directly frozen.

The wind was frozen, which was really a very peculiar sight.

In mid-air, the cold ice condensed.

But what freezes is air.

But Lu Cang really knew.

This froze his class.

“Let it go, kill Okuyama first.”

“Do as you are told.”

Only to see the top of Terraria, a huge ball of flesh fell.

This is part of his meat mountain.

This boulder of flesh, following the trajectory of the mountains, rolled toward the earth!


In the end, it smashed into the earth.

Another territorial core, ruthlessly broken.

Lu Cang picked it up in his backpack.

To ascend to the Holy Order, you need the territorial core of the Holy Order.

The more cores, the higher the success rate of future promotions to the Holy Rank.

At the same time, it will be stronger.

From one to ten.

The upper limit is the ten territorial cores.



“Allied Lord! Not good! Allied Lord! ”

A messenger soldier ran towards the hall where the Allied Lord was!

However, he knocked on the door for half a day.

And got no response.

After many calls to no avail.

Finally, he nervously pushed open the door of the Allied Lord’s room.

What he wanted to report, it was very urgent.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t have risked being beheaded and pushed the door without responding.

As he pushed the door in.

What I saw was an empty room.

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