These beamons, both men and women, young and old, have directly entered the pregnancy stage.


“Day, what’s wrong with my stomach?”

“Ah! It hurts! ”

“Sizzle! I felt as if something was moving inside my stomach! ”

“By …”



An army of 100,000 Beamons stepped into the territory of Lu Cang.

As soon as I came in, about five thousand Beamon’s stomach began to hurt.

Damn it.

What a situation.

How did this suddenly rise in people’s stomachs?

Before I went out on my own expedition, I didn’t eat much.

Although in the process of aggression, have been eating.

Could it be that you have eaten a bad stomach?

No, how can I say that I am also a creature of the tenth order, how can I eat a bad stomach because I eat something casually?

As long as it is not a tenth order toxin, it should not cause any harm to itself.

At this moment, this creature was also confused.

Watch your stomach grow bigger.

And, it doesn’t seem like eating bad things.

He felt like something was pushing in his stomach!

“Treatment! Treat! ”

“Pain to death!”

Among Beamons, a priest with eight staffs.

Hurry up and come over immediately.

He first prayed.

Subsequently, the Beamon who fell to the ground in pain was immediately treated.

But the more it was treated, the more painful it became.

It was as if his pain had not been relieved at all!

It’s just a palliative, not a cure.

“You have to send him back and let the lord heal him.”

“There can be no mistakes!”

This Tenth Order class is a class carefully cultivated by Lord Beamon of the Tenth Order.

Had very good treatment.

In the world of lords.

Classes also have their own consciousness.

It is also possible to have a very good relationship with the lord.

They know how to judge.

These arms do not dare to be sloppy.

Immediately transport this class in the opposite direction.

But, before they could take this Beamon out of the way.


In this Beamon’s belly, blood splattered.

A head, protruding from the other’s stomach.

This is the head of the screamer.

And when this head pops out.

All the Beamons also looked in this direction.

Subconsciously, they move towards escape.

I don’t know why, but a fear has risen in my heart for no reason.

However, it was too late.

【Tear Scream】



Bang bang bang!

One by one, Beamon, in the midst of this scream, his head exploded.

There are also some high-level Beamons who have temporarily withstood the shock.

But he sat on the ground dizzy.

They covered their ears.

But that didn’t help.

The body, still affected by resonance, will be shaken.

And with this screamer burst.

The second, and third flesh-and-blood creatures, also burst out of the stomachs of Beamons who were affected by the Mother Tree of Desire.

Flesh-and-blood creatures, appearing for the first time in the world of Beamon.

Got on the battlefield stage.

“Hmm… Still no Beamon returned to his own world. ”

“These lords, don’t want to go home.”

Beamon had been in this world for a few hours.

Under such a large base, someone should have gone back a long time ago.

But the problem is, no one returns to their own world.

This also made Lu Cang a bit unable to find a springboard.

However, Lord Beamon, it seems that he is not afraid of death.

There is still a steady stream of Beamon exploring into the space forbidden area.


【Space Forbidden Zone】

“What’s going on? Can’t get in touch? ”

“This exclusion zone is special.”

“Once inside, you can’t get in touch, cut off inside and out.”

“Speaking of which, there are already more than sixty lords in there.”

“Is there still oil and water here?”

“More than sixty Holy Steps, I’m afraid it can’t add up to a little soup.”

Just a few hours of exploring.

Obviously, these Beamons are not in a hurry either.

Exploring a foggy area can also take a few days.

Just go in for a few hours.

Even if you can’t get in touch, you don’t feel different.

Even, still exploring the forbidden area one after another.


“What is this?”

“Don’t come, don’t come!”

Beamon, too, was the first time he had seen a flesh-and-blood creature.

In the human world, after these days of spiritual destruction.

Human beings have more or less resistance to flesh and blood creatures.

In the face of flesh and blood creatures, although there will be some fear, but there will not be much reaction.

At most, just face the fear of a class that absolutely cannot be defeated.

But it doesn’t have any special effects from psychology.


Beamon is different.

Most of their races are more of a Beamon type.

Moreover, there are many fewer strange shapes than humans.

Most importantly.

In their world, there is actually no such thing as a cursed person.

So, they won’t have any flesh-and-blood creatures or anything like that.

But such creatures, in their view, are indeed very irrational.


The creepers also rushed towards these Beamons!

Brush brush brush!

The claws are waving wildly.

When Rami is away.

These creepers have only four arms.

But that’s it.

Still kill these Beamons, three in and three out.

After a creeper is born, it runs through the battlefield, as if entering no man’s land.

Kill from the east to the west, from the west of the army to the east.

Bang Bang Bang!

Beamon’s attack slashed at the creeper.

But there was not a single scar cut out.

The regiment wiped out a Beamon army numbering hundreds of thousands.

Only one creeper is actually needed.

Lu Cang’s troops, invincible below the Holy Order, were such a concept.

After the creeper crossed, it took only twenty minutes.

Earth, leaving a corpse of a place.

These creepers are in place, holding up their bodies with their hands and looking left and right.

It found that there didn’t seem to be anything else to kill for him nearby.

So, I randomly chose a direction and crawled towards the distance.

Without receiving orders from Lu Cang, he naturally moved freely.


“The Lord… Master. ”

“No, shall we go to war?”

Beside Lu Cang, a flesh-and-blood creature appeared.

This, is [Lamy]

The supreme of the creeper.

It came to Lu Cang’s side, its body lying on the ground.

With the most respectful gesture, ask Lu Cang.

When ascending to the Fifth Order Territory.

They have acquired the ability to learn.

And following Lu Cang for so long, he already had enough wisdom.

Rami got the news from the residents of Cangcheng.

I heard about Beamon’s invasion of this world.

But it’s also a bit reassuring.

He took the initiative to ask Lu Cang.

Lu Cang looked at the Rami who suddenly appeared beside him.

Lu Cang gave the Supreme One the ability to actively use the Blood and Blood Exchange.

These Supreme Beings can go anywhere in this world at will.

“Well, you’re not doing well.”

“But don’t worry.”

“Maintain the ability to learn.”

Lu Cang praised a sentence [Lami]

“Obey … Yes, sir. ”

This is the first time that these supreme beings have taken the initiative to communicate with themselves.

It seems that their own flesh and blood creatures have gradually gained consciousness as true wisdom.

“Wait a minute.”

“If you want to go, you can move freely.”

Lu Cang did not deliberately restrict Mira’s movements.

I want to see how Rami reacts.

Lu Cang felt that Mira was like herself passing over a pleasant emotion.

“Do as you are told, master.”

The next instant.

Lu Cang sensed it.

Rami a flesh and blood exchange.

With a parasitic eye, the position is reversed.

This is in the middle of a group of Beamon legions.

Even, there is a legion with the existence of the Holy Order Beamon.

Rami, reaching the battlefield in an instant.

Numerous Beamons, seeing the sudden appearance of blood-red flesh in the center of the venue.

I was stunned for an instant.

What is this?

I haven’t seen it.

And when they were getting closer, they wanted to touch this blood-red mass of flesh.

In the midst of the flesh, six arms suddenly stretched out.

These six arms are all blades as thin as the wings of a cicada.

This is Lu Cang’s special prosthetic limb transplantation workshop to transplant Lamy’s limbs.

The Prosthetic Transplant Workshop has a particularly powerful ability.

That is retraction and release.

If you don’t want to use this prosthesis.

It can be taken back into the flesh and blood.

And if you want to use it.

It can be replaced immediately.

It is equivalent to changing one’s own flesh and blood form in disguise.

However, this prosthetic weapon is a real weapon.

Ability bonus for owning a workshop.

This is something that ordinary flesh and blood changes cannot do.

Moreover, there are not many creatures with flesh and blood changes.

Only Lu Cang himself, as well as the Blood Giant.

No other creature can change its own flesh and blood at will.

However, even with the ability to change flesh and blood.

Lu Cang was also considering whether to build a few weapons for himself.

Feel yourself now the means of attack.

It’s a bit of a monolith.


Blood spatters!

Brush brush brush brush brush!

After Rami arrives on the battlefield.

Pull out the blade of the Ultimate Secret Steel Alloy, and in the next instant, the bloody killing begins!

It, longing for blood.

Want to kill on the battlefield.

The last mission was at the Battle of Bayer.

And the last battle.

That battle with Okuyama.

Terraria had gone and bragged to himself about how well that battle had been fought.

And I didn’t have any chance to perform.

Evil Hitomi, on the other hand, indicates that he has reconnoitred most of the maps.

Appreciated by the master and made a great contribution.

This made Rami feel very unhappy.

They were all the supreme beings under Lu Cang’s command.

Has a supreme position.

However, they will also compete with each other.

Both want to have a good performance in front of the host.

But the master hadn’t given it a task in too long.

Therefore, Rami thought of it and took the initiative to ask for battle.

Unleash your might.

The next time, when Lu Cang’s flesh and blood are blessed.

Maybe it will be blessed.

After seeing the evil pupil and Terraria blessed.

Rami also wants to become a powerful dream grade.

Even the shapers received the grace of Lu Cang.

Obviously it came first!

And this special honor of blessing can only be given by Lu Cang.

Rami began killing.

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