Lu Cang himself didn’t know that he would solve Okuyama so quickly.

Then solve the problem of other Holy Order Lords.

Lu Cang only planned to see what abilities he had after reaching the seventh order.

I’ll see you later.

There is no intention of doing anything.

If the ability of the seventh order is more dependent on development, it is weaker.

Then hold on.

Unexpectedly, the ability given by the seventh order was purely directly enhanced.

Moreover, it is an immediate enhancement.

That, can only say that you are not welcome.

Of course, there is another special factor, that is, because the allies of the alliance have run away.

If the allies of the alliance do not run.

Perhaps, these lords of the Holy Order will resist a little.

But now, the boss has run.

Who is still fighting against the cursed?

Profit and life are the most important.


Maybe the bottom of the curse eats this set.

But this world’s top cursed person can not care what the alliance says about birds.

Now the enemy is present.

And the strength that Lu Cang showed shocked them.

Of these, Terraria also has a large part of the credit.

Terraria was too much of an impact.

And, there is a particularly critical point.

That’s it, Dream…

The Dream Grade, in the hearts of these Holy Order Lords, is also a desirable grade.

Seeing Lu Cang’s performance, they would all involuntarily think of that legendary grade.

Dreamy, the combat power is like a dream.

They were even more certain of their conjecture about Lu Cang’s dream grade.

If Lu Cang reached the Holy Order, his combat power would definitely be infinite.

Have such combat power.

What more alliance, long live the direct recipient.

It’s important to stand on the right side.

However, for them this mentality.

Certainly not willing to be truly die-hard.

Therefore, Lu Cang used flesh and blood slavery on them.

In this way, the possibility of their rebellion is also eliminated.

As for using touching, morality, such illusory things to restrain a lord.



That Mutsu had been cultivated by the Alliance for decades, hundreds of years.

Not a mutiny?

In the world of lords, interests are more important than everything.

As long as it is not in the interest, it can be considered to discard.

In particular, the more advanced the lord, the more aware he was of this.

They lived so long that they all became human spirits.

“Territory, you unfold at will.”

“And, wait a minute, I need you and me to reach a ceremony.”

“As long as you don’t have the idea of betrayal, you’ll be safe.”

“If you have the idea of betrayal, you will die.”

Lu Cang said these words directly to Heyinluan.

No one wants to be backstabbed in a wave.


Lu Cang withdrew the Evil Pupil

【The Eye of Gaze – Evil Pupil】


[Level: Eighth order (according to the nest level, always one step higher than the nest)]

【Attack Rating: 5 million】

【Defense Rating: 69.99 Million】

[Abilities: Change size, perspective, mental confusion, locking, adsorption, parasitism, ultimate visual distance, insight, forced to see through…]

[Special Ability: Action Record – Records all observed creatures and can simulate their trajectories. 】

[Special Ability: Eternal Observation – Gaze at any creature, mark it, and obtain its vision wherever they are, and know all its abilities and actions, including a vision of 100,000 kilometers around it.] 】

[Special ability: Mental Disorder – Creatures that are watched by the “evil pupil” will fall into multiple high-level mental abnormalities, which last randomly for 1800 to 3600 seconds, and this mental abnormality will still permanently leave low-level sequelae after it is lifted, and it can be lifted by the “evil pupil” gaze again. 】

[Special ability: essential analysis – “evil pupil” can completely penetrate the structure of matter, clarify its state, composition, effect, mode of action, formation mechanism…]

Before when I was playing Okuyama.

Blessed the evil pupil, and also let the evil pupil go out and turn around.

Through the ability to exchange flesh and blood, the evil pupil can go to most parts of the world.

The detection range of the evil pupil is now one-third of the human territory.

In other words, under extreme conditions, no repeated detection is performed.

You only need to go to three areas to expand your field of vision, and you can complete the entire human territory.

However, it doesn’t actually have to be so extreme.

When playing Okuyama.

The evil pupil had already jumped dozens of areas.

Look at the whole world.

This world, indeed, is a circle.

The continent on which the human world is located is a sphere with a very large curvature.

But in general, the world may still be a planet.

As for the sky.

The evil pupil had already probed into the sky.

However, the highest can only detect heights of ten trillion kilometers away.

This is the ultimate height of the sky.

Further up, I saw a fog.

Lu Cang estimated that this was the so-called forbidden area.

I heard that the more you fly towards the sky, the more confused you become.

The more I can’t recognize the direction, I think that the sky is the ground and the ground is the sky.

The nerves will become more and more confused.

Eventually, lost in the sky, death.

From ancient times to the present, no one has ever been able to explore beyond the sky.

It’s still a mystery.

Now even the evil pupil could not see the whole picture beyond the sky.

But beyond that.

Lu Cang also found that there was a very bad situation.

That is, he didn’t find Chris.

The area where Kris is located.

It doesn’t seem to be in the human world.

The evil pupil had already explored the entire human world.

At the same time, almost all the lords, large and small, were also scanned by him.

Especially Chriss, as Lu Cang’s good friend.

It should be flagged.

If you can find it, it will be very eye-catching and have a mark.

But the problem was that Lu Cang had not found any trace of Chrissy in the whole world.

Now the entire human world has not been explored except for those four forbidden areas of life.

The rest of the area.

All have been probed.

That is.

Chris, maybe inside some forbidden area of life?


It’s a bit outrageous.

If so, Chrissy could be in danger.

Of course, there is also a guess, that is, Chrissy is deep underground, or above the sky.

And, in the middle of the Endless Sea.

That’s all there are a few areas.

It was something that Lu Cang hadn’t looked at for a while and a half.

In addition to these areas.

All are fully known terrains.

Thinking of this, Lu Cang suddenly felt suspicious.

So Lu Cang immediately clicked on the friends list.

Find Chriss.

[Lu Cang]: “In or not?” ”


【Desolate wilderness】

Hum —

Voices of special concern rang in my head.

Seeing that Lu Cangge was looking for himself, Chris’s heart was full of excitement.

Just now, she saw the news of Lu Cangge again.

Chriss’s happiest thing every day now is to be obsessed with the news in the community.

In the posts of the major communities, he laughed at the glorious deeds created by the landing cang.

In particular, you can see pictures of your sweetheart.

Those lords, don’t forget to give Lu Cang a close-up.

The Lord’s eyes were good.

The focus function is also far more than Lu Cang’s super camera in his previous life.

Even if it is tens of millions of miles away, hundreds of millions of kilometers, you can clearly see a hair on other people’s bodies.

Of course, if you move too fast, the scene you see will be a blur.

That has nothing to do with resolution, just as long as the action is taken, it will inevitably be a little blurry.

But Lu Cang always had a moment of stillness.

This is also the opportunity for those lords to capture the landing flies.

If Lu Cang really moved, it was indeed invisible to the naked eye.

Chrissy secretly saved these lords, close-ups and screenshots of Lu Cang.

He was preparing to greet his dear brother Lu Cang.

And Lu Cang’s brother, who had just had a big fight, immediately found himself.

Doesn’t this mean that Lu Cang is thinking of her?

“In the Here!”

“I’m here, Brother Lu Cang!”

“Your number one fan, always online!”

“Even if I’m sleeping, you can me!”

“I miss you too, I miss you so much!”

“Do you miss me?”

Chrissy crackled for an instant to convey a bunch of thoughts to Lu Cang.

It’s all good to think about.

“Chriss, first of all, take back all the troops that are wandering outside, and don’t move around.”

“Try to stay in the territory and don’t go out.”

Lu Cang swept those words straight over.

Chris’s safety is important.

One second earlier reminder, less dangerous.

After all, for Chriss, it was a matter of life.

Now it seems that Chrissy is still not out of the ordinary.

That means that’s at least safe.

At least, Chrissy wasn’t affected.

Although it is not known whether the Root Flesh and Blood Nest will gain the ability to resurrect when it advances to the back.

According to the information provided by Chriss.

Her territory is elevated to the Mythical level, or the Super Mythical level.

It is possible to gain the ability to resurrect a person.

Own roots in the Flesh and Blood Nest, an extremely wide range of abilities in this dimension.

I don’t know if there will be any similarities.

But Lu Cang didn’t want to gamble either.

It might as well let Chrissy be careful.

“Brother Lu Cang, are you worried about me?”

“Did Brother Lu Cang find anything?”

“Okay, I’ll listen to Brother Lu Cang, I won’t go out.”

After receiving Lu Cang’s instructions, Chrissy immediately agreed.

At the same time, the classes collected outside were recalled.

Lu Cang’s instructions are heavy.

Now, I’m not in a hurry to upgrade.

Lu Cang was worried about Chris’s safety.

But Chrissy hadn’t been in trouble until now.

At least it can be said that it is relatively safe.

If it is in the forbidden area, it means that the forbidden area has no effect on her.

If it is in the folding space, it can also indicate that the folding space is relatively safe.

In short, for Chrissy at this stage.

There should be no threat.

Of course, the premise is that Chrissy stays the status quo.

If something is touched that shouldn’t be touched, it’s hard to say.

After instructing Chriss.

Lu Cang also looked at his harvest this time.

Kills Okuyama, and at the same time, loots all of Okuyama’s property.

War, this kind of plundering of the wealth of others to accumulate things.

Often the fastest way to improve.

This time, he gained the territory of eleven regions.

If it is placed in the Holy Order, it is also a good big lord.

Advanced conditions are also completed.

The conditions for the seventh order to advance to the eighth order are simple, and only need to rule three areas to advance to the next level.

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