As Rami joins the battlefield.

More and more creepers are also appearing on the battlefield.

Rami has the ability to transform killed creatures into creepers.

To be precise, as long as Rami touches, the other party will transform into a creeper.

It’s just that living creatures have the ability to resist.

The transition rate is slower.

But this transformation, even the creatures of the Holy Order are not immune.

Can only be delayed.

In the end, it becomes a creeper.

This is a virus-like mechanism.

It is a genetic virus belonging to the reptile.

“What the hell are these things?”

“It’s Lu Cang! It was Lu Cang who came to save us! ”

Human lords, see flesh and blood creatures appear.

Momentarily overjoyed.

This flesh-and-blood creature is slaughtering Beamon.

On the battlefield, the light crossed.

One by one, Beamon fell one after another.

Rami as the supreme creeper.

Plus the gene of [streamer].

The speed is already extremely fast.

The Creeper is the fastest class of Lu Cang’s troops.

It is also the most flexible class.

Nothing is more flexible and universal than they are.

However, these lords were not happy for long.

But I saw that the city wall was cut through a thin white line.


Rami quickly came to the edge of the city.

Cut off all of the opponent’s city.

This lord stood on the wall that had not been cut down.

Cold sweat came straight up.

By this time, Rami had come to his back.

Directly into the vicinity of the territorial core of his city.


A cracking sound came.

The territorial core is directly broken!

Rami is not here to save people.

It is just to enjoy the desire to kill.

What Beamon, what humans, it doesn’t care at all.

Rami cared about Lu Cang alone.

Only the host.

It’s that simple.

And Lu Cang didn’t care about any ordinary lords.


Ordinary lords, wall head grass, on both sides down.

It doesn’t do you any good for yourself.

Even if the enemy gives a little benefit, it will fall to the enemy.

Lu Cang had only one thought about these lords.

Is there any way to make yourself clean and clean to kill most lords.

Or let them willingly cut themselves off.

Self-detonating territorial core.

At the same time, some lords who were beneficial to the cursed were also enslaved with flesh and blood.

I would like to fully expand the territory.

Pave a stepping stone for strength.

After all, in the future ghosts know what they will encounter.

“In an hour, you can ascend to the eighth order.”

“I don’t know if there will be a highest-level territory in the universe.”

Lu Cang had a premonition.

Root flesh and blood nest.

Before long, the entire planet can be devoured.

This is his starting point.

Lu Cang couldn’t help but think of the game he had played in his previous life.

After the level is full, it is the beginning.



Boom boom boom!

“By … That’s too strong, right? ”

I, the Meteor Lord, looked at my own troops, slightly stunned.

This strength of his own class has once again increased significantly.

Flesh and blood slavery essentially turns creatures into flesh and blood creatures.


And after this creature becomes a flesh-and-blood creature.

You can also enjoy Lu Cang’s special genetic bonus.

It’s like a goblin, like a lich.

After receiving the blessing.

Additional bonuses will also be granted.

In the beginning, after receiving the blessing.

The Great Saint Order Lords also felt very outrageous.

This bonus gives them too much of a boost.

No wonder, Lu Cang could be so powerful.

With these genes, it is not too simple to compete against the Holy Order.


They also don’t say these things.

First, it was because of his allegiance to Lu Cang.

Nature needs to be subject to his orders.

Second, there is no one in this world who has something to say.

Tell the existence that is already weaker than them.

It doesn’t make any sense.

Tell the existence that is stronger than them.

In this world, there are no creatures who can normally talk, and there is no one stronger than them.

At best, they are on a par with them.

Third, Lu Cang was indeed completely unconcerned that these lords controlled by flesh and blood slaves would expose their cards.

These lords are now equivalent to their own troops.

Is there any lord who would worry that the class will expose its hole cards?

Therefore, for these, Lu Cang did not care at all.

The Meteor Lord’s celestial archer, the tip of the longbow in his hand, was stained with a little skin.

This, directly activates the appendix of the oscillating skin.

[Heavenly Lord] His creatures are all elemental types.


No skin, no flesh, no nerves, no bones, is an element of the body.

But fortunately, Lu Cang is not an elemental gene.

On the contrary, the materials obtained from the city of Beyer that time also had genes specially strengthened the elements.

The analysis of [pure glass crystal] is the gene of [concentrated gas compression].

Greatly compresses the density of the airflow, so that all airflow attacks explode with great power.

This is greatly compressed.

It refers to compressing the air of the original area of a city into the size of a palm.

Energy, extremely terrifying.

It is the ultimate compression.

Strengthened several times.

Generally speaking, this material is used to make props such as magic staffs.

For use by classes.

But now, this material becomes a gene directly.

Extremely convenient to use.

What’s more, it’s not just about just airflow.

And by using the principle, it can also be used by all other types of elemental organisms.

Sky Fire element, using [Concentrated Gas Compression], directly compresses the flame.

Formation of the [Fire Condensation Air Blade]

Destructive power, extremely large increase, completely and not a level before.

And the ice and snow element, it is also through this way that the [ice condensation air blade] is condensed.

As long as it is a non-liquid state that can be compressed, it can all be compressed.

It’s not like making a magic wand weapon.

Can only be used to enhance wind elemental magic.

This, for the generality, has been greatly improved.

Each of these genes, in the hands of different lords, has played with flowers.

At the same time, it is silly to be taller than the sky.

How can the Most Holy Lord of mankind be so fierce?

How to fight, it is not an order of magnitude at all.

Only to see Beamon flying towards the sky.

But that day the star archers were extremely flexible.

The speed was several times higher than his.

At the Most Holy Level, will there be such an outrageous speed gap?

Moreover, archers are relatively agile.

However, the class he used was a swift blade.

A class known for its speed.

Beamon using the spike wheel and dagger.

The body size is much smaller than the average Beamon.

But the speed, but much faster.

Supposedly, it should be far above the speed of the Archer class.

In the world of lords, although there are different types of troops.

But in the end, it can be divided into two categories.

Long-range category, melee category.

The speed of melee combat is often faster than that of the range.

This is basically a general principle.

Even if you reach the Holy Order, it should be the same.

As for the subdivision, that is the assassin, the quick, the fast attack, the knight, such a class, the fastest.

The knight’s straight charge is the fastest.

Swift and natural is the most agile.

Fast attack, mainly reflected in the movement and attack speed are very fast, but relatively balanced.

As for the assassins.

That’s the hidden assassin.

The speed is also fast, but it is not possible to compare specifically, because each one is different.

As for the archers.

This kind of unit, in the remote, is not very fast.

It can only be regarded as a class with medium movement speed.

Whether it flies or not, it is a medium speed.

At least, everyone is the Most Holy, and the difference should not be very big.

But the question is.

I am the fastest type of melee class.

The human in front of him is a long-range class with medium moving speed.

His speed, faster than his own?

That’s outrageous.

However, where did he know that this was a special gene at work.

This archer uses the light flow gene, which is completely the man that this assassin can’t catch.

Always kite, all the time kite.

This swift and sharp blade was going to be spit out.

Moreover, being hit once is a serious injury.

You can die twice.

However, on this day, the star archer, a strong light suddenly appeared behind him!


A stout pillar of thunder descended from the sky, which was a thunderclap.

In an instant, the body of the Celestial Star Archer was completely covered.

“Heaven high, how did you get so messed up?”

“The same is the Most Holy Order, but you can’t win the battle?”

In the Beamons, support came one after another.

Their race, which is strong in itself, is numerical superiority.

If one Most Holy One can’t win, then what about the Most Holy One to cooperate with dozens of Holy Steps?

Can it still be won?

Meteor Lord, look at these incoming Holy Steps.

The corners of his mouth collapsed.

mmp, can’t beat it.

But there is a face.

When the star shooter saw this, he immediately retreated.

No more entanglement.

They are not like Lu Cang, who can perfectly use special genes.

Just under that pillar of thunder.

The Celestial Shooter was also badly injured.

The Secret Steel Stone can certainly resist the attacks of the Holy Order.

But it’s just a boycott.

The battle has reached the Holy Order.

The role that the secret steel stone can play can only be an auxiliary effect, not a complete immunity.

As for the anti-seismic.

That can only bounce back and resist physical damage.

For magic element damage, it has no protective effect.

So this blow split the star shooter.

But that’s about it.

Serious injuries are not enough.

Considered a moderate level of damage.

“These special genes, the bonus is really considerable.”

“Lu Cang is so strong, it is indeed forgivable.”

This Meteor Lord’s evaluation of Lu Cang in his heart was once again one step higher.

I don’t think I’ve ever followed the wrong person.


【Heavenly Lord】


The battle of the Celestial Lords was much more exaggerated than that of the Meteor Lords.

Of course, the fact that his own territory is in the west is also one of the reasons.

This TM has hit their own doorstep.

How can it be possible without resistance.

One by one the giant elements of the Heavenly Lords appeared.

These giant elements, compared to before.

It looks a lot more powerful.

Lu Cang devoured their Sacred Order materials.

And the Heavenly Lord, naturally there are also a lot of elemental types of Sacred Order materials.

Bonuses for elements.

Also the most.

This also leads to these special genes after they are resolved.

The Heavenly Lord’s combat effectiveness also soared.

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