In general, however, there is no need to force activation.

Two days is not a long time.

Laying down Beamon City is a bit of a hassle.

The power of the Eighth Order Super Mythical Level could not defeat the city of Beamon.

If you want to break in, you have to at least have the power of the dream grade.

“Or shall I go fight now?”

After taking it, then moving on to a promotion?

In Lu Cang’s mind, he was calculating the feasibility of various methods.

The Beamons have about three hundred and seventy-five holy ranks.

This is the territory observed through the evil pupil.

The territory of the Holy Order is very eye-catching.

It is a large integrated area that can be identified at a glance.

There are as many areas as there are holy steps.

Of course, it is not excluded that there are some holy steps, and not a single area is occupied.

However, in general, it is impossible to become a Holy Order Lord.

Unless the case is exceptional.

Lu Cang looked at these Holy Order Lords, the vast majority of them only ruled one area, or two areas.

One piece accounts for 90%

Of course, there were also some lords who ruled seven or eight pieces and barely entered the mortal saint level.

There were only three lords who ruled more than twenty pieces and entered the Most Holy Level.

If it is considered high-end combat strength.

The most holy level should not be as much as his side.

But there are too many low-end combat forces over there.

Moreover, when it comes to the Holy Order, although there is a huge difference in strength between mortal saints and the Most Holy.

But in the end, the number can also be added.

The gap between the Holy Orders was not as great as between the Holy Order and the Tenth Order, between the Dragon and the Ants.

“The longer the encounter dragged on, the better my chances of winning.”

Hinulu possessed methods of forced sacrifice.

Even if Lu Cang wanted to take down Beamon City, the other party would force sacrifice.

Achieve the purpose of building a teleportation array immediately.

If you really force the other party, it may make the other party come earlier.

Instead of being slower, the time may be advanced.

So, it is better to let him build.

Killing one is no use in Nuryu.

But let this teleportation array be built immediately.

Lu Cang thought that he would not have the opportunity to be promoted to the Eighth Order Territory in a short period of time.

After all, if you ascend to the eighth order territory, you will be locked in the dream-level combat power.

With the locked combat power, it was difficult to resist the simultaneous attacks of hundreds of Saint Ranks.

And if you don’t get promoted.

Although he has Terraria and other classes, he will also be dragged to the seventh order for a long time.

Can’t get promoted quickly.

The consequences of attacking him were far more troublesome than having him build a teleportation array.

And after coming here two days later than Meng, it is estimated that he will have to gradually invade and cannot fight here.

If you beat Beamon, those Beamons will come over now.

Seeing their own combat effectiveness, I am afraid that I will directly seek myself and eliminate the threat of myself first.

“Let’s improve now.”

“Lair evolution.”

【Evolving the nest for you】

In this instant, Lu Cang felt that his mighty power had completely disappeared.

At the same time, the spirit has become much weaker.

Not so clear-cut.

“Sure enough, it’s still quite uncomfortable.”


After the advancement, Lu Cang walked around.

Those flesh-and-blood lords are still in the process of being analyzed by themselves.

By surrendering, they let the territory and arms be analyzed by themselves.

But the real parsing is complete, and it will take a certain amount of time.

【Desire Mother Tree】

In the very center of Cangcheng, a large tree is thriving.

After more than a day of growth.

This [Mother Tree of Desire (World Tree)]

It has also grown to a more spectacular point.

Before, after planting this desire mother tree, Lu Cang didn’t care about it.

Let it fend for itself.

Now, it seems to be not bad.

Absorbing the water of the Nairo River, it is also very gratifying.

I don’t know if this blood river has the ability to promote the growth of this world’s tree.

Lu Cang’s eyes closed and opened again.

It turned pitch black, full of eyeballs.

Then, Lu Cang looked at the mother tree of desire.

The mother tree of desire is already 100 meters high.

Even ordinary trees may not grow that tall in a day.

【Desire Mother Tree】

【Nutrients:Nailuo Blood】

【Nutrition Level: Nero Blood – Super Myth (Ordinary Water – Ordinary)】

【Growing Rate:Extremely Fast】

“Sure enough, I got a bonus to my growth rate.”

“However, does it turn out that the blood of the Nairo River is a super-mythical level of nutrients?”

“If you want to raise flowers in the future, you can try watering it with the water of the Nairo River.”

Irrigating the flowers with blood is really cultivated with painstaking efforts.

At the same time, [Desire Mother Tree]

Two completely new abilities have also been acquired.

Until then, the Mother Tree of Desire had absolutely no special abilities at all.

【Desire to reproduce】

[Effect: Life Iteration – All resources in all your territories have super regeneration ability, and all biological species tend to reproduce. 】

[Effect 2: Rapid Maturity – In your territory, the self-reproduction rate of organisms is increased by 1000%, and the maturity rate of cubs is increased by 1000%, which greatly increases the desire of species to mate. 】

[Effect three: good genes – enhance the reproductive success rate of all organisms in your territory, and the offspring born are likely to combine with the excellent genes of the previous generation. 】

[Effect 4: Hybridization – Organisms in your territory have a probability of reproducing across species.] 】

[Effect five: aphrodisiac – within the scope of the mother tree of desire, all love will be greatly amplified, and the closer it is to the mother tree of desire, the more crazy and bold the expression is. 】

“Sure enough, it’s the mother tree of desire.”

“This tree, it’s quite messy.”

However, this is a good thing.

Increasing the speed of reproduction is actually increasing the speed of materials, classes, resources, and iteration.

The overall amount of resources has been greatly improved.

This is a good thing for the lord to do without any harm.

As for the ethos.

Would you take care of the cats, dogs, monkeys on the side of the road, or the giraffes and rhinos in the zoo?

Species reproduction, for granted.

Nothing to do at all.

But beyond this effect.

The desire mother tree also got a negative effect.

This negative effect, of course, is not aimed at one’s own side, but at the enemy.

【Accidental reproduction】

[Effect: Hostile mobs, with a 5% chance per day, have accidental reproduction, reproduction will be completed in one day, and the species will suffer full reproduction in one day. 】

[The breeding birth unit is its own class, and the class type is linked to the breeding mother.] 】

This effect.

It is indeed perverted.

To put it simply, if someone else is fighting, it is possible to get pregnant.

Then the child that was born was still Lu Cang’s.

Cough cough…

What Minotaur?

Of course, seriously.

This capability is indeed of great strategic significance.

It is also a very disgusting ability.

Others can’t always fight with their own troops with a big belly, right?

Moreover, there are situations where there is a need to invade the opposing barracks.

Others are stationed in barracks on a tight guard.

But suddenly, the soldiers in the barracks were directly pregnant, and then, directly gave birth to their own flesh and blood creatures.

This can also play a good surprise attack.

This ability, how to see how disgusting.

“The Mother Tree of Desire, is this the power of the World Tree?”

Moreover, Lu Cang looked at the current state of the Desire Mother Tree.

Now 100 meters high.

But it still belongs to the seedling stage.

Even the next stage [growth period] has not arrived.

The effect, just so perverted.

“I don’t know what kind of effect it will have when it really reaches the growth stage.”

“Moreover, since it is a world tree, it should not be too low-grade, right?”

I don’t know what level of ability this world tree corresponds to.

Lu Cang couldn’t know.

Of course, there is also the possibility that this mother tree of desire is linked to the ability of the holder.

The stronger the holder, the stronger the effect.

The weaker the holder’s effect, the weaker its effect will be.

But it is true that it is impossible to make up our minds now.

After all, it’s still growing and there’s too little information.


“Oh, the rebellion is really fast.”

“As soon as I left on the front foot, the back foot of this group of people rebelled.”

“Sure enough, it didn’t stay.”

The allies of the alliance, watching the news in the community.

In my heart, I was sneering.

He had gone into complete hiding.

Now he is wrapped in complete darkness.

It has entered the folding space.

This was a hidden folding space that he knew.

This folded space is equivalent to another small world.

It will not be seen by outside observations.

It was also the shelter he had searched for for many years, prepared for this day.

The allies of the Alliance, the territory is also the [flesh and blood] type of territory.

However, it is super mythical.

And Lu Cang’s supreme superiority, there is no comparison at all.

But even so, it is very powerful.

He is the only super-mythical Supreme Lord of the human world.

At least, for now, he is still the strongest fighting force in the world.

“After I took back my territory, my strength dropped dramatically.”

“Even more can’t fight with Lu Cang.”

“Sure enough, I was right.”

“If I had believed in those Holy Order Lords, I am afraid that I would have finished playing it long ago.”

“Now fighting with Lu Cang, I have lost my numerical superiority and territorial strength.”

“Can’t take risks.”

As he thought this, he hid in the depths of space.


Mutsu, devouring the territory of the Green Phoenix Lord.

Anyway, it was empty.

Do not devour, white does not devour.

As for the territory of the Sound Luan.

He didn’t touch it in the end.

Lu Cang wanted to reclaim that territory directly.

Mutsu did not dare to disobey.

After eating flesh and blood, after being enslaved by flesh and blood.

Mutsu had no ability to disobey Lu Cang.

But the problem is, he can’t do it.

If it was the original, as the Alliance Lord.

There are allies, as well as several holy orders that restrict each other, plus ordinary lords moral constraints.

All aspects are contained, forming a balance.

He would not yet be willing to give in.

But the problem was that Lu Cang was clearly an unfettered Lord.

Whoever disobeys him, he beats.

This TM, I can’t prevent it.

Moreover, if Lu Cang was a holy order, it would be fine.

In particular, if it is holy, it means that he has little potential for growth, and so is the ceiling.

But the problem is, he is only in the seventh order.

Damn, so much potential.

That’s still a stubborn fart.

Equilibrium has long since been broken.

Now Lu Cang’s family is the only one.

Surrender early, and you can also mix an official and a half-job.

I’m afraid it’s a street rat late.

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