Roshan has become a normal combat unit.

Roshan is the equivalent of a small nest.

Has a strong ability to replenish additional supplies.

As long as there is a mountain of meat, it can be continuously replenished.

“Here, it’s the folding space.”

This is the folding space on the world that Otoko gave to his map, marked.

“Let’s go straight in.”

Lu Cang did not delay.

Directly order these creatures to enter directly.


These creatures, as they pass through this space.

There was the sound of a mirror shattering.

Subsequently, Lu Cang’s synchronized vision with them also changed immediately.

Originally, these flesh-and-blood creatures were walking on the gently breezy prairie.

But after passing through that space, we came directly to an area full of magma and charred rock.

At the same time a sharp voice came.


And in this area, there are creatures that are pitch black and holding black forks in their hands.



【Level: 7th Order】


“A rare species.”

This race is not without it in the world.

But it is too rare.

Basically no.

In fact, there are only a few common species.

Except for those, everything else is relatively rare.

The other party saw these flesh-and-blood creatures, after a brief moment of surprise.

He immediately rushed to this side.

At the same time, pieces of flames floated out of the body.

Get ready to get hands-on with these creatures.



Lu Cang still planned to do it directly.

For these sudden appearance of flesh and blood creatures.

These demons had no idea what was going on.

I don’t know what grade these creatures are.

After mimesis progresses to perfect mimesis.

It is already possible to completely obscure the information of all living things.

Even if it is in a combat state, although the imitation of the shape will be lifted.

But the mimesis of information will still be retained.

The concealment of the Lu Cang branch has been greatly enhanced.

At least, it’s hard to guess.

Of course……

How the other party guesses specifically, it is not a matter of their own.

The other party directly guesses that his class is the highest grade, and he can’t change the other party’s mind…

Apart from……

Face-hugging worms.

Snap —

For these demons.

The face-hugging insects greeted them directly.

The origin of these demons.

Directly a few face-hugging insects shouted at them, didn’t they understand everything?

In the face of these elite ranks, there were only seventh-order demons.

Creepers, the one who kills is called a murderer.

In particular, one of the creepers holds six Secret Steel Blades.

In an instant, he rushed into the demon army.

Thirteen knives a second, slashing all the way, slashing thousands of demons in an instant.

Creepers are very joyful with their weapons.

In particular, while squirming rapidly on the ground, he waved six arms.

Crazy dancing.

The crawler’s tongue hangs at the mouth, looking unconscious.

Very joyful.

Under the crushing pressure of Lu Cang’s army.

This group of demon legions had no resistance at all.

In just a few minutes, it was completely destroyed.

Each of Lu Cang’s arms was actually already worthy of being called a pseudo-Saint Order strength.

There is no full strength of the Holy Order.

But it has some of the strength of the Holy Order.

Defense, cutting ability, these are the top.

In the face of ordinary soldiers, it is completely chopping melons and chopping vegetables.

“Originally, did the military faction have too many?”

Lu Cang found that his own class seemed to be a little more.

I thought it would be a more dangerous situation.

May face the Holy Order, or even more terrifying situations.

I didn’t expect that it could be easily crushed.

“Am I expecting too much from this folding space?”

The facehugging worm climbed up one demon face after another.

Manipulate them to get up from the ground.

At the same time, start reading memories.

Look at what’s really going on in this folding space.

Soon, the pieces of memory were parsed out.

“Demons, lords?”

“A demonic world?”

“A world that has nothing to do with this world?”

As Lu Cang read their memories.

Lu Cang found more and more wonderful information.

These creatures do not seem to exist in this world.

This folded space is actually part of the space divided into another world.

“Not the world, to be precise…”

“And a planet?”

“A planet completely occupied by demons?”

This batch of demons that Lu Cang killed was exactly the class of this lord.


【Demon Valley】

“By …”

“How did you encounter a space crack again?”

A male demon with dark skin and two large bat wings on its back.

Look at the black and red void that appears around you.

Scolding and grinning.

This void directly devoured tens of thousands of his soldiers.

“It’s got to be rebuilt again.”

“However, recently there have been more and more cracks in this space.”

“If you don’t suck us in, you’re in real trouble.”

These cracks will directly divide a part of the area.

Let this original space disappear completely.

The part of the space that was folded up by it, the class that was originally inside, will also completely disappear.

However, only the lord will be spat out.

The demon lord looked up to the sky.

The sky is a deep black.

In the black sky, there are stars shining.

“It’s getting closer and closer to that red giant.”

“Is it really good to go on like this?”


Lu Cang directly incorporated this part of the army into his lair.

Through the [Traceability] ability.

Parse its historical past.

Sometimes, simply reading memories does not know what happened.

Some classes do not have memory ability.

Or poor memory.

At this time, you can’t force the other person’s memory to read.

The other party has no brain, so you can’t force the other party to install a brain.

Moreover, sometimes memories, deceived, are completely false.

Just reading memories, there is still a risk of being disrupted.

To be on the safe side, Lu Cang still smoked hundreds of demon corpses.

Back to the nest analysis.

Lu Cang looked at the time.

“Hmm… 0 a.m. ”

“At this time, I want to accompany her to the garden.”

“It’s still the garden of the Sound Luan.”

“I don’t know what women are thinking.”

For this female emperor, Lu Cang really wanted to put a face-hugging worm on her face.

Read her emotions, her memories.

【Echo Territory】

For Lu Cang, Yin Luan is naturally very welcome.

“Lord Lu Cang!”

Unconsciously, Yin Luan was accustomed to using honorifics for Lu Cang.

The mother tree of desire is still swaying in Lu Cang’s city.

“Lord Lu Cang, welcome.”

Lu Cang accompanied the female emperor and strolled through the garden.

And the sound luan is also with him.

The atmosphere, on the other hand, is particularly awkward.

How can Yin Luan accompany here?

He was just fulfilling his promise to the female emperor.

Will the sound luan also follow?

As for the female emperor, she covered her mouth and smiled.

“Brother Lu Cang, you are really likable.”

“Even Sister Yinluan likes you.”

“This is the former female lord of the Alliance.”

Lu Cang listened to this.

How strange it feels.

It was as if he had put the Lords of the Alliance into something.

Isn’t it that the lords of the Alliance surrender to themselves.

It was as if I had ntr the league.

That’s not a good adjective.

“But Sister Yinluan.”

“Can you make your own appointment next time?”

“Isn’t it good to rub someone else’s date?”

“This, I should have made an appointment first, why did you come with me?”

Yin Luan heard the female emperor say this.

But it spat out a small tongue.

“My own territory, I can’t walk inside my territory yet?”

“Moreover, I was going to make an appointment, who called you, who told you to interrupt me!”

The female emperor retorted to the other party and calmly said.

“I’m talking about the right thing.”

“Seriously, you don’t say it early or late, but pick that time and say, you just want to find me stubble!”

On the left and right sides of Lu Cang, women you say a word to me.

Lu Cang felt that his ears were annoyed.


“Let’s just go together.”

These two women should have been affected by the mother tree of desire.

Lu Cang was speechless.

However, this is the territory of the Sound Luan.

It is always difficult to drive away the sound luan and not let others stay in his territory.

And as a condition of exchanging secrets, exchange the promise of breaking the secrets of the forbidden area.

Lu Cang also had to accompany the female emperor to finish shopping.

Lu Cang was not yet a person who did not keep his promises.

With a slow walk.

Lu Cang gradually felt that his body and mind gradually relaxed.

This was the first time I had someone to walk with me purely to relax.

The feeling, more or less is still a little different.

No matter what Lu Cang said, the mind is also a human mind.

So slowly walk down.

The exhaustion accumulated along the way has also been relaxed.

One o’clock in the morning.

Lu Cang and his second daughter sat on the city wall.

Look at your own Cangcheng.

The sky is a round of bright moon.

The last time I looked at the moon so calmly and peacefully, it was before I woke up to the territory.


“Good value for money”

“Thank you.”

Lu Cang could feel that along the way, the change in mood also had the factor of the female emperor in it.

The female emperor’s body emitted a faint incense.

Lu Cang mobilized from Cangcheng [Evil Pupil]

Perspective Female Emperor.

This is also to prevent the other party from doing something wrong to themselves.

But in the end, it was discovered.

The other party just used a more precious prop.

【Meditation Fragrance】


【Rank: Ninth Order】

[Effect: Bathing in this aroma can soothe the tension of the soul and greatly relieve fatigue. 】

It can be seen that the female emperor is actually very concerned about the problem of her own soul.

Although the other party did not say it.

“No thanks, the leader of our cursed ones.”

“If you’re tired.”

“Those of us who have been cursed have no one to rely on.”

The female emperor smiled softly at the landing cang.

“You are now the pillar of our cursed.”

“The hero of our cursed people.”

“And, a woman, would like heroes, right?”

The female emperor sat on Lu Cang’s left side, and gently put her hand on Lu Cang’s hand.

Bathe in the bright moonlight.

The female emperor… Direct A went up.

“So, I like you.”

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