The palace of Beamon, but the west-central part of the world of Beamon.

If you want to come over, you have to travel a long distance and don’t know how long.

Calculated based on the distance now known.

Even if it starts from the end of the human west.

All the way, straight line action.

Even if it is their holiness.

Without using a teleportation array, it would take a month and a half.

From now on, Beamon has only entered the human world for only three days.

Three days.

Even if the other party has been heading west since breaking through the fog.

It is absolutely impossible to come to the palace.

As for the teleportation array.

Where does Beamon have teleportation arrays for humans to use?

Or is there a human ghost in Beamon?

But how is this possible?

Before that, the fog had not been broken.

Where do humans come from.

How could they know.

Lu Cang was brought directly by Nu Lu.

“King Beamon.”

“The last leader who ruled the whole world, I haven’t caught yet.”

“I can only arrest you.”


Although I don’t know how this person came over.

But this human lord only has the seventh order!

What kind of storm could the lord of the seventh order stir up in this palace full of holy steps?

“Be bold!”

Than angry Lu roared.

The six arms on the back are fully open.

A handful of weapons also appeared in his arms.

Kill Lu Cang.

No classes are required.

What more classes are needed to deal with a seventh-order lord?

The lord himself is enough.

But, he had just pulled out his weapon.

In the next instant, the body is cut into countless small pieces.

In the midst of this palace.

Filaments that were already covered with flesh and blood fibers.

This filament is attached to the gene of “Absolute Fiber”.

Than Nu Lu, was killed instantly.

But of course, it wasn’t completely killed.

Just let him be resurrected in the territory.

“King Beamon.”



“Mom, why are we all leaving the galaxy?”

“Child, the galaxy has been swallowed up by an endless plague of insects.”

“It can’t be our home anymore.”

“Mom, where are we going now?”

“Go to the Empire.”

“Seek refuge from the Empire.”

“Dad works in the Empire, let’s go there and we’ll do it.”


【Scattered galaxies】

“Right now, we’re going to get closer to the Milky Way.”

“I heard that the Empire is rebuilt again in the galaxy, where we can all get shelter.”

“There are still 20 million old light-years away, not far away.”

“I wish…”

“Has the empire really been rebuilt?”

“How can the endless insect plague be eliminated?”


【Folding space】

The south of the human world.

In the folding space, the allies of the alliance are hiding in it.

In this folded space, green bugs fell from the sky.

These bugs, probably the size of people.

Its body juice is also green.



【Level: Fifth Order】

[Description: Worm.] 】

The description is very simple.

And the allies of the alliance looked at the sky of this folded space.

The folding space is actually like a particularly large room.

There are boundaries around you.

The lords of the human world cannot leave the boundaries of this room and go somewhere else.

However, outside creatures, if they enter this folded space, will still teleport to the inside.

In the human world, it is difficult to go to the world of folding space.

However, things in the opposite world can fall into the human world.

It is possible to come over, but not to go out again.

However, these creatures are unable to pass through the entrance of the human world and go to the human world.

After the opposite world came over, I was trapped here.

The human world can still come and go freely.

But the allies of the alliance.

At this point, flesh and blood cover the top of the head.

Eyebrows, tightly wrinkled.

In this space, from the sky, it crackled with the rain of insects.

Millions of insects are constantly falling from the sky.

It’s like filling up this space.

The allies of the alliance had no choice but to constantly devour and dispose of the corpses of these insects.

The few times I had come before, they were all good, just a ruin full of rocks.

How this time, so many bugs fell down.

The allies of the alliance lived for a long time, plus they had the authority to control the entire alliance.

Naturally, I also know some relatively private information.

It wasn’t just Lu Cang who had explored folding spaces.

In fact, many lords have explored folding spaces.

And the intelligence it explores is basically gathered into the alliance.

By comparing these intelligences.

The Alliance also summed up the general situation of the outer world.

He knew very well that the outside world was a universe.

The vast majority of space is completely empty.

The corresponding world of each folded space should be a certain place on a planet.

My own world is just one of the planets.

But what happened to the planet where the folding space was located?

What kind of war broke out?

Suddenly, in the sky, several corpses fell again.

This time, it is a “bug” named “Void Mantis”

Actually, it was the worm of the Holy Order.


“Can the firepower be added?”

“, can you play faster?”

“The swarm is coming!”

“ITM, the guns are on fire, how do you want me to fight?”

“What about the steel torrent? What about a fleet that claims to cover half a planet? ”

“, that fleet is dead.”

“By the time the second wave of insect swarms hit, it was completely scrapped!”

“Grass, is there any other support?”


“This is our last line of defense!”

“You TM thank you for this infinite loop technology, otherwise Lao Tzu’s bullet would have been gone long ago.”

“Bullets, infinite bullets have a fart?”

“This swarm of insects can’t be killed at all!”

“How many are there? We’ve been killing for three days! ”

“Why is it still coming?”

“, what about the observatory?” How many enemies there are, don’t you report them! ”

“Grass, the observatory has long been destroyed!”

“A few big bugs from the Holy Order came and directly demolished our observation station.”

“Holy Order, how come these insects have so many Holy Orders?”

“Where the hell are so many bugs?”

The creatures of this planet are completely desperate.

They have powerful technology.

A large number of lords have entered the Holy Class, and most of them belong to the technology class lords.

But the thing is, they’ve never seen such a threat.

This mighty, omnipresent insect plague.

There is no end to the killing.

All weapons fire together.

Even unlimited ammo, unlimited energy, can’t kill them all.


What they can’t see is.

In the vast galaxy, the insect plague is huge…

This insect plague is only a small branch of the tributary of the countless tributaries of the insect plague.

It is as if a giant river diverts out of a small river, a small river diverts out of a stream, and a stream diverts out of a ditch.

But even this little branch.

It is already a huge disaster that the planet cannot bear.

At any time, it is in danger of collapse.

In the midst of a fluttering wind and rain.


【Beamon City】

King Beamon rose from his throne.

With a serious eye, look at the creature in front of you.

“You, a seventh-order lord, can kill Binulu.”

“Very good fighting power.”

On either side of King Beamon’s body.

Classes emerge from the void.

As king, he was not taken lightly.

There was no self-confidence to fight with Lu Cang closely.

Instead, he summoned his own troops.

His class is Beamon, who holds a giant blade.

【Heavy Blade Warrior】

Very simple class.

However, the strength of the army is not based on whether he is simple or not.

Or maybe it’s not very bells and whistles.

Sometimes, often fancy troops, the real strength is not strong.

And sometimes.

Mediocre troops, combat effectiveness, but an abnormal report.

The main thing is still in the grade and grade.

“I don’t want to fight in the palace.”

“The reconstruction of the palace is very troublesome.”


“Superpower! Heavy chop! ”


In the next instant, this warrior came to Lu Cang’s face.


A sword, slashed down!

Four swords, to be precise.

This giant blade warrior, with eight arms, two or two holding a heavy blade.

Behind the right, the three arms share a heavy blade.

The same is true on the left.

On his main arms, he also holds a heavy blade in each of them.

There are four in total.

This sword splits.

Lu Cang was hit instantly.


The earth erupted in a terrifying tremor.

The earth cracked a deep ravine in all directions!

With just one slash, the entire palace collapsed in an instant.

For this mysterious human being.

King Beamon did not dare to take it lightly.

Since the other party dares to come, it must be vigilant enough.

He was not a light enemy.

To be able to sit in this position, there must be something exquisite.

These four heavy swords fell.

Although the smoke is still drifting.

But through the Lord’s point of view, he could already see.

The upper half of this arrogant human lord was already blurred with flesh and blood.

But before King Beamon could say anything sarcastic.

Poof, poof–

But, after this sword is cut.

On the body of this heavy blade warrior, four huge openings appeared.

On his body, four deep visible bone scars appeared.

Flutter —

This most holy soldier fell directly to the ground.

On one’s last legs.

[Anti-seismic] has already played a role.

At the same time, Lu Cang himself also carries the “Xuan Turtle Carapace”

Double back injury.

“Cut something.”

And the upper half of the flesh and blood blurred body gradually became three-dimensional.

All around, scattered flesh and blood intertwined.

Lu Cang actually recovered again in an instant, as if nothing had happened.

And that heavy blade warrior.

But he was seriously injured and dying.

The damage is indeed high.

Both can break the secret steel structure and break the anti-seismic horn.

Even break the defenses of the turtle carapace.

Is this the super-mythical Most Holy Lord?

Although the class is very simple.

However, the combat effectiveness is really strong.

This kind of strong, but also very simple strong, pure brute force.

Pure ultra-mythical supreme brute force.

So many of his own defenses can be broken.

You know, the Meteor Lord’s Celestial Archer, an arrow directly hit himself.

I don’t even have a skin on my own.

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