“Please don’t respond to me!”

“I know, I don’t have a very close relationship with you right now.”

“Those of us who are cursed have long had enough of being rounded up all day long.”

“That kind of life, I don’t want to live like that day by day, minute by minute.”

“I want to stop in the streets, I want to live in the sun.”

“I want to go wherever I want.”

“I want to be looked at directly without worrying about the other person being charmed.”

“All this is what you gave me.”

“I can feel the burning love in my heart.”

“I never shy away from my feelings.”

“I, never run away!”

“So, I like you, my hero.”

“I know you have no reason to promise me.”

“But this is my voluntary expression.”

“Please give me a chance to perform.”

The female emperor opened her mouth to express her hot emotions.

Lu Cang could feel the fire in her heart.

However, Lu Cang wanted to say.

You may be influenced by the mother tree of desire.

It may just be the spring season.


But Lu Cang couldn’t say this.

In fact, Lu Cang still knew one thing.

The mother tree of desire only has a promoting effect on feelings.

But it does not mean that the creature under the mother tree of desire, meeting one likes one.

What not to like or not to like.

What doesn’t feel is still no feeling.

It’s just amplifying that liking emotion.

At least, for humans.

Therefore, the female emperor’s liking should be a real like.

But Lu Cang really wanted to throw a “hug” on the face of the female emperor.

The female emperor blushed.

After saying those words, her face was already red.

The beautiful face is blushing, and there is a special charm.

But she did not avoid Lu Cang’s gaze.

Instead, he still looked directly at the landing canopy.

“You’ve just come into this world.”

“I don’t know if you know that there is no external alliance rule in this world.”

“Lords are complete and can have multiple spouses.”

“I think that as our hero, you can altogether …”

The female emperor strongly suggested.

She knew Chriss’s existence.

In the real world outside, there is indeed a system of alliance law.

Leave it to those who, after entering the Lord’s World, go back, do not establish territory, and only want to live and die in the real world.

After all, there are too many dangers in the world of lords.

Although it is said that the life span can reach very long.

But in fact, there are very few people who can really live that long.

Most lords are at risk of being killed.

If killed, what is the use of having such a long lifespan?

It’s better to be an ordinary person in the real world.

The alliance also promulgated laws for these ordinary people.

Moreover, under absolute power, ordinary people cannot fight against the lord.

For these laws, it is also absolute obedience.

In the real world, it is monogamy.

But in the Lord’s World, there is no such limitation.

As many wives as you want, you can.

Of course the same is true for female lords.

Everything is based on strength.

Since the other party has said so.

Lu Cang thought about it for a moment, and it seemed that there was no more appropriate reply.

Moreover, this was the first time in this life that Lu Cang had been accused of white.

“Well, I see.”

Lu Cang decided not to give any reply.

On the other side, Yin Luan listened to these words in a daze.

Emotions swell in my heart.

But in the end, no action was taken.

She couldn’t help but think in her heart.

“Can I really be as brave as the female emperor?”

“But I’m just the former lord of the league, and she’s a natural curse.”

Yin Luan felt like a little girl.

You know, she was very strong before.

Compete with the Lords of the Holy Order.

But now, it is a few fingers overlapping together, and there are countless kinds of entanglements in the emotions in the heart.

“Moreover, the female emperor is also so beautiful.”

In fact, the sound luan is also born with a stunning color.

But if it is really compared with the female emperor, a woman who is born with the ultimate charm.

There is still a slight difference.

But it is these few differences that have already caused Yin Luan’s heart to rise inferior.

But in the end, it is the charm of the female emperor herself that is at work.

In fact, in Lu Cang’s own view.

Because it will not be affected by the charm, the difference between Yin Luan and the female emperor is not too big.

“That, next time…”

“Can we take a walk together next time?”

“Or, something else.”

The female emperor made another invitation.

“Well, let’s wait until we have time.”

“It’s good to be distracted like this occasionally.”

After all, the two have known each other for no more than an hour.

Therefore, Lu Cang was not ready to make up his mind.

After all, you have to know something anyway.

For Lu Cang, there are three ways to understand a person.

One way is to call her face with a face-hugging worm.

Another way is to kill her and give her a nest to use to trace history.

There is another way.

It is to take time to slowly understand.

As for [Sound Luan]

Lu Cang actually knew the other party’s thoughts.

Flesh and blood slavery is not used in vain.

You can know everything in the other person’s heart.

However, Lu Cang did feel that the affairs of men and women were indeed troublesome to handle.

There is still Beamon ahead to play.

There is also folding space to explore.

The allies of that alliance, though fled.

But that doesn’t mean that his escape is tantamount to a direct death.

Instead, it is possible to make a comeback.

The opponent ascends to the Holy Rank Territory for so long.

Maybe I have found a way to promote the taboo.

And, according to the information provided by the sound luan.

Over the years, the Alliance has rounded up thousands of cursed people.

The territorial core of the cursed has also accumulated to thousands of people.

It should have been possible to mass-produce Saint Order Lords.

But here’s the problem.

From thirty years ago.

After Yin Luan was promoted to the Holy Order.

In this world, there will be no new Holy Order Lords appearing.

The territorial core of those who were cursed did not know where it went.

Lu Cang, on the other hand, clearly knew the way he needed to be promoted to the taboo.

The territorial core of a thousand cursed people.

If the other party finds a way to promote.

The most likely thing now is that you are waiting for a promotion opportunity.

Let the promotion ceremony complete.

That, every red moon period.

These are very dangerous times.

Not long ago, Lu Cang also had a judgment on the power of the taboo.

This is a combat power that can affect the entire world.

If he only relied on the Ninth Order Dream’s combat strength to fight.

It may not be possible to win.

More or less had to be raised to the tenth order.

So, for the things of men and women.

Lu Cang didn’t actually think too much.

Just go with the flow.

I can’t only live for a few days, so what am I in such a hurry?

Live a few years, decades down.

Everything that should be there will be, and what should be settled will also be settled.

Lu Cang adjusted his mentality.

Decide not to over-determine the development of these things.

“It’s not too early, I have something to do.”

Lu Cang left a parasitic eye on the female emperor’s body.

It can only be said that the heart of defense is indispensable.

No matter how the other person behaves, you must be careful.

This is a world of lords, not a time of peace.

In this world, approaching in the name of love, an example of an assassination plan is carried out.

There are more than just one or two cases.

Lu Cang had been on guard when the other party was in Cangcheng.

Curses will, and may not be completely clean.

However, Lu Cang was not worried about the other party’s action.

Doing it in Cangcheng is tantamount to finding death.

And even if she could destroy all the hearts of Cangcheng in an instant.

But Lu Cang would not be threatened either.

Lu Cang also had a part of his heart, on the far east.

I want to cross two places and destroy the heart of the underground in an instant.

That, this difficulty, the Holy Order certainly can’t do.

At least get the level of contraindications.


【Folding space】

The map that Yin Luan gave to Lu Cang was not just a folding space.

These folding spaces are everywhere in the world.

However, look at the vast world.

This small folding space at the entrance is indeed extremely difficult to find.

Moreover, these folding spaces do not have any conspicuous markings.

There is also no protruding shape.

That space really looks like it’s business as usual.

Only by having a map can you come to the location of these spaces.

“I don’t know what’s here.”

Lu Cang’s soldiers once again came to the front of a folding space.

It felt like opening a blind box.

Lu Cang had already killed the two races of the folding space before.

Both fold spaces.

One is the Demon Clan, and the other is the Wind Elemental Clan.

The wind element has no face and no nerves.

The face-hugging worm has no way to deal with it.

History can only be parsed directly.

The current face-hugging insect is not yet effective against elemental creatures.

And through analysis, Lu Cang did find out.

These creatures are from other planets.

Moreover, they already have a concept of the complete universe.

“Sure enough, is it the same as I thought?”

“The whole picture of the whole world is the planet.”

“However, their world seems to have no atmosphere.”

Lu Cang called the highest layer of fog in the sky the atmosphere.

In fact, it is also borrowed from the blue star of the previous life.

In fact, in this world, it is more appropriate to call the fog.

Those races can see the stars directly.

And not like they are now, not seeing the starry sky.

But then, the red moon, the sun, the white moon in the sky.

It should be the celestial body.

The light of these celestial bodies can actually pass through the thick fog and shine on the earth.

This fog is a fog that separates everything.

It is not the ordinary atmosphere of a previous life.

This light can penetrate, how incredible it is.

But Lu Cang thought about it in a different way.

These celestial bodies, with their all-encompassing fog blocks, can cast their light down.

If there is no fog.

What kind of disaster will the world face?

The sun may turn the whole world into a sea of fire in an instant.

Red moon, white moon.

I don’t know what will happen.

However, it is quite dangerous.

Lu Cang explores the third folding space.

See what interesting races you will find.

Twelve hours had passed since the promotion to the seventh rank.

Suddenly, a message came.

[Against the current] This Holy Order Lord.

He finally contacted Lu Cang.

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