Against the current, it is also very ignorant of the situation.

When he first received the news from Okuyama.

Okuyama asked him to come to his aid.

But he didn’t have any support ideas at all.


What a joke, a Saint Order Lord was beaten by the Seventh Order and needed support.

I was busy and supporting a ghost.

In addition, some time ago, Okuyama complained like he was eating gunpowder.

It had already upset him.

Subsequently, he directly blacked out Okuyama and directly turned on the Do Not Disturb mode.

Countercurrent is a very realistic lord.

He only recognizes the role.

If the other party has no effect, it has no value.

Now Okuyama has lost its strongest combat power.

It was too late to regenerate the combat power of the Holy Order.

It is doomed to lose its major role in the next battle.

Even the counter-current had the idea of devouring the territory of Okuyama.

Devour Okuyama and make yourself stronger.

After he turned on the Do Not Disturb mode, he kept killing ordinary lords.

Extend for your own territory.

But kill and kill…

Looking back on it, it more or less feels a little wrong.

When he is idle, he opens the chat channel again, and sees the news from the community.

Only to find that…

ThisTM, what the hell is going on?

Just a few hours.

How did all their allies run away?

All went over there and surrendered to the enemy.

See inside.

Against the flow of the heart, is an incomparable collapse.

Also, start a quick analysis of the current situation.

And the choices you can make.

Eventually, he found that he had only one choice.

That is to find Lu Cang and express his determination to join the Curse Society.

Otherwise, what else can you do, face your former allies, and wait for them to fight together and wait for your own death?

There is also an option.

That is to defect to Beamon.

But…… Beamon’s side, is an overwhelming advantage.

Do I still need to run?

Moreover, the other party is a foreign race.

It must be to kill all of yourself.

His own Holy Order Lord, ran over and said he was going to run to them.

The other party is afraid that he will directly kill himself first.

Instead, look at the side of the cursed.

Since Lu Cang could accept several other lords, there was no reason not to accept himself.

In the end, the countercurrent is still decided.

Look for Lu Cang.


For the defection against the current.

Lu Cang also agreed.

Come on, come on.

One more and one less is the same.

If you don’t come, just kill it.

And during this time.

For the analysis of major organisms, there are finally results.

After enslavement, the arms of these lords were also genetically analyzed for Lu Cang.

However, the analysis of this gene still takes time.

Especially the classes of the Holy Order.

It’s not a matter of mismatching.

Even if the other party is his own vassal lord.

It still takes time to analyze the other party’s class.

However, when the other party becomes his own flesh and blood vassal.

In fact, parsing is already underway.

The more advanced the nest, the more operations are performed at the same time.

However, all this did not need Lu Cang to complete it himself.

【Gene analysis completed – star shooter】

【You have obtained a new class: Thorn Wheel Launcher】

【Gene analysis completed – Sky Giant】

[Blood giants have been attached to genes: Heavenly Dome height, stick proficiency, airflow acceleration…]

[Gene analysis completed – super giant wind element, super giant water element, super giant flame element…]

【You have obtained a new class: Meat Jellyfish】

【Gene analysis completed——The root of the dry lock】

【You have obtained a new class: Walking Blood Vine Tree】

These surrendered lords, one by one, were also analyzed by Lu Cang.

Soon, Lu Cang also gained one brand new class after another.

Completed their own previous shortcomings.

At the same time, in the Nairo River, there are also tributaries that extend one after another.

These tributaries spread in all directions.

The most worth mentioning.

If these tributaries are used, they encounter river water.

It will go back against the current, dye the entire river red, and assimilate it into the Nairo River.

There is a sea near the east.

At this point, these rivers are spreading towards the sea at great speed.

Lu Cang also wanted to see it.

What would happen if the Nairo River entered the sea.

Of course.

Lu Cang also gained a new class of troops in the derivative buildings of the Nairo River.


【Biting meat fish】

【Blood Thief】

These creatures are all flesh-and-blood creatures in the water.

Compare the flesh and blood creatures on land and have a strong ability to fight underwater.

It also made up for the lack of land and water warfare.

After the study of Lu Cang’s analysis of these genes.

Lu Cang probably also knew some laws.

Want to unlock new classes.

Several hard conditions must be met.

One, is the equal order.

Some classes will only be awarded if they reach this level.

This rank is its own nest class.

One is the class rank of the other side.

Or maybe it’s the rank of this monster.

Even if it meets a certain label, it is still not possible to obtain this class if it does not meet the rank requirements.

The third is the label.

In order to acquire this class, the class must have the ability to do so.

Both primary and secondary competencies will do.

Fourth, that’s the precondition.

Some classes must obtain other classes in order to be parsed.

This class is often a branch of those other classes.

It’s like, the Flesh and Blood Floating Island actually comes through the Roshan branch.

If these four conditions are met, classes can be unlocked.

However, there is only a probability.

After all, resolving genes is also a matter of probability.

After these twelve hours have passed.

Lu Cang finally created a series of floating islands of flesh and blood.

In the sky, floating on the huge island of the landing sky.

These islands are three to four times the size of the average Roshan mountain.

And hovering high in the air.

Classes can fly around the Floating Island of Flesh and Blood.

This is the power given to them by the Floating Island of Flesh and Blood.

However, among the classes analyzed, some classes have the ability to fly.

【Spiny Wheel Launcher】and [Meat Jellyfish]

That’s two of them.

[Lancet Launcher] This is a body full of bone, a few parts of the tendon connection.

At the same time, there is a ring of bony spikes floating creatures on a roulette wheel.

This is Lu Cang’s shooter-type unit.

Can fire bone spurs directly, dealing massive damage to enemies.

Extremely penetrating.

And under the influence of the shaper .

Additional changes can occur.

For example, a huge bone spur is condensed.

Or inject a huge amount of high-risk blood into the inside of the bone spur.

Or, reduce the volume of bone spurs in exchange for a more intensive blow.

The Fleshy Jellyfish is an elemental type of creature.

It is a huge jellyfish.

It is a creature floating in mid-air.

Its hanging tentacles can be transformed into a variety of elements.

And use magic that attacks multiple elements.

This was Lu Cang’s first class that was born with elemental and magical attack abilities.

After the parsing is complete.

The number of Lu Cang’s troops, like mushrooms after the rain, has been greatly improved.

“As a result, my fighting style has become more diversified against Beamon.”

As for special genes.

Lu Cang also analyzed some of the Saint Rank genes in addition.

These were all resolved using precious Sacred Order materials.

At this battle level of Lu Cang.

Non-Saint Rank abilities will have very little improvement in combat.

One of the improvements is the “Flying Shuttle Light Flow”

This gene allows the class to get a huge increase in speed when it moves.

[Flying shuttle light flow: the body surface secretes light flow fluid, when it is moving, it will be able to greatly shorten the distance through small movements. 】

This is also a spatial type of ability.

The mode of action, similar to that of stainless steel.

Absolute steel is by destroying space, so that the material has the property of strong cutting.

And this is by compressing space.

Achieve the effect that one step is equivalent to walking ten steps.

It was really hard to control at first.

It was easy for Lu Cang to walk over the corner carelessly.

But soon, I became familiar with this way of acting.

It only takes one-tenth of the previous action to complete the move.

This greatly improves mobility.

And in addition, there is [Shock Breaking Fruit]

After the analysis of this material, it is a significant increase in shock and bombardment damage.

Let [Thai] use, especially outrageous.

After all, more of Tai’s attack methods are still fighting.

All kinds of punches, shocks.

The whole nine yards.

On the contrary, that kind of cutting is very unsuitable for Thai.

This is the same level of material as the absolute steel.

When it comes into play, it’s also outrageous.

[Shock Breaking Fruit] itself has strong shock and impact properties.

Lu Cang took it in his hand for the first time.

Almost by the impact of this fruit directly Tan Fei.

But fortunately, the current Lu Cang is not the original Lu Cang.

When I first got the Absolute Steel.

The arms were all cut off.

This time, I was almost shocked, and I haven’t really been shocked to fly, which is already very good.

This stuff is generally used as a material for [hammer] props.

Greatly increases concussion attack damage.

But since it can be analyzed, of course, it is directly analyzed as a gene.

[Oscillation skin: Your skin will be attached to the attribute of strong oscillation, greatly expanding the impact and the strength of the shock. 】

This time the gene is in the epidermis.

As the genes continue to be acquired.

Lu Cang also obtained many duplicate genes.

Part of the gene is acting on muscle tissue.

Some genes act on the bones.

Most of the genes, Lu Cang has eliminated them.

The genes used now are generally the highest order genes.

Instead of being the highest in rank, it must be that there are genes with some special use and cannot be replaced for the time being.

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