“Yes, no, that’s how it feels.”

“My experiment is correct.”

“This ritual can really be promoted to taboo!”


Pillar after pillar of light extinguished.

Those thousand pillars of light dissipated one by one.

But Monte’s breath is also getting deeper and deeper.

The surviving swarm of insects seemed to sense the threat and all turned around, ready to attack the existence that was promoting the taboo.

But the earth erupted with blood light!

Directly dissolve the swarm of worms in pieces.

Blood forms a curtain that envelops Monte.

No swarm of insects can pass through this curtain.

“I am the blood, and I am the flesh, and I am born from the embryo to perform the good and evil of the self.”


From behind Monte.

The layers of flesh and blood wrapped around the embryo like petals.

Finally piece by piece, it bloomed.

And in it, a huge baby with no skin and only blood-colored muscles was born from it.

【Flesh and Blood Demon Baby】

【Grade:Super Myth】

【Rank: Taboo】

On this planet, the lords were all stunned.

Just now they finally launched a [final space fission strike]

This is a blow that can disrupt space, create huge space fragments, and roll swarms of insects into the shattered void.

It is also their most powerful range damage.

However, this is also their last [fission energy]

After this use, there is no longer the ability to clear the field.

But this time uses.

It seemed to blow up a strange presence.

This, humans, was outside their city.

Below countless swarms of insects.

Don’t know what you’re doing.

However, the situation looks very frightening.

Large swarms of insects could not hurt him at all.

“That… What is that? ”

At the same time, there is an indescribable breath that changes in it.

The pillars of light went out one by one.

It also indicates that the ceremony is constantly being completed.

In fact, Monte is already very powerful.

Can be called a genius.

He did not get the complete taboo inscription.

It is only through exploration, research, and experimentation that I have discovered the mystery of this on my own.

It is equivalent to, with its own efforts, reproducing the results of ancient times.

That alone is remarkable.

But suddenly.


It was time to count the seventy-third pillar of light.

This pillar of light, but it was not extinguished.

The rest of the pillar of light continued to extinguish in this way.

Monte felt a violent emotion fill his mind.

“Sure enough, at the heart of the region, something went wrong.”

This was the little flaw he had expected.

But he did not find a perfect solution.

If you want to perfect.

It may be necessary to tear down the entire theoretical edifice and start all over again.

The difference is a thousand miles.

But Monte had run out of time and had no patience to start all over again.

He must be promoted taboo.

Otherwise, just by living a lifespan, it would have been impossible to survive those ordinary lords.

His age is close to his maximum lifespan.


As the last pillar of light goes out.

Monte’s body stood up straight.

He, fully promoted to the rank of Forbidden Lord.



“It’s time.”

Lu Cang felt, what time was this King Bi Meng grinding with himself?

Did he really think that the ten minutes he said were the ten minutes of his peak combat effectiveness?

What I said was actually the ten minutes of my own combat power.

In King Bimong’s view, Lu Cang was already very strong.

Strong enough to be able to forcibly elevate one’s strength to this realm in some special way.

But King Beamon couldn’t have imagined it.

This was Lu Cang’s weakest and lowest combat effectiveness.

This combat power is still not used by any class, and the combat power blocked by the CPU is occupied by the nest upgrade.

Once this time has passed.

Suffice it to say…

I’m sorry.

I’m stronger than you think.

【Nest promotion completed】

【Current Nest Class: 8th Order】

[Lord’s abilities: physical strengthening, spiritual strengthening, perception enhancement, flesh and blood dissolution, imitation]

【Nest ability…】

Lu Cang didn’t need to look at what new abilities he had acquired.

Lu Cang only knew that the strength of his body was constantly pouring up.

【Ninth Order Dream Brute Force Biological Physique】

【Ninth Order Dream Spirit Creature Spirit】

【Ninth Order Dream Detection Biological Perception】

Three reinforcements one plus up.

Lu Cang felt that he was better than when he first fought Osan.

More brutal and powerful.

Between the big opening and closing, you may be able to directly sink a large area.


King Beamon also pinched the time!

At this moment, he felt the sudden change in the momentum on Lu Cang’s body!

He didn’t even feel what the change was.

Immediately let his own troops take a shot at Lu Cang!

What else could have changed!

Of course it’s getting weaker!


He was wrong.



[Congratulations Lord: Lu Cang – become the fastest to break through to the eighth order! 】

[NO.1 – Lu Cang breaks through the fourth-order territory: time: 13 days 19:24:25 seconds]

The news of Lu Cang’s promotion to the eighth order.

It spread throughout the world of Lords.

The lords of the entire human world seemed to be numb.

Since Lu Cang came to this world.

It’s almost always upgrading at the speed of light.

In just a few days, he had risen to a level that some lords could not ascend in a lifetime.

You know, the eighth order is already a watershed for ordinary lords.

Ordinary lords, the highest in this life is the eighth order.

It is also a rank that ordinary lords can reach with their efforts.

Above the eighth order, basically just their own efforts, there is no effect.

There are some hard conditions that cannot be achieved.

Unless you get some special opportunities, there will be a direct qualitative change.


Upgrade is simply not possible.

But Lu Cang had only been in a few days.

It rose to the eighth order.

It’s as if leveling up is the same as playing.

Moreover, unlike the lords who patronize the brush ranks.

Some lords, blindly rushing to the ranks.

But their combat effectiveness is very average.

It was only a little higher than the lord of the lower order.

Not much stronger at all.

In this way, it is at the expense of development and the stability of its own strength.

Specifically to change the behavior of the level.

Although the speed is fast, the difference from the solid upgrade is not much bigger.

But Lu Cang this, while upgrading.

You can also skip the challenge.

Skip the challenge.

In general, the challenge of crossing the level is only one grade, or one level.

Or even a siege to complete the crossing.

But Lu Cang directly played a few of them, and the level of crossing was also the fourth or fifth level of TM.

Not at all reasonable.

This upgrade speed is fast, the strength is explosive, and I don’t know how he has been upgraded.

【World Channel】

“Lu Cang big guy, upgraded again.”

“Big Guy Lu Cang, we are wrong, please save us.”

“Will the cursed person really save us?”

“I feel that I still can’t escape the fate of death.”

“Forget it, it’s the end of the world, my mentality has been leveled.”

But, suddenly, there was a violent tremor from the earth!


The world trembled again.

This has been, for the third time that the Great Earthquake has tremored.

“By …”

“Damn, don’t think about it, it must be Lu Cang’s big guy who is doing some kind of ghost.”

As long as the earth shakes.

That must be Lu Cang’s means.

Now, if you want to know if Lu Cang is doing anything, you still have to see how the earth moves.

The ground was shaking, which meant that Lu Cang was doing things.

Unconsciously, Lu Cang had become a figure that as long as there was movement, the earth would tremble three times.

Well, the physical sense of jitter on the three shakes.

And some players who have wandered to the end of the West.

The tremor was particularly strong.

They found.

This earthquake did not come from the human world.

It came from Beamon’s side.




The earth is like a trampoline.

For a while, it shook violently.

These lords couldn’t help but swallow a mouthful.

Could it be that the big man of Lu Cang, using that mysterious method, jumped into the area of Beamon?

Give them a wave of backward entries?

This wave is really a backward entry.

Everyone else was still attacking human territory, so Lu Cang went directly to raid his home.

The reaction could not be reacted, and it was incorporated.

And in the human world, the great lords, when they were desperate, were also stunned.


“How did these Beamons suddenly withdraw their troops?”

“I leaned in, and just now the giant beast Beamon’s big hand was about to shoot down, and as a result, they actually turned their heads and ran.”

“I’m confused, what the hell is going on?”

“There seems to be news in the west.”

“It seems that it is Lu Cang’s big guy who is doing things in Beamon’s world.”

Because those Beamons are teleporting to the city of Beamon.

Then head towards the middle and occupy it.

Therefore, on the contrary, very few Beamons would choose to go to the end of the West.

So, when some lords withdrew from the territory.


Evacuate to the west and come to the west of the extreme station.

In this way, it is more likely to survive.

The most dangerous place is the safest place.

And they feel it most strongly over here.

These lords transmit their feelings back to the lords.

Share your observations with them.

And see these messages delivered back.

These lords were also confused.

What is the situation of this?

Lu Cang is doing things in the world of Beamon?

When did he pass?



“What the hell?”

Lords, all TM was stunned.

How did the troublemaker king of his own family run to Beamon’s side?



Terraria, falling from the sky.

That’s right, falling from the sky.

At the moment when Lu Cang was promoted to the eighth order.

All the supreme classes have also been increased to a corresponding level.

From the eighth order, it was also raised to the ninth order.

Terraria’s body size has also been raised from one-fifth of an area directly to the size of an entire area.

It was five times larger than at the time of the eighth order.

And the moment it fell directly from mid-air to the earth.

The whole world of Beamon.

It sat down for a moment!

But it was this moment.

The waters of the Endless Sea poured into the world of Beamon.

That’s the moment.

I don’t know how many lords’ territorial cores could not withstand this shock and exploded in an instant!

The scariest of all.

Terraria has the bonus of the Oscillation Skin.

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