【Beamon City】

For the withdrawal of the lord’s army, Beamon was also very strange.

Fight well, how suddenly withdrew.

However, this should be a good thing.

In any case, there are only eight Holy Order Lords in the human world.

The power gap is too big.

And, after this battle.

It also further confirms the conjecture of King Beamon.

This group of human lords, even the defense of the Divine Tree could not be broken.

I am most likely stable.

If it had appeared before, it would have been the full power of the human world.

That human being, really, is not Erer.

The remaining lords who were not saints could stir up many storms.

Is it difficult to succeed, and what seven, eight, or ninety lords are expected to help them win this war?

“Report, Lord Beamon.”

“Our fleet from the Endless Sea has kept coming back.”

“A total of two hundred and fifteen lords of the Holy Order have gone to sea to explore.”

“Project Ark has been suspended.”

“Did you find anything about the Ark Project this time?”

“The Endless Sea, is there really nothing to be desired?”

“No, it is still as fierce as ever, and the monsters in the Endless Sea are beyond imagination.”

“Even our Holy Order Lords are difficult to deal with.”

“However, the biggest disadvantage is the terrain of the Endless Sea.”

“Our arms simply cannot exert their full strength, and they cannot exert themselves on ships.”

“Got it.”

“However, the species of the Endless Sea can barely solve the problem of our survival.”

“Otherwise, we’ll starve to death in this land.”

The Beamons have entered a vicious circle.

The resources on the land have been completely unable to satisfy them.

They can only search for the Endless Sea.

Fortunately, they found materials that could explore the Endless Sea.

A material called “Floating Spirit Wood”.

This material allows items to float in the Endless Sea.

Can be used to build ships that explore the Endless Sea.

And with the exploration.

Beamon also discovers the existence of living things in the Endless Sea.

There is marine life, living in the endless sea.

These creatures are extremely powerful, but the meat is also very delicious.

Can be used as food.

And the Endless Sea, as the name suggests, is endless.

The creatures of this sea are also almost infinite.

The lords of the Holy Order can be completely self-sufficient at sea.

Of course, the problems that need to be faced are also very obvious.

That is, to face a fierce battle.

Sometimes, a lord of the First Saint Rank.

But they have to face the most holy sea creatures.

It is likely to cause a tragic overthrow.

But the lords who survived on the ocean also had some big gains.

Although there was no territorial expansion.

But somewhat, I also got some of the bones and flesh of these holy order creatures, which were used to strengthen the combat effectiveness of their own troops.

Of course, these monsters are not a world disaster.

After death, independent items will not be condensed for the lords to use.

For a long time, these lords hunted in the endless sea.

Survive with that.

But suddenly, King Beamon suddenly issued a summon.

Tell them that they have found a whole new world.

Beamon’s world, there is salvation.


Lu Cang leapt forward step by step.

In the next instant, we came to the end of the West

At the end of the West, there have been Bi Meng coming to this side one after another.

Nor were they exactly waiting for news from [Beamon].

There were also a dozen holy steps that reached this neighborhood.

From the end of the West, to the city of Beamon.

At this distance, if you don’t build a teleportation array, even Beamon will have to walk for seven days.

It’s a long way off, but it’s not blown.

In the world of lords, the vast majority of ultra-long-range operations still rely on teleportation arrays for action.

Otherwise, just running, you have to run and break your legs.

The lord of the tenth order, starting from the easternmost teleportation array of the Eastern Spirit, if he wants to fly to the far east.

It all took four or five days.

And that’s just across an area.

Not to mention, from the extreme of the west, to the city of Beamon in the center of the west.

That’s nearly a quarter of the length of a world.

So, in comparison, the transfer is much faster.

As for that stargate.

Beamon intends to stay until the invasion of the human headquarters forces.


Used to perform surprise attacks.

This is a very critical capability.

In order to occupy Simon’s strategic location, Binulu had already used one.

Now there are three left in the world.

Lu Cang established the [Gazing Tower] here.

This is after the promotion to the seventh order.

Got a brand new building.

This is also its own outpost.

Every lord has a post.

Detection capabilities can be enhanced.

It wasn’t until the seventh order that it was just obtained.

After being promoted to the seventh rank.

Lu Cang had never built this building.

This building is to be placed in a useful place.

Put it at the end of the West.

Let the Evil Pupil explore the outpost.

Possession of a post bonus.

The evil pupil should be able to detect a larger range.

Or rather, it’s not an exaggeration to get a map of the world directly.

“Beamon, there is actually a lord back from the Endless Sea?”

“Do they have a way to explore the Endless Sea?”

This actually surprised Lu Cang.

The Endless Sea, in any case, is also a problem that plagues countless lords.

There are also countless lords who have thought about exploring the Endless Sea.

But most of the results are fruitless.

Even the current Lu Cang did not have the ability to explore the Endless Sea.

However, the flesh and blood now, in the Endless Sea, can withstand very great pressure.

Deep seas can be reached.

It can go at least a hundred kilometers deep before it will break.

But this is already a combination of major genes.

In particular, the secret steel structure, anti-seismic horn, etc. strengthen the defense durability, corrosion genes.

Only reached a hundred kilometers.

If it is an ordinary holy order.

I am afraid that if it is thirty kilometers, it is already impossible to enter.

This is also the way Lu Cang believes that Terraria may die.

Plunge Terraria into the Endless Sea.

Allows Terraria to be dissolved by the pressure and corrosion of the deep sea.


[Evil Pupil] probed towards those ships.

At this point, you have a post.

Coupled with the ability of the evil pupil, the structure of those ships can also be clearly analyzed.

Before, the evil pupil could not see those arks.

It was because of those arks, most of them had returned from the west.

The evil pupil has a relatively wide field of vision.

But in reality, you can only see the eastern part of the world of Beamon.

Based on this approximate calculation, the number of Lords of the Holy Order of Beamon was calculated.

But now there are outposts.

The world’s vision opened up in an instant.

Lu Cang was also able to observe more detailed intelligence than Meng.

A race with six arms on its back.

The vast majority of the classes are also modeled after Beamon.

But there is no shortage of elemental creatures, or some beast-type creatures.

Their resources are very poor.

Lu Cang got a piece of information.

At the same time, Lu Cang also noticed.

In the city of Bimong, that [Binulu]

Underneath its teleported creation, a huge array of magic has been depicted.

The evil pupil analyzes its role as a magic array.

Soon, the use of this Fa Array clearly appeared in Lu Cang’s mind.

【Instant completion of the Fa Array】

[Effect: Complete the sacrifice ceremony, sacrifice the core of its own territory, and complete a building in an instant. 】

In this world, there is almost no way to complete the construction in an instant.

This is strictly limited by the rules of this world.

If you want to complete the construction in an instant, you have to pay the price of your life.

However, in this world, the life of the lord is somewhat worthless.

After all, there are too many lords.

Therefore, if you want to complete the construction in an instant, you have to pay the life of the Holy Order Lord.

Very worthless.

However, there are many such sacrificial rites and rituals in this world.

Most are very unequal rituals.

Even, there were some rituals that used the territorial core of the Holy Order Lords to summon dozens of fifth-order soldiers from the void.

Or let the Tenth Order Lord’s self-sacrifice the territorial core and let another unit.

Perform a close teleportation that does not require a teleportation array, with a transmission distance of up to 50 km.

But in reality, this sacrificial array takes two hours to draw.

And so on, very chicken, but there are many more extremely costly rituals.

This momentary construction of the Fa Formation, but not the strange one.

Lu Cang looked at this Fa Formation.

Brow furrowed.

This is indeed a bit troublesome.

If he had beaten him, he might have made him sacrifice.

Let the army of Beamon come into the world at once.

You know, all the Beamon armies are waiting.

As long as the teleportation array is built.

Basically, the moment is the army suppressing the territory.


Lu Cang ruled a total of twelve regions.

It’s hard to think about whether you want to advance or not.

It takes about three days for the opponent to build the teleportation array.

As for myself, it takes two days to ascend to the eighth rank.

In the process of ascending to the eighth order, the corresponding ability restrictions have also changed from before.

【Root Flesh and Blood Nest – Eighth Order Evolution】

【Evolution time: 2 days】

【Unable to use Fantasy and above level powers】

【Nerve volume remains unchanged】

【Neurons remain unchanged】

【All fortifications are functioning normally】

Lu Cang looked at this condition.

In my heart, I was a little speechless.

Dream-level power cannot be used for two days.

However, this is understandable.

Most of the lord’s power comes from the nest.

Even its own strength is closely related to the nest.

The promotion of all Territories is equivalent to the Territories expending a great deal of resource capacity, mobilizing almost all their potential for promotion.

At this time, it is often impossible to exert full strength.

It’s like the CPU is full.

Unable to allocate too many resources.

Of course, if Lu Cang forcibly wanted to use it, he could still interrupt the promotion and forcibly activate the power of the dream level.

The same is true of the first few promotions.

If necessary, it can also be forcibly interrupted.

Activate all your classes and all your buildings.

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