“These words, the words that are heard.”

“People will be shy.”

Lu Cang looked at Yin Luan.

Yin Luan also knew what he should do now.

It really is not the time to insert yourself.

The recipients communicate.

She, an outsider, should indeed be avoided.

Then, Yin Luan turned around and left directly.

“Say it.”

“And, too close, a little farther.”

“It’s really not fun.”

“Sister, this is the first time I’ve been so close to a man.”

“If you were someone else, you would already have a blood pulse.”

“You’re good, but you’re going to drive people away.”

The female emperor’s voice was crisp and tender, as if she still had some weak crying.

However, Lu Cang knew that this was all her joke.

The other party’s emotions are still very stable.

“Can you use the blood curtain to circle this place a few times?”

Cangcheng was already surrounded by a blood curtain.

This has always been a signal masking area.

However, the other party asked for this, and Lu Cang did not ask much.

Or put blood mist flowers.

Cloth this area with a thick curtain of blood.

After seeing layers of blood curtains erect and envelop the two of them.

The next moment, the female emperor who was playing with sex.

But his face was straight, and his words turned sharply.

“Crash the forbidden area, do you have an impression?”


【The End of the West】

The end of the West is connected to the world of Beamon.

Among them, as the area of the connected continent.

It’s the size of three Far Eastern.

But seven days ago.

This area is still covered by a thick fog.

This fog, no matter who it is, who comes and who dies.

Blocks the Eastern Terrans from Sibimon.

At this time, the fog suddenly disappeared for some reason.

This passage has also been opened.

And as for the plague of the world scattered around the world.

Most of them have been solved.

Solved by legions formed by scattered lords.

In addition to some troubles in the Far East region, and the difficulty of solving the Eight Kings of the Holy Order.

In other areas, after all, there are still many big guys.

After all, there were not many Tenth Order Lords.

The less is only the Holy Order.

Pile up enough numbers of people or can be solved.

It is constantly being solved.

But all these strange changes have taken place in the world.

It all happened shortly after entering the Lord’s World from Lu Cang.

To be precise, it happened shortly after Electrolux sent this group of cursed people into this world.


“Do you know about the collapse of the forbidden zone?”

“Have you unlocked the cognitive curse?”

The female emperor breathed a sigh of relief.

“Sure enough, you also unlocked the cognitive curse.”

“I thought I was the only normal person left in the world.”

A pool of blood that is able to resolve all abnormalities.

It can be undone, but it is also very normal.

But the question is, how did the female emperor unravel it.

How high priority is needed to unlock this curse.

“Are you curious about how I undid the curse?”

“I’m curious about you.”

“All the way to the song, has always been an absolute superiority posture, to do so many strange things.”

“And it won’t be my heart yet.”

“Is your heart made of stone?” Or is your xp not human? ”

These words that Lu Cang said to the female emperor.

Some are speechless.

What is called their own xp is not human.

Self xp or human well, and is the heterosexual of humans.

At least, in terms of sexual orientation, Lu Cang will not change.

“It’s the first time I’ve met a lord like you.”

“I want to know you better than you want to know me.”

“Or can we get to know each other?”

“Anyway, now that there’s a curtain of blood, we can do things that others don’t know.”

After being obscured by the blood curtain, the female emperor’s personality seemed to have changed into a person again.

Turned into a curious little girl.

The female emperor seems to be a character who will do a lot of strange things once in the privacy space.

“It’s off topic.”

“Let’s start with the collapse of the forbidden zone.”

This was what Lu Cang thought was the most important thing.

It was the first time he had encountered a lord who knew of the Crash Zone.

After subduing the meteorite, as well as several other lords.

Lu Cang also asked them.

Of course, it is hinted at in a more obscure way.

But the end result.

But they don’t know.

This illustrates.

This cognitive curse, even the Most Holy Lords, was affected.

This effect also becomes very scary.

In general, the larger the range, the weaker the effect.

It’s like a mental shock that only works on one goal.

It is likely that you can directly punch the other person’s head.

But if it has an effect on several goals at the same time.

That might just stun the targets a lot.

If it is an effect on the trillions of human lords.

That possibly, not at all.

Effects and power are dispersed.

Of course, some skills are also specially designed to target group enemies.

The power can still remain strong.

However, individual skills with the same effect, and group skills with the same effect.

In general, the ability of monomers is much stronger.

This cognitive curse.

Can affect trillions of lords, and the Most Holy Levels are all affected.

That is enough to prove its horror.

“I thought that the collapse of the forbidden area had something to do with you.”

“Have something to do with me?”

“After all, everything changed in this world after you came into this world.”

“The curse of cognition also comes after you come, and the forbidden area is destroyed, and it disappears after you come.”

“Looking at your performance, I thought it was a person who broke the forbidden area, dressed as a pig and ate a tiger, and attacked the human world.”

“However, if this is the case, it is estimated that there is no need to grow at all.”

“You can slap the human lords of the whole world to death.”

Lu Cang is interested in the realm above the Most Holy.

The ability of the forbidden level has a new cognition.

Exploring the forbidden zone of life is a taboo-level thing.

The existence in the forbidden area of life should also be of the forbidden level, or higher.

I don’t know how high it will be.

But if it is taboo, it can be explored.

Then it shouldn’t be as outrageous as the first-order exploration of the Holy Order Mist Zone.

It is explained that the number of taboos is still within the range that can be dealt with, and the number of forbidden areas in life does not have much to do with the taboo level.

Lu Cang’s positioning of the taboo level was also gradually clear.

【Rank: Taboo】

It is possible to easily affect the existence of an entire world.

After thinking about it.

Lu Cang thought about his own strength again.

Now the eighth order of fantasy level brute force.

In the eyes of the Holy Order Lord, it was indeed very strong.

But in the face of taboos, it is estimated that it is still far away.

However, Lu Cang quickly withdrew his thoughts.

“So, what other clues?”

“Yes, there is.”

“But you man, the big beautiful woman is in front of you, and you only think about clues.”

“Poor me, more or less also known as the Emperor of the Charms.”

“They say I’ve always been loved.”

“I didn’t expect that today would be worse than a clue to make people love.”

“Well, later, you will accompany me to the garden of the little girl, and I will tell you things that may be of interest to you.”

The corners of Lu Cang’s mouth twitched slightly.

Almost wanted a “hug” to throw her face and read her memory directly.

But in the end, it was over.

The Charm of the Female Emperor has no vendetta against herself.

And, too, the recipients of the curse.

I didn’t mess with myself, but I couldn’t do it.


“Say it now.”

“I’ll comply.”

It just so happens that in these two days, I am not very busy.

Nothing is done on your own.

It is also possible to take a walk and relax.

Since coming to this world, I have not taken a good walk.

“Say yes, if you agree, you can’t regret it.”



The blood curtain was unlocked piece by piece.

Lu Cang’s face was somewhat solemn.

He was thinking about the information that the female emperor had revealed to himself.

The owner of this Broken Forbidden Zone is also a cursed person and a lord.

Moreover, the Collapse Forbidden Zone should be on the side of the cursed.

This news actually made Lu Cang a little unsure how to digest it.

Lord, can become the owner of the forbidden area?

The concept of the cursed.

It’s really going back so long.

You know, at the time of human history.

The very beginning of history.

The Crash Zone already exists.

Although Lu Cang knew that the cursed person was a very, very old concept.

But I didn’t expect that the ancient was to this point.

“It seems that there are still a lot of things I don’t know.”

“However, since there is no malicious intent, it is fine.”

What Lu Cang felt most afraid of now was that the Crash Forbidden Zone, which had begun to move, suddenly appeared and gave him a backstab.

It was always the backstabbing of others myself.

If you are suddenly stabbed in the back one day, it is really uncomfortable.

As for the other forbidden areas.

The Charm Lady Emperor did not know it at all.

Lu Cang did not continue to embarrass her.

Instead, it got her out of here.

At the same time, an army of millions of flesh and blood creatures.

It is gathering towards a place.

This is a folded space.

Through the map, Lu Cang found this folding space.

It was decided to send a part of the troops to explore.

As for myself, I don’t go.

There is no difference between the past and the not.

After all, his current physical strength is indeed not very strong.

Dream level is very strong.

But now Lu Cang only had the super mythical level.

In front of millions of troops.

Lu Cang himself can only be regarded as a fraction of the charge.

This is also the reason why the greatest combat effectiveness of the lord is the class.

No matter what, even if it is as strong as Lu Cang.

The real combat effectiveness is still the class.

Creepers rush to the forefront.

These creepers are all wrapped up in the “shapers”, and people stand up.

【Comprehensive posture】

This is one of the many postures of the creeper.

All aspects of the ability are the most comprehensive, but also the fastest to change to other postures.

Behind the creepers, there are the screamers.

Above the screamer, there is a blood-bearer.

Behind the blood bearers were hundreds of blood giants.

The left and right wings of the Blood Giant are sandwiched between two mountains of flesh.

After obtaining the Blood and Blood Exchange.

Roshan also finally has the ability to fight as a class.

Otherwise, Roshan is too cumbersome way of acting.

In most cases, it is a minecart that is collected as a resource.

But now, there is no need to collect resources.

Therefore, the butchers are also liberated.

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