However, Mutsu’s heart is also very mixed.

Lu Cangruo devoured the territory of Yin Luan.

After Lu Cang’s promotion, he was able to directly ascend to the realm of the Most Holy Level.

Spanning the levels of First Saint and Mortal Saint.

After all, they ascended to the Most Holy.

Twenty areas of territory are the watershed.

On the upstream, the improvement is not much.

Lu Cang’s ascension is the Most Holy.

It also means that the span of his tenth order and holy order’s combat strength will be ridiculously large.

Mutsu thought of this and immediately wanted to lie flat.

However, Qingfeng’s territory, he had completely shattered the core of the territory, and swallowed most of it.

So Lu Cang let him swallow it completely directly.

In the future, it will be the same to move directly to the past.

In any case, you can move the core of the other party’s territory to the area you already rule.

At the same time, there will be no impact on these areas.

In this way, you can also create a unit of the Most Holy of your own.

Let the other person swallow the Most Holy first.

Then after moving away, swallow it again yourself.


After conquering the territory of Okuyama.

In the territory of Okuyama, many native intelligent creatures have also been transferred.

【Dwarf Tribe】

【Highest rank:7】

[Good at research: forging, processing, refining…]

A tribe of dwarves who are extremely adept at crafting equipment.

If the lords had not yet equipped the processing plant, or the military workshop.

You can search for dwarven tribes and build the right equipment.

Except for the dwarves.

Also obtained [Goblin Tribe]

【Highest rank:6】

【Good at research:cultivation, planting, farming, growth】

Goblin tribe.

It is also a tribe that grows flowers for a living.

Probably only the size of a palm.

But it is a good healing class.

Has many different healing abilities.

When I was fighting the mushroom giants.

The class that detoxifies the Thunder Beast Lord’s legion is also this class.

In addition to that, there are many other intelligent creatures.

These creatures were all settled in Lu Cang’s territory.

For the flesh and blood workshop, it provides a research motivation.

Some studies that have stagnated because there is no data at all have also begun to make progress.

At this time, in the flesh and blood workshop, all aspects of research are also advancing towards the second-level laboratory.

“Infernal crystals, strange blood, unquenchable fires, endless grass.”

“Is there only these few Sacred Order materials?”

Unexpectedly, Okuyama’s Sacred Order Materials were quite small.

But it was also.

The eastern capital, the city of Beyer, possessed only a few kinds of Holy Order materials.

And there are several quantities that are not enough to translate into special genes.

Bayer is already the most prosperous capital in the eastern region.

There are dozens of regions in the east.

Okuyama, only eleven of them.

The remaining sixty or so regions still belonged to the Lords of the Masses.

But even so.

In the treasure house of Beyer City, the resources of the Holy Order were still scarce.

Not to mention, Okuyama was just a lord.

Although the strength is stronger than the average lord, the wealth is certainly not as much as that of so many lords combined.

The total number of lords, however, is in trillions.


“Lord Lu Cang, this is the map promised to you.”

After knowing Lu Cang’s strength, Yin Luan had even used honorifics.

And, she was unconscious.

It is more inclined to lower the posture in front of Lu Cang.

The mother tree of desire emits a red glow.

Yin Luan’s face is also always tinged with a slight redness.

Unlike the alliance, Lu Cang’s approach was very decisive.

At the same time, there is no hypocrisy in it.

Yin Luan also had a great good feeling for Lu Cang.

Equal partnership from the very beginning.

There is some admiration for it now.

Well, there was some admiration, at the urging of the mother tree of desire.

I don’t know what emotions are formed.

Yin Luan didn’t even know what he was thinking.

Moreover, Lu Cang was indeed quite handsome.

It’s that kind, not the average handsome.

Although the world of lords is cruel, generally do not look at the face.

But look at the face.

Lu Cang’s appearance can be said to be the first class in the lord world.

“Speaking of which, I’ve been alone in this world for decades.”

“I never thought about finding a partner, and I never thought about reproducing.”

“If only I could have a descendant with such a good being.”

“It seems to be…”

Yin Luan’s gaze has always been very high.

Moreover, it is also very self-reliant.

Always hold yourself to high standards.

Ordinary men are even more inconspicuous.

So, after reaching the Holy Order.

Holy Order, there are only a few lords.

Moreover, all of them do not meet their own appetite.

At most, that is, cooperation.

It is completely impossible to become any other relationship.

Most importantly, Yin Luan has always had a kind of pride in his heart.

Think sooner or later you outnumber them.

Definitely not weaker than them.

Although I am relatively weak now, this is also my own problem of youth.

If you wait until you are the same age as them, you must dump them a few streets that they do not know.

And the mate selection criteria of the sound luan is that it is necessary to find a very strong one.

Far beyond yourself, you can overwhelm yourself.

That absolute sense of conquest is needed.

And now, she had already felt this feeling in Lu Cang.

Thinking of this, her face couldn’t help but appear a little flushed.

“Hmm, got it.”

Lu Cang took the map from her hand.

This folding space, Lu Cang has long wanted to study and study.

Many of the recipients are also hiding in some folding space.

This space is relatively safe.

At the same time, the existence of these folding spaces also makes the world of lords even larger than it actually is.

It’s like the original… A piece of paper, but actually a lot of wrinkles.

If it were rolled out completely, it would be even bigger.

In the folding space, there are often many special treasures.

It’s like a foggy zone, it’s worth exploring the Lord.

Especially this, from the forbidden area of space, brought out of the map.

It is even more different from this map.

“Yes… By the way, Lu Cang… Lord Lu Cang. ”

“So, are you free today?”

“Well, I know there’s a garden outside Beyer, oh no…”

“Just, in my territory, there is a garden, I still like it, do you want to…”

“Well, if you’re not available today, tomorrow too…”

And her words were not finished.

Then came a female voice.

“Brother Lu Cang.”

“Can you take up your time?”

“There’s something more important that I want to talk to you about.”

The female voice is Su and charming.

One sound can make people’s bones go soft.

“It’s about the forbidden area.”

Hearing this, Yin Luan frowned slightly.

He was inviting Lu Cang.

How to kill one halfway?

Cangcheng is full of flesh and blood, where is the sister?

And when she turned her head.

Look at that source of the sound.

The spirit was shocked in an instant.

What kind of beauty is this?

It’s really beautiful.

All over the body, without a trace of excess curves.

Especially the appearance is completely synonymous with beauty to the extreme.

I couldn’t find any flaws.

Even if you look at it with the view of the lord, the insight to the nanometer level is flawless.

It is truly a work of heaven.

“Don’t look at her.”

Lu Cang gave a word to Yin Luan.

Subsequently, a piece of meat was used to obscure the sight of the sound luan.

It’s not someone else.

It was the Enchanted Daughter Emperor of the Holy Order.

After the female emperor came to Cangcheng, she never left.

Lu Cang had also been paying attention to the other party’s movements.

However, there is nothing unusual about the other party.

The Charm of the Lady Emperor is indeed absolutely beautiful.

But just ordinary appearance and figure.

Definitely not to the point where the Holy Order Lords could lose their minds.

Its particularity lies in the curse on her.

Absolutely seductive.

It can have a seductive effect on all creatures looking at her.

Let those creatures not be able to attack him.

Or, just obey her orders.

However, this effect also has strong side effects.

The charm of the Charm of the Female Emperor is too great.

Moreover, I can’t control it myself.

This also leads to the fact that everything that sees her existence will be difficult to give up in love with her.

And if you can’t get it, you will find a way to get it.

And if it can’t be obtained by any means.

This existence will gradually become mentally insane and very sad.

Even, hence the hatred of suicide.


A real suicide that shattered the core of one’s own territory.

Such a suicide would not be sacrificed to the unknown being.

Only if you have the core of the territory, kill yourself and allow yourself to be reborn in the territory.

Only then will the sacrifice be initiated to the unknown being.

“What’s the matter?”

Lu Cang looked at the Charm Lady Emperor who came over.

But it was a slight frown.

This was their first contact after the Battle of Bayer.

Previously, there had been no contact.

At the same time, when looking at the female emperor.

Lu Cang’s star ring nerve also sent signals.

The Star Ring Nerve is constantly absorbing the shock of the psyche.

However, this impact was still far from reaching the spiritual attack intensity of the Holy Order.

In addition, Lu Cang’s spirit at this time, although it was not a dream level, the dream level ability was temporarily blocked.

But in fact, it still has the level of the eighth order super myth.

Therefore, the spiritual strength of itself is also very strong.

It was enough to make Lu Cang look directly at the female emperor.

“Sure enough, it’s not simple.”

“I’ve hardly met people who can look me straight in the eye and are indifferent.”

The female emperor Wan’er smiled.

But the laughter is full of style.

“What a goblin.”

Lu Cang couldn’t help but sigh in his heart.

The female emperor is indeed a beautiful posture.

Unfortunately, his aesthetic has become somewhat flesh-and-blood.

Ordinary beauty, even if it is beautiful, is only appreciation.

No matter how beautiful, it is just a lump of meat.

Flesh is the constituent essence of these creatures, and Lu Cang is the one who has penetrated this essence.

And, after all, he has the ability to manipulate flesh and blood.

Lu Cang can create people who are exactly the same as the other party.

“Well, don’t tease you.”

“In just eleven days, you can defeat the lord of the Holy Order, and you really should be congratulated, hero~”

“But I’m here this time.”

“It’s about confirming something.”

Then, she looked at the Yin Luan next to Lu Cang.

In the next instant, she actually teleported to Lu Cang’s side.

Sticking to Lu Cang’s ear, he said.

“Can you make this little girl avoid it?”

“Some things are whispers between us, but it’s not easy for people to hear.”

“After all, it’s some little secret that can’t be told to others.”

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