【Building capsule】

It is equivalent to storing the building inside the capsule.

One teleport.

Lu Cang placed the capsule in the area that originally belonged to Okuyama.

Lu Cang floated in the air.

After owning the Floating Island of Flesh and Blood.

Lu Cang also possessed the ability to fly.

And no longer need to “float”

Lu Cang glanced at the past.

In the eye, a simulated form of this building appears.

However, I found that this building is indeed very large.

This is an iron tower that looks extremely high-tech.

This tower has a strong signal receiving capability.

Lu Cang’s mind.

Also gain knowledge about this building.

Subsequently, Lu Cang chose a piece of ground on the earth.

This is an iron tower much larger than the overall scope of Cangcheng.

The next moment, Lu Cang gently spat out a command.

“Liberation capsule.”


The capsules are spread out on the ground!

The earth is like a red alert unfolding base car.

A tall tower is also constantly unfolding in place.

In a very short time, a huge and magnificent building was formed.

【Asterisk receiver】

This huge and magnificent building has just been completed.

Lu Cang heard a faint voice coming from him.

But the sound is distorted and very noisy at the same time.

This faint sound gradually grew louder.

【Receiving signal】

【Translating signal】

【Signal Breaking】

[Surviving Terrans, surviving Terrans… Imperial coordinates: Milky Way hf253LK Nebula, Asahi albicana 332…]

[Surviving Terrans, with the ability to move across galaxies, please return to the Empire, which has endless energy and resources.] 】

[Surviving Terrans, please accept the protection of the Empire.] 】


[Surviving Terrans, surviving Terrans… Imperial coordinates: Milky Way hf253LK Nebula, Asahi albicana 332…]

[Surviving Terrans, with the ability to move across galaxies, please return to the Empire, which has endless energy and resources.] 】

[Surviving Terrans, please accept the protection of the Empire.] 】


Broadcast…… Repeat all the time.

Hear this broadcast.

Lu Cang was silent for a short time.

I seem to have learned some incredible secret.

The outside world doesn’t seem to be as simple as I think.

Surviving Terrans.


What is it.

“Is this the message that the space exclusion zone wants to convey?”

“Or did this lord really get it by accident?”

Thinking of this, Lu Cang immediately gave the order.

Immediately divide up more troops and explore the folded spaces that have not yet been explored.

Folding space, not fully explored yet.

However, a guess emerged in Lu Cang’s mind.

If so, the world is really like he thinks.

It seems a little bad.


As for the construction of the territory.

Although Lu Cang was idle during this time.

But it also did not fall behind the expansion of the territory.

The territory on the other side of Okuyama has also made progress.

At the same time, Lu Cang was in various places in the world.

Both built the Nairo River.

The Nairo River is a very convenient fortification.

From either point of view.

All very convenient.

The Nairo River itself is a pool of blood.

Has the effect of a pool of blood.

This in itself allows the class to recover quickly from its injuries.

If you fight in the Nairo River.

Classes are not killed unless they are directly killed.

Otherwise, it can be restored all the time.

Therefore, the arms in Lu Cang’s water can also be said to be invincible.

At the same time, the Nairo River also has a strong ability to assimilate the current.

No matter what form of water.

After encountering the Nairo River.

At this time, the Nairo River finally flowed into the sea.

The sea is turning red at a rate visible to the naked eye.

It turned into a pool of red blood.

This speed is still accelerating.

Faster and faster, faster and faster.

However, the Nairo River is in the Endless Sea, and it has no such nature.

The Nairo River is a sea that infects the Endless Sea.

But that’s about it.

After that, it can no longer spread and extend.

“When Beamon comes, I can go to their world and steal some of their ships.”

“It should be possible to resolve genes that can operate in the Endless Sea.”

“With this gene, I can explore the Endless Sea.”


Over time.

Finally, the whole day was completely over.

A day after the promotion to the territory, the blessing of flesh and blood has also been refreshed.

Lu Cang’s present supreme being.

There are six “hugs”, “Terraria”, “Tai”, “Rami”, “evil pupils”, and “screamers”.

Among them, Terraria and Evil Pupil have been blessed with a dream grade.

For the rest, Lu Cang could choose to transfer a class from the original state of no supreme being.

Directly bless to dreams.

Or bless the two arms that already have the Most High Ones to the dream.

Anyway, there are two options.

Lu Cang thought briefly.

In the end, it was decided on a blessed object.

That’s the Shaper

Shaper is able to cooperate with the existence of all classes.

If you bless other classes, there are advantages and disadvantages.

But if it is a blessing to the shapers.

It can only be said that what is missing is directly possessed.

According to the principle that after the blessing, the ability of the class is increased in all aspects, and it has all the previous attributes.

Even if the Shaper is blessed, the special ability of the Shaper will not be weakened.

Then, no matter what kind of class and shaper fuse, it is at least a dream-level combat strength.

Isn’t that the equivalent of blessing countless at once?

Lu Cang felt that this class of soldiers was really easy to use.

“It’s up to you.”

“Blessed, shaper.”

【Please give the name】


Without thinking, Lu Cang directly gave the other party this name.

After all, the shaper is a being who fuses other creatures and changes his body shape.

So, very abstract.

Picasso, rightly so.

The shapeshifter was blessed by Lu Cang twice in a row.

Grade, successive improvements.

Directly from the Emperor level, upgraded to the Dream level.

【Transfiguration Suit – Picasso】

【Rank: 8th Order】


【Attack Score:??? (Change with contents)】

[Defense Score:??? (Varies depending on the contents)】

【Treatment score: 3.58 million (can be improved according to the contents)】

The shaper is itself the unit of healing.

Born with the ability to heal.

So, have a treatment score.

When they didn’t tolerate anything, they were Lu Cang’s best healing class.

However, in general, they are not needed for treatment.

More importantly.

No matter how strong their treatment is, it is not as good as the pool of blood.

As long as it was in the pool of blood, Lu Cang’s troops could continuously recover from their injuries.

Lift all exception states.

[Special Ability – Super Sculpt: All of your volumetric flesh and blood classes can be fused with the Sculptor to form a Sculptor unit with special functions, and the Sculptor will have different effects depending on the class that enters the Sculptor. 】

[Special Ability – Multi-Transformation Shaping: After a single class fuses the Shaver, it can greatly enhance the ability of different aspects through transformation. 】

[Special Ability – Multi-Reshape: The Shaper can fuse a large number of classes, achieving the effect of using multiple different classes of abilities at the same time, and this Shaper is already the existence of the Fusion Fortress. 】

【Special Ability – Change Your Shape: When the class entering the Shaver’s body is lower than the Shaper level/level, the Shaver Grade/Rank is the standard, and when the class entering the Shaper’s body is higher than the Shaper Grade/Level, the Fusion Class Grade/Rank is the standard】

After the shaper is blessed.

Lu Cang looked at the shaper’s ability.

I also feel that this ability is indeed perverted.

Dream-level shapers have no restrictions on body size.

It can accommodate all sizes of troops.

Even if the other party is as huge as a planet.

It can also be included.

However, Lu Cang didn’t know how huge this planet was.

Obviously, this planet is much larger than the blue stars of the previous life.

The surface area of this world is already larger than a blue star.

Not to mention, hundreds of areas, plus the Endless Sea.

Even Lu Cang suspected that the size of this world was already as huge as the sun in his previous life.

You know, if you want to describe it.

The volume ratio between the Sun and the Blue Star.

The sun is a basketball, and the blue star is not as big as a sesame seed.

Little pathetic.

“This way you can already wrap Terraria inside.”

However, unfortunately, he has not yet been promoted to the eighth order.

Fantasy level combat power has not yet been unlocked.

The shapeshifters could only use super-mythical combat power at this time.

No matter what level of shaper, the more powerful is still the ability to assist.

But what Lu Cang had in mind was true.

If you let the dream-level shaper, wrap the self-detonating worm…

What level of explosion would that be?

And if…

Blessing yourself another wave of self-exploding worms.

Bless the self-detonating worm to the Most High, Dream Level.

Then the shaper wraps the self-exploding worm…

Stack the BUFF like this.

Lu Cangguang was such a brain supplement.

They all felt a little scared.

Fantasy level combat boost.

Lu Cang had also seen it.

And the super mythical level, has not been a grade at all.

Emperor-level self-detonating worms, explosions can produce such large fluctuations.

This fantastic level self-exploding worm.

Lu Cang couldn’t help but think of it.

The Ultimate Creation of the Goblin [Pulp Burst]

This is the ultimate bomb capable of sinking up to a third of the world.

Lu Cang didn’t have a clear understanding at first.

But now I probably know.

This bomb turned out to be a dream-level creation.

No wonder, it is the peak creation of the goblins.

A crazy goblin.

Being able to develop such a terrible bomb.

It is indeed the bomb to the extreme.

“If only I could get the pulp burst and parse it.”

“Perhaps, it can further enhance the power of the self-detonating worm.”

Lu Cang thought in his heart.

In Lu Cang’s heart, he also has a harsh pursuit of perfection.

For the explosion, Lu Cang really wanted to once again exalt his power to the extreme.

Although, a little bit dangerous.

As the day passed, Lu Cang excavated the folding space.

There has also been more progress.

These developments couldn’t help but make Lu Cang’s brow frown a little.

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