In the room, the allies of the Alliance disappeared.

It should be difficult for him to leave the area.

In addition, there was a core that should have been placed in the center of the hall, constantly circulating, and also disappeared.

“Not good.”

See this scene.

The soldier’s face instantly turned pale.

The objects that originally existed in the very center of the hall were nothing else.

It is one of the territorial nuclei of this alliance.

This territorial core is here, and it also symbolizes the eternal status of the alliance.

It is also a manifestation of the Allies’ convincing people.

If anyone thinks the alliance is not well ruled, they can come here and smash the core of his territory.

But of course, that’s really just saying.

Who would dare to really come here and smash the core of the Allied Lord’s territory?

Even if he let him smash, he didn’t have the guts.

Moreover, even if it is smashed.

In fact, the allies will not have anything to do.

It is already common knowledge that the lords of the Holy Order have multiple territorial cores.

Smashing one has no effect at all.

After a while, it can be regenerated again.

But the person who smashed it must have his head off.

This kind of stupid thing, no one will do.

But at this time, in the middle of the hall, the territorial core disappeared.

In fact, this can only mean one thing.

And, very serious thing.

That’s when the lord ran away.

Only when it is necessary to transfer territory.

The territorial core needs to be removed.

Otherwise, I would definitely stay here.

Therefore, the messenger soldier understood in an instant what had happened.

The allies of the Alliance.

Ran away.

Ran to somewhere.


【Southern Polar】

The extremes of the east, west, south and north are very barren places.

Basically no lords will come here.

The Alliance Lord, out of the teleportation array.

Then a black mist erupted in his right hand.

The entire teleportation array was instantly corroded and turned into black fly ash.

“At this point, it should not be found for a while and a half.”

“Fourteen days, as long as I can survive fourteen days, I can be promoted to taboo.”

“The world is so chaotic right now.”

The allies of the Alliance, around them, have red monsters appear.

“Territorial unfolding.”

In an instant, a red egg sac unfolded here.

【Cursed Territory – Flesh and Blood Demon Fetus】

If others were here, it would probably be a big shock to see this situation.

The territory of the alliance lord is also the territory of the cursed territory.

The alliance leader is actually a cursed person?

“It hasn’t been shown in a long time.”

No one had ever seen an alliance leader strike.

I don’t know what type of territory he has.

All I know is that the strength of the Alliance Alliance Lord is absolutely strong.

It is the top of all the Holy Orders.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to convince the public.

“There can be no deviation in the remaining fourteen days.”

The alliance lord’s right hand grabbed lightly.


A territorial core that is directly broken in its hands.


【Alliance Headquarters】

A black-haired man walks down the aisle of the headquarters.

He was preparing to go to the main hall where the Allies were.

Report on the disappearance of the cursed territorial core.

He was unable to contact the Allied Leader directly from the message.

There was no response at all.

In this case, you can only go to the main hall of the alliance to find the alliance lord.

He was the only one who helped the League to host the affair.

The forbidden matters of the promotion of the alliance lord are absolutely confidential.

No other lord knew about him but him.

And just as he was running at great speed in the aisle.

Suddenly, my eyes went black.


The next moment, he fell to the ground and lost consciousness.

“Collar … Territory. ”

“My core.”

In an instant, he knew what was happening.

The core of his territory has been destroyed.

He is also about to dissipate in this world, completely dead.



The world, really, can be said to be a complete mess.

Okuyama was beaten.

The Alliance Lord runs.

Beamon invaded.

The cursed rises.


【Okuyama Territory】


Formally facing Lu Cang, the lords of the Holy Order finally felt the difference in strength between themselves and Lu Cang.

Lu Cang is not only strong himself.

And there are classes.

The strength of the arms was not weaker than the strength of Lu Cang itself.

“Okuyama, I’m afraid we can’t save you.”

The Meteor Lord, thousands of kilometers backwards.

He didn’t want to get close to Terraria.

This mountain of meat, it’s terrifying.

At this time, his Holy Order class had already killed two.

He noticed that something was wrong and immediately asked the archers to leave the battlefield.

Combat effectiveness cannot be wasted.

Stay a relatively safe distance from Terraria.

Terraria’s Flesh and Blood Swamp only imprisoned the ground.

But it doesn’t limit the sky.

However, see Terraria perform like this.

They are not difficult to know.

Their chances of winning are almost zero.

Want to defeat Lu Cang.

There must be a way to kill this behemoth.

However, even if it is the attack of the Celestial Star Archer.

It’s just that it tickles this mountain of flesh.

Most of the body of this meat mountain is covered with ice blue.

He was already half ice elementalized.

At the same time, it also mixes the secret steel tissue and the gene of “anti-seismic keratin”.

If it is an attack on him.

Don’t say it’s hurting it.

It’s good that you’re not injured.

The Meteor Lord glanced back at Okuyama.

Look at Lu Cang again.

Suddenly, Meteorite’s mind shook.

An urgent message came into his mind.

This was a message from the lords of his dependent territories.

This lord, as his herald, has a “battlefield expedition” setting.

The Meteorite allowed his message to pass on during the battle.

Because it can be very important news.

Not much news.

Just a few words.

However, it reveals a huge amount of information.

[The alliance leader disappeared, the territorial core moved, and it was suspected of running away.] 】

See this message.

The Allied Lord ran away?


This ally has never come out since the world began to be in chaos.

Whether it is to fight the boss, or attack Lu Cang, or attack Beamon.

I didn’t see him at all.

But now, the enemy is present, he actually ran away?

This TM is also too irresponsible, right?

The ghost knows what the other person is thinking.

The Meteor Lord did not know that the other party was going to promote the taboo.

Even the Meteor Lord didn’t know what realm was above the Holy Order.

It’s even less likely to know how to get promoted.

However, the Meteor Lord is not dry.

He himself was already a little upset with the league.

Especially the approach of this ally.

Thinking of this, he also farted with Lu Cang.

Wait for this Lu Cang to turn his head and hit himself.

Isn’t it hard to be miserable?

You know, Lu Cang is not a good stubble.

Now it seems very vengeful.

But if the position is right, there may be room for maneuver.

Since Okuyama can’t hold on.

Wait until you hit your own town.

You may not be able to keep it.

Moreover, most importantly, Lu Cang was only the seventh order!

Even if he could hold on now, what if he waited until Lu Cang’s eighth, ninth, or even tenth order?

Or was Lu Cang promoted to the Holy Order?

Is this still a fart?

Even a blind man could see the difference in strength between Lu Cang and himself.

So, at this moment, in the mind of the Meteor Lord, there was already a judgment in an instant.

If you see the current situation, you can’t see the situation clearly.

He had lived so many years in vain.

As soon as the opportunity was decided, he immediately shouted to the landing cang.

“Lu Cang!”

“Okuyama, I can give it to you and let you handle it!”

“Okuyama’s business, I don’t care anymore.”

“From today onwards, I am also directly out of the league.”

Obviously, at this time, it is the right choice to directly abandon the dark and cast the light.

The Heavenly Lord, too, fled backwards on one side.

The face is equally serious.

His mind just now shook as well.

And before he could fully understand the information.

I heard the cry of the Meteor Lord.

“Meteorites… You…”

Suddenly, he slapped his head.

“Oh, I kind of know why Yin Luan surrendered.”

“I will vote for me.”

The Celestial Lord turned back immediately.

Shout out to the landing cane.

“Me too!”

“Same as a meteorite! Exit the Alliance! Okuyama is at your disposal! ”

The Heavenly Lord, who sells Okuyama on the spot, seeks self-preservation.

Since the Meteor Lord did not keep it, he did not keep it either.

I heard my two teammates say that.

“Why do you all surrender to the cursed?”

Mutsu was shocked.

He only saw, in just a few minutes.

The Celestial Lords and Meteor Lords, the attitude of eighteen hundred degrees changed.

“Mutsu, wake up.”

“The Alliance Lord has run, the Alliance is dead.”

“Still thinking about your alliance, I’m afraid it’s not a small life.”

Seeing the situation clearly is an important ability of the lord.

Only by seeing clearly how the situation develops can we ensure that we can survive for a long time.

The reason why they can live so long and reach the holy level is not unreasonable.

More or less, eight people out of a trillion people.

If you don’t have a little brain, you can’t say it.

“What, the Allied Lord ran?”

“What runs? Where did it go? ”

The meteorite transmits its thoughts to Mutsu.

“Look at the news for yourself, it should be the news thirty seconds ago.”

The Meteor Lord alerted Mutsu.

Mutsu, after all, was cultivated by the Alliance.

There are a lot of alliances that have a lot of views.

For the alliance, it is also the deepest feeling.

But alas, the alliance is dead.

Without the alliance master, it can be regarded as the existence of the name and the real death.

But soon, Mutsu reacted immediately.

“Day, it won’t be…”

“That’s right, it’s the one you want to run.”

Mutsu’s face twisted in an instant.

He looked complex, looking at Lu Cang in the distance, and the huge Terraria.

On the one hand, it was the alliance that had cultivated him.

On the one hand, there are the incredibly powerful recipients in front of them.

Mutsu’s mood is also unusually complicated.

But as an old lord.

In just a few moments, he had already made a decision!

“Please let me join the Cursed Ones!”

“I am willing to be a glorious cursed person and participate in the crusade against the Alliance!”

On the sidelines.

The Celestial Lord, the Meteor Lord, looked at Mutsu on the side.

Their faces were full of shock.

This hand was cultivated by the alliance of the own son, change face faster, faster than them?

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