There is also a significant improvement in the ability to shock shocks.

Not only its quality, but also comes with an additional increase in the material of the Holy Order.

It’s a simple sitting.

Directly to the whole world, sitting on the main artery.

None of them could have imagined it.

Lu Cang’s attack method was so strange.

This was better than the king of Mont thought.

Lu Cang will rely on his own physical strength and combat skills.

And the mental, physical qualities, and his troops, to engage in a terrible duel.

But what he didn’t expect was that.

Lu Cang just pointed his right hand at the sky.


It went dark.

In the next instant, everything here was completely crushed, crushed to the point of completely turning into a piece of paper.

Terraria, falling from the sky.


In the world of Beamon, a mountain suddenly falls.

In fact, Lu Cang’s strength and fighting with them were also very easy.

These ordinary Most Holy Classes.

Just super mythical level.

With so many genes of their own.

If you want to win, it is still easy.

However, Lu Cang did not intend to do so.

Instead, it was directly dispatched to Terraria to crush.

After being promoted to the eighth rank.

Lu Cang’s flesh and blood blessing was also refreshed again.

This time, Lu Cang planned to raise his own classes that had been raised to the Supreme Rank and directly bless them to the Dream Level.

No matter how you think about it, the two dream-level combat effectiveness is stronger.

The other ways of blessing are either just a dream or all of them are super-myths.

“Blessed by flesh and blood, Rami.”

“Blessed by flesh and blood, the one who shouts.”

At the same time, Lu Cang exchanged “Picasso” with flesh and blood and pulled it directly to this side.

As a “dream” level shaper, Picasso has the ability to fuse multiple classes at the same time.

Rami, blessed by Lu Cang.

Body size also varies between them.

In the midst of this blessing, it gradually floated up.

Has the ability to fly.

At the same time, the entire creeper race was also sublimated in an instant.

【Influenced by the Most High】

【Creeper Race Evolution】

【Creeper – Floating Man】

Creepers, collectively acquired the ability to fly.

Thus no longer need to crawl.

The reason why they got the name.

Also at the beginning there were only two arms, no lower limbs.

It can only be obtained by crawling on the ground.

But once they are able to fly, they have already escaped the characteristics of creepers.

And, such a large evolution.

It is also a species of reptile.

They turned into a silkworm-like creature.

Behind this silkworm pupa, it possesses six deformed arms.

These six deformed arms are slender.

If you look at the past head-on.

They seemed to be a thick spider hanging in the void.

It’s scary.

Also, the body is covered with a black shell.

It’s not just flesh and blood.

On the front, there is an extra face.

At the tail, inside is actually a mouth full of sharp teeth.

The floaters have not lost the ability to bite.

On the contrary, it has greatly improved the capacity in this regard.

At the same time, Rami, as the main reason for this evolution, has been further strengthened.

Its body actually has a humanoid form.

However, only the upper body is in human form.

Or rather, a bunch of human figures.

Its body is still tangled with flesh and blood.

The torso is like a straight stick.

On either side of the stick, are the arms that are lined up.

As if, the wings of an angel.

This made Lu Cang think of the angels in the myths of his past life.

However, the angel is six pieces, or eight pieces of divine wings.

But this [Lamy]

But it was eight arms.

But Lu Cang could feel that Lami’s strength had indeed increased significantly.

But the focus is different.

Lamy’s strength growth is still more focused on the team’s ability to grow.

No matter how to improve.

Rami are all present as an auxiliary ethnic group.

This positioning will never change.

As for the Screamers, they have also evolved again.

The Screamer turned into a head.

Originally, the screamer still had a physical existence.

But after this advanced level.

He had already lost the tentacles under his body.

Only the head remained.

But this head has the real ability to fly.

Instead of [Screamer] pure floating ability.

And not really flying.

However, it seems that his dream-level class has not yet been unable to fly.

Flying is estimated to be the standard for the ability of the Dream Class.

Even Terraria can fly.

However, Terraria flew extremely slowly.

It’s better not to fly or not to fly.

It is not as comfortable as the flesh and blood exchange.

All aspects of the Screamer’s reinforcement are the abilities of sound waves.

Now, the Screamer’s sonic attack can completely cover the entire range of an area.

Ninth order of fantasy level ability.

Positioning is about easily inflicting regional-level strikes.

And can threaten multiple regions at the same time.

It can easily cause devastating disasters to the world.

Lu Cang slightly analyzed the dream Ninth Order combat strength standard in his mind.

This is because there is enough sample and it is not difficult to analyze.

If it is another lord, only a small amount of information can be obtained.

Even if you want to analyze it, you can only be ambiguous.


Lu Cang is different.

Lu Cang’s dream-level creatures were already too many.

It now has five dream-level creatures.

If this let the other lords know, I am afraid that I will be scared to death.

A dream creature is scary enough.


Is this wholesale?

When did the grade of fantasy become so worthless?

But alas.

Lu Cang is a class that can wholesale fantasy grades.

Of course, there is another important factor in this.

That’s because Lu Cang himself is not the upper limit or the dream grade.

Just like the super-mythical level lord, it can still create a large number of mythical level troops.

Mythical Lords, on the other hand, can also create a large number of Legendary level troops.

The higher the rank, the more low-level classes can be created.

The class that is equivalent to its own rank will be relatively small.

This is his best combat strength.

This is also the reason why lords of the same rank, high grades, can be far behind the lower grades by one street.

Your own upper limit is a grade that others can easily make.

The other side, there are more advanced combat capabilities.

Both in terms of quantity and quality, it is crushed.

The higher the order, the more so.


【Beamon World】

King Beamon, resurrected with a completely confused face.

Just now, what happened?

How did it get dark all of a sudden?

Died in one fell swoop?

How did he die? What attacks?

He had no idea.

He was very confused.

But the next moment, he seemed momentarily aware of what was going on.

To be precise, it’s hard to understand.

Such a big mountain, standing in front of him, tall and majestic.

It was breathless.

One side of this mountain is completely wrapped in cold ice, and on the other side, it is flowing with flesh and blood.

From above the flesh and blood, there are also many flesh and blood creatures that do not know how many.

The reason why these flesh-and-blood creatures were known was because of the information that King Beamon had recently received from the front line of the battlefield.

Human territory does not know why, there will be unusually terrifying flesh and blood creatures.

Far more than the strength of the same rank.

It even has the combat power of the [Pseudo Holy Order].

For this statement.

King Beamon also took a look.

Then it was ignored.

This is, after all, a very small number of examples.

On the big side, their invasion went very well.

I guess it’s a specialty of the human world.


At this moment, when this specialty comes to the world of Beamon.

King Beamon, at last, was completely indifferent.

“Rami, you should expand to the west.”

“Shout, you go to the east.”

“Shaper, you cooperate with the evil pupil and expand to the south.”

“Well, Terraria, you’re going to the north.”

Lu Cang completed the division of labor for the five dream-level creatures in an instant.

Invading, you can’t always let yourself manually invade.

As a lord yourself, it is not good to go to the demolition of other people’s homes with your bare hands.

The lord must have the appearance of a lord.

Issue orders to let the classes go to work.

But if Okuyama heard Lu Cang’s thoughts.

Presumably jumped out of the coffin.

When Lu Cang first attacked the Okushan Territory, he didn’t do that.

The one who hits is called a fierce, that is called a poison.

That’s called a death blow.

However, this is also because the whole world of Beamon is too big.

Lu Cang acted on his own, and he was tired and panicked when he pushed it.

In addition, he now has more dream-level troops.

If it is changed before.

It is simply not possible to do so.

Not to mention the time when Lu Cang was in the last stage.

The Dream Combat Power was only used for an hour, and it was disabled because of the promotion to the Lair.

Even if it can be used.

Of these combat forces, only one of them is good at combat.

The other is more of a scout.

Well…… A gaze can make everyone on the battlefield fight their own reconnaissance.

However, with these two classes alone, it is still a little unrealistic to want to push the whole world.

The Evil Pupil Light was a spiritual attack, and it was impossible for these lords to have much substantial damage.

Although it can make the lords crazy.

But it can’t really kill the territorial core.

Mental abnormalities have no effect on buildings.

Therefore, Lu Cang assigned two people to them.

Lu Cang himself, on the other hand, checked out the newly acquired ability.

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