【Beamon World】

“King, our men are ready.”

“Two more hours.”

“The teleportation array can be set up.”

“We will be the first to reach the human world.”

“Please give combat instructions.”

Beemont race, scrappy.

That’s just three days.

But it made their hearts impatient.

After all, this is a war of invasion.

It can greatly alleviate the pain of hunger by them.

Chronic extreme hunger.

Not to the point of death, though.

But pain is a real existence.

Eternal hunger is one of the greatest pains.


Finally, three days passed.

The teleportation array is also fully built.

Buzz —

In the city of Beamon, a series of lights were lit.

These lights flicker.

One by one, Beamon was teleported into the human world.

The first ones teleported.

It is a class of the Holy Order.

The largest [Beamon]

This analogy is like a hill.

It is a height of 500 meters.

The six arms on the back are covered with thick hair.

On top of Beamon, there are also some characteristics of wild beasts mixed.

Very wild.

After these holy rank soldiers arrived, without delay, they immediately rushed out of the city.

After these classes have teleported over.

It was a batch of Beamon Lords who teleported into this world.

“This air is a fresh fragrance.”

“How long have we not smelled such humid air.”

Beamon greedily breathed the air of the human world.

In Beamon’s world, even the air is dry.

The sun is also dry and blazing.

Normal water sources are a problem.

You can’t always drink the water of the Endless Sea.

Water is some creature with purification ability.

Purify those cursed, polluted waters.

In this way, the balance of water sources can be maintained.

“A world of abundance!”

A lord, seeing the native creatures of humanity, is roasting slices of meat.

Rush straight up, grab its food and put it in your mouth.


After eating these things, their bodies seemed to be activated, and they were refreshed.

Because of the nature of hunger, they have long been in a state of dryness.

At the same time, for a long time, just a full stomach, I have not tasted any delicious food.

Although Binulu invaded this city.

However, it did not exterminate all the humans in the city.

Only the general was cleared out.

As for the native residents, they remained in the city.

Under the deliberate arrangement of the owner of the new city, these local residents are still living the same life as always.

“Haha, Binulu, you really made a great contribution this time!”

“Actually, you can get such a good world.”

“Well, what a delicious thing this is, really delicious, than Nulu you also come to a piece!”

These Beamon Lords.

After coming to Beamon.

The first thing was that it was not a direct attack.

Instead, eat!

They look everywhere for everything they can eat.

Find all the deliciousness.

Even, some Beamons, holding the trunk of the tree, began to nibble.

They have been hungry for too long.

Coming into this world today, where can I still care about what image.

Holy Order Lords, a total of more than 600 people.

Add it up, and the number is not much.

Just a few times of teleportation, most of the Saint Order Lords of the Beamon World were teleported to this side.

There are only a small number of Holy Order Lords.

Garrisoned in the area of Bimon, the town was guarded.

Teleport hundreds of Beamons.

Obviously, it’s not a difficult behavior.

Really difficult teleportation.

It is a legion that transmits hundreds of millions of people.

However, for the lord, teleporting them over is equivalent to teleporting their troops.

Won’t be too much of a problem.

“Is it finally here?”

Lu Cang saw the performance of these Beamons after they came to this world.

But I don’t know what to say.

These Beamons actually began to nibble on the bark of the tree.

Or eat turf.

Is this still like the lord of the Holy Order?

Even in Lu Cang’s heart, there was a feeling.

These Beamons seem to be meatless dogs.

His own flesh and blood seem particularly delicious.

If you tempt yourself with your own flesh and blood.

Were these holy Beamons directly captured by the food?

Orcs never become slaves?

Unless you eat and live?

However, this kind of thinking, Lu Cang also thought about it for a while, but did not really do it.

Beamon should not be stupid enough to be that a piece of meat can be sent off.



For Bi Meng, Lu Cang actually had already made arrangements.

Lu Cang planned to first check out the true strength of these Beamons.

For those who have come out of the city of Beamon.

The Meteor Lord had already completed his standby nearby.

The next moment, in the sky, a huge meteorite fell from the sky.


The meteorite fell extremely fast.

It was a complete instant rush to the body of the giant beast Beamon.


There is no protection from the sacred tree.

Half of the body of the giant beast Beamon, the flesh and blood of the explosion were blurred.

“Can you break the defense?”

“It doesn’t look like it’s as strong as you think.”

But soon, this blurred flesh and blood gradually recovered.

The giant beast Beamon itself has a strong ability to regenerate.

At the same time, these giant beasts Beamon grabbed a piece of earth and stuffed it into their mouths.

Sand, trees, dirt, and some low-level monsters.

It’s all in this hand.

And as he ate these things.

The wounds on his body also healed at a faster rate.

And the earth that had been seized by this great beast, Beamon.

Covered with a faint shade of gray.

This gray gradually disappears.

Lu Cang passes through the “Evil Pupil”

Look at the ground that has been grabbed by the giant beast Beamon.

That ground has become a ground that is difficult to regenerate.

Usually, this landform may only take three days to recover.

But now, even a month is difficult to recover half of it.

The ability to regenerate is greatly suppressed.


Through the Evil Pupil, Lu Cang had already obtained a lot of intelligence in this world.

According to the intelligence described.

The Beamon race seems to possess a unique characteristic.

That’s what has been touched, and it’s hard to regenerate.

This property is very harsh.

Especially for the resources of the lords.

There are great limitations.

The reason why the Beamons are so barren is that they have completely killed themselves.


In the next instant, Lu Cang came to the outside of Beamon City.

Lu Cang, who had been prepared for a long time.

How could it not be that the parasitic eye was not placed around the city of Beamon.

Act as your own springboard.

And at the same time.

Lu Cang came to this pit.

Complete assimilation of potholes directly.

Assimilated potholes.

The curse of hunger is removed.

It was restored to good condition.

The earth assimilated by Lu Cang, though flesh and blood.

But in fact, it will also grow resources, under normal circumstances, and ordinary earth is no different.

Otherwise, Lu Cang’s root flesh and blood nest would not be another way to sit and eat the mountain and the sky.

In fact, the resources collected and assimilated by Lu Cang.

It will also regrow.

The assimilated earth is no different from the nature of the pre-assimilation.

Emerald green plants can still grow.

Monsters in the wild can still be born.

In this way, Lu Cang’s resources were still the same as those of other lords.

Steady stream.

Otherwise, after assimilating everything into flesh and blood, the world will not grow long.

Where do you get the resources from?

Isn’t that completely sitting on the mountain?

At the same time, the pool of blood is built in an instant.

A river of blood, also gradually formed.

Lu Cang’s body was now a mother nest of flesh and blood.

Wherever you go, you can easily expand your territory.

“Well, anyway, let’s do it first.”


A snapping finger is played.



Rumble —

With a bang!

In an instant, the whole earth of the human world.

They all trembled a little.

The lords of the whole world felt this tremor.

【World Channel】

“Happening, what’s going on?”

“What, there was a big earthquake.”

“I lean on… You call this a shock, I TM slept in bed and directly threw me off the bed. ”

“You call this a shock?”

“Beamon, Beamon seems to have come into this world”

“Beamon, you can’t let them invade casually.”

“But the question is, who can stop them.”

“That explosion wouldn’t have been caused by Beamon, right?”

“Yes, I just felt the big earthquake tremble.”

“What the hell is going on here?”

“Why does the earth tremble?”

“You feel it too? The last time I felt the earth shaking, it was when Lu Cang lifted an entire continent alone. ”

The continental plate, though not as big as an entire area.

But it’s also outrageous.

Enough to shock the earth.

But this time, the human lords of the whole world felt the earth tremble.

This leaves them unaware.

What the hell is going on here.


A super huge mushroom cloud slowly rises from the earth.

And the Meteor Lord.

In the distance, the eyes are rounded.

Lu Cang said to make a tentative attack.

Test the depth of Beamon.

Wait for him to ascend before going on a crusade.

The Meteorite Lord said OK.

He will cooperate with Lu Cang to complete a wave of tentative attacks.


This huge mushroom cloud rises up.

You tell me it’s a tentative attack?

Didn’t you really mean to kill Beamon completely?

This huge explosion was Lu Cang’s use of a whole million [self-detonation type]

to finish.

[Shaper ] is a unit that occupies a lot of nerve capacity.

Even Lu Cang was not very willing to create this class.

However, the shaper is strong, that is really strong.

It has greatly enhanced the combat effectiveness of one branch.

Let Lu Cang’s troops, even if they do not activate special genes.

Everything is fought by its original ability.

As long as you cooperate with the shapers, you can still exert the combat power of the tenth order in the seventh order.

Not to mention, after activating a particular gene.

It’s actually a double effect.

Shaper can activate special genes, and units possessed by Shaper can also activate special genes.

Brilliant fiber, double.

Secret steel organization, double.

Anti-seismic, also double.

All are double calculations.

Intensity, naturally high scary.

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