And as for surpassing Lu Cang…

Basically impossible.

Serfdom in flesh and blood, although it enslaved them, but at the same time greatly strengthened them.

If Lu Cang didn’t deliberately control their thoughts and didn’t interfere too much in their actions.

In fact, being enslaved by Lu Cang was a very happy thing.

Mythical level territory, want to transcend to the higher lair.

Then you have to ask the super myth, dream, and after the dream, a few grades that do not know what they are do not agree.

Therefore, he can have the honor of becoming the younger brother of the Lord of the Supreme Lair.

It was already the greatest happiness of their lives.

If you wait until the future.

Mythical level, mere holy order.

Whether it can be seen or not is still a question.

Except for the Celestial Lords.

Flesh-and-blood creatures are also waiting in this nest.

These Beamons, invading other places, Lu Cang didn’t bother to take care of them.

But hit the Lord’s territory.

That’s what is wrong with them.

Isn’t the Heavenly Lord’s territory the land of Lu Cang?

If you hit yourself on the head, you can’t let them hit.

Nature is to fight back.

And this strikes back…

That’s disgusting.

It is on the territory of Lu Cang.

Has the bonus of the mother tree of desire.

The range of the mother tree of desire is unlimited.

As long as it is its own territory, no matter how far away, it can enjoy the effect.

Only to see these Beamons, the stomach became bigger one by one.

Then, it exploded like a balloon.

The mother tree of desire, though said to be within a day, gave birth to these creatures completely.

But in one day, twenty-three hours is a day.

Ten seconds is also a day.

This, for sure.

But now it seems that these creatures, from pregnancy to stomach breaking, only take about a minute.

On the battlefield, even the slowest is ten minutes.

And these ten minutes have kept him in pain for ten minutes.

There is no way to fight.

This desire for the fighting power of the mother tree.

It’s really scary.

Flesh-and-blood creatures are born out of their stomachs.

The role of the mother tree of desire, regardless of gender.

Even if it was Lu Cang’s subordinate.

The Heavenly Lords couldn’t help but jump their eyelids when they saw the strange way these flesh-and-blood creatures appeared.

It’s also horrible.

Fortunately, these flesh-and-blood creatures are friendly forces.

If it is an enemy army, it will be a big trouble.

The arrival of the flesh and blood creatures gave the Heavenly Lords greater courage.

Even in the face of the siege of hundreds of Holy Order Lords.

His courage grew.

Afraid of something, behind his own, but there is at least a dream-level existence.

This supreme grade.

Isn’t it easy to beat these Beamons?

Now, wait for Lu Cang to promote the rank to the eighth order.

Of course, it was impossible for him to truly defeat so many holy orders.

But, can’t fight, keep it for a few hours, or no problem.

“So much.”

Lu Cang looked at the Beamons who surrounded the Heavenly Lords in all directions.

There was also a little surprise.

This is more than the number of monks, and indeed a little more.

“Evil pupil.”

Get orders from Lu Cang.

The evil pupil is activated again.

The evil pupil looked in the direction of the Heavenly Lord.

However, at this time, the evil pupil was only a super mythical grade.

Even on the watchtower.

It’s also hard to see that far.

The Heavenly Lords were indeed a little far away from them.

Lords of the Holy Order, after coming into this world.

From the hands of the human lord, he snatched some of the teleportation permissions.

It was like Lu Cang had killed the Thunder Beast Lord.

Gained rule over the Far East.

They also control the transmission permissions of each region.

At the same time, with some special means, threaten other lords to establish teleportation connections with themselves.

This gives you a chance to live.

Otherwise, when the time comes, kill them.

And for such a threat.

Where do human lords dare not listen?

Establishing a connection may not die, but he will die when Beamon kills him.

In the end, these human lords, on the contrary, formed a series of passages for these Beamons to pass.

Beamon who gets teleportation permissions.

It is also possible to move significantly in the west.

Rather than walking straight over.

Naturally, the action is much faster.

Evil pupil flesh and blood exchange.

Move to the city of the Heavenly Lord.

The next instant.

Gaze in all directions.

The power of the evil pupil is still there.

Even if it has degenerated to the level of super-mythology, its appearance has been fixed.

From the original can only gaze in the direction of one hundred and eighty degrees.

It becomes a gaze that can be three hundred and sixty degrees without dead angles.

However, the effect of the ability is not as powerful as the dream level.

Under this gaze.

These Beamons have hallucinations, madness, chaos, and all kinds of special abnormal states.




“What’s the situation? Stay back! ”


A Beamon slapped the lord beside him in the face.

And there was Beamon, raising a large knife in his hand.

Directly cut off the head of a certain class.

“Don’t blame me! You did it first! ”

Boom boom!

They hadn’t waited for the Heavenly Lord to strike first.

These lords of the Holy Order fought on their own.

The scene, in an instant, became extremely chaotic.

The power of the evil pupil.

The more chaotic the battle, the easier it is to use.

The more people there are, the more powerful they will be.

At this moment, these Holy Order Lords instantly clumped together.

Let the Heavenly Lord, all at once, look stunned.

He released all his troops.

Be prepared to see death as a homecoming, and the town will be guarded to the end.

As a result, the evil pupil came.

The battlefield changes in style in an instant.

The Celestial Lord turned his head and looked at the ball beside him with big eyes.

Prepare to say something.

“No thanks, you should thank the supreme master.”

The ball grunted and his eyes widened, and it actually conveyed an idea to him.

Lords of the Weather, people are staying.

This stuff, can still talk?

Lu Cang’s supreme arms all have a strong ability to learn.

Although it was only a few days to learn.

But it also made their wisdom reach a very high level.

Even Terraria began to think about the ultimate concern.

Lu Cang could hear Terraria’s contemplation of who I was, where I came from, where I was going, and this kind of question.

Of course…… This contemplation does not affect whether it is a mountain of meat.

It did not affect its absolute obedience to Lu Cang’s orders.

But this silent mountain turned out to be a philosopher.

On the battlefield, Beamon had begun to hit a wall in all directions.

After a while of starting to kill the human lords.

They suddenly found out.

It seems that the human lords are showing some signs of a counterattack.

Flesh-and-blood creatures, this kind of thing, don’t know what exactly it is.

So fierce.

And the human lords are holy.

Their combat effectiveness is far superior to their holiness.

At least two or three of these intensities are ordinary and holy.

Not two or three times as much.

The increase in combat power and the increase in multiplication is very terrifying.

Maybe two or three of the Most Holy add up to only a few times the sacredness, or even twice as strong, as a single Most Holy.

But a holy double intensity, triple intensity, that is enough to fight several holy.

It’s like, the Holy Order, probably the Tenth Order Lord, may be hundreds of times stronger.

But that doesn’t mean that hundreds of Tenth Order Lords are equivalent to one Holy Order.

In fact, hundreds of Ten Order Lords may not even be a fraction of a Holy Order.

The multiple of strength is often not equal to the multiple of the number.

After pushing forward and killing most of the ordinary lords.

Beamon also gradually felt a little tricky.

Because, the flesh and blood creatures they encountered were also becoming more and more numerous.

And often a single creeper can wipe out hundreds of thousands of their legions.

Even the Holy Order had to intervene to solve it.


【Beamon World】

【Beamon Palace】

【Imperial Palace】

Binulu held up a huge plate of fruit in both hands and offered an offering to King Bimong.

“King, this is the fruit we picked from the human world, please taste it.”

King Beamon shook his hand in the void and grabbed a grape.

A grape the size of a palm.

“Sure enough, the materials are abundant and the resources are fertile.”

King Beamon squeezed the grape into his mouth with one hand.

Crystal clear grapes with a rich, fruity aroma.

“Binulu, you have made a great contribution this time.”

King Beamon’s heart was full of comfort.

On the front line, good news is frequently returned.

For human territory, the evaluation of resources is extremely high.

How did this make him unhappy?

“Binulu, say what you wish.”

“This time, you are the number one contributor to our Beamon race.”

“The discovery of the fertile soil in the east is a great credit.”

“The occupation of the eastern city is a great credit.”

“Defending the city is also a great achievement.”

“Also, the discovery of unexplored fog areas is even more meritorious.”

“Tell me, how did the king reward you?”

King Beamon smiled and uttered such a series of words.

“What do you want this time?” You can all say it. ”

Binulu heard this.

Ecstasy in the heart.

Then he looked up at King Beamon.

His eyes caught a glimpse of the throne beneath King Beamon.

Then he glanced at the crown on King Beamon’s head.

But soon, he shook his head repeatedly.

What am I thinking.

This, too, is too greedy.

“I want to… Subordinates want…”

Just when this was more angry than Lu Lu, ready to say his wishes.

But I heard a voice that didn’t belong to Beamon.

“Yo, it’s quite lively.”

“I want all of Beamon’s territory, what do you think?”

A human figure, sitting on the edge of a fruit plate.

Pinch a longan.

Look at King Beamon on the throne.

“I wanted to see who wanted to go back so early.”

“I watched it for half a day, and it turned out to be the first one you came back.”

Lu Cang didn’t expect it either.

The first to return to Beamon’s world was the first invader to come to Beamon’s world.

Than Nulu.

And Lu Cang, too, had placed the parasitic eye on his body earlier.

Originally, with his return, Lu Cang wanted to jump to the Beamon World.

But he seemed to be going to Beamon’s palace.

See what that King Bimon is.

Immediately, Lu Cang let him go for a while.

Wait until the other party goes inside the palace.

Jump over it yourself.

And see the appearance of Lu Cang.

The whole of Beamon’s palace was stunned.

What kind of human is this human being?

How could it be in this place.

This is Beamon’s world.

Even if it’s their Beamon,

It took three days to build the teleportation array.

This is transmitted to the human side.

And how can human beings appear in the world of Beamon.

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