Hum —

Brush brush brush.

They chanted teleportation.

Soon one by one the lords returned to their territory.

They span the distance of most of the world.

Just because I heard the news that the world of Beamon was in a hurry.

In the direction of the world of Beamon, a trumpet was blown.

The sound of this horn.

Spread throughout the world.

At the same time all the lord’s messages.

All received urgent and high-risk information.

The lord who got this information.

Where dare to delay.

Most importantly.

Just in an instant.

Around them.

Suddenly, countless lords turned into white dots of light and disappeared.

This means.

Their territorial core was destroyed.

They were also killed.

This is without warning for the lords who are attacking the human world.

Lu Cang came to their world.

It didn’t take long.

That’s just ten minutes.

The promotion is complete.

And for the vast majority of lords.

Ten minutes, on the battlefield, is almost negligible.

And the other surviving lords return to their own worlds.

However, what brought them was a deep despair.

They looked up.

But I saw a huge mountain.

What is this one, the giant mountain?

Where is there such a class?

No, after all, is this really a class of arms?

Is this really not a being of the Supreme God?

See this Terraria.

Countless Beamons couldn’t help but have an image in their hearts.

Their world also has a historical existence.

This history, however, is the history of the great beings.

Those great beings are absolutely invincible beings.

It is the existence that leads the entire race to victory.

In the face of such a being, the only option is worship and surrender.


This thing in front of you.

Doesn’t it fit this characteristic?

Absolutely invincible existence.


Poof, poof, poof.

Arrows pierce into the atmosphere.

Penetrate layers of air.

Make a popping sound in the air.

Then these attacks hit that mountain of flesh.

It won’t make them feel like they’re able to resist.

These attacks, on the contrary, made them feel a deep sense of despair.

The small arrow, hitting Roshan on the body, could not see any effect at all.

If it is in the ordinary.

These spirals of arrows spiral.

Enough to penetrate a city wall and destroy it.

But on this mountain.

But there was not even a single hole left behind.

Instead, it is its own class.

After shooting an arrow.

His chest is directly pierced.

They were actually shocked by their own attacks.

Terraria, at this moment, is moving smoothly at a relatively uniform speed.

After reaching the Ninth Order.

He had a little bit of movement speed.

What’s more, he can speed up his movement speed with his ability to adsorb.

The earth was run over by Terraria.

At the same time, around Terraria, a large swamp of flesh and blood has also formed.

Now on the ground, it was simply impossible to get close to Terraria.

All creatures that walk on the ground will only be mercilessly plunged into the mud of flesh and blood.

Lords can only attack from the sky.

But a physical attack must recoil.

Only attacks such as elemental arcane arts can be used.

In this way, you can ensure that you are not counter-shocked.

But in reality, no matter what kind of attack, for Terraria, it is indifferent.

This, too desperate.

In a short time, in the north of Beamon, two areas had fallen.

Terraria after being promoted to the Ninth Order.

What has greatly improved is the speed of his movements.

Eighth order of it, almost immovable.


At this time, Picasso wrapped the evil pupil.

It is flying fast in the sky.

Compare Terraria.

The killing efficiency of the evil pupil can be said to be high and outrageous!

【Mental Knock】


Bang Bang Bang!

Countless Beamons, the brain directly exploded.

Dream-grade [Spirit Shock] where they can resist.

At the same time, the pupils of the evil pupils released tens of thousands of tiny beams of light.

The beam of light cuts the earth.

Cause great destruction.

A beam of light streaked through, directly shattering hundreds of territorial cores.

The world of Beamon is indeed much wider than the world of mankind.

The area is about three times that of the human world.

If it weren’t for the bonus of the original watchtower, the evil pupil would not have been able to see the whole picture of the world of Beamon.

Therefore, even if there were more than six hundred Saint Order Lords, in fact, there was still an area where ordinary Lords lived alone.

There are more than three hundred areas in the human world, but Beamon has more than nine hundred.

However, the resources are still dry.

What the evil pupil had cleaned up at this time was an area where ordinary lords had gathered.

Terraria is simple.

Directly demolished is the Holy Order Territory.

Once the territorial core is dismantled, the area is directly abolished.

After all, the world of Beamon, most of the Holy Order Lords, only occupied one area.

It’s easy to attack.

Killing billions of lords is of course troublesome, but dismantling a territorial core is much simpler.


“What the hell are these?”

“How does it keep coming?”

At this moment, a terrible plague of locusts seemed to erupt in the sky.

Countless floaters, flying in all directions.

Most of these floaters have their arms turned into scythes.

Extremely powerful cutting capacity.

After integrating genes.

The biggest gain, it is estimated that this species wins with a numerical advantage.

Their original individual strength is not very strong.

Compared to Roshan and the like.

It can be said that it is a world of difference.

But it is also because it is not strong in itself.

After getting the gene enhancement.

The increase is also the largest.

“Devour this land, people!”

“Let these ignorant creatures bear our mark!”

【Twister – Rami】


【Rank: 8th Order】

【Attack Rating:50,000,000】

[Defense Rating: 100,000,000]

[Abilities: Countless phantom limbs, super speed, crazy twisting, twisting, hyperplastic limbs]

[Exclusive Ability – Floater Gene: A living creature that is bitten by all floaters will inevitably be injected into the floater gene and gradually and partially transformed into a floater, and its resistance varies according to its equivalent. 】

[Exclusive Ability – Leader of the Floating Creatures: When “Rami” exists on the battlefield, all creepers receive additional combat enhancements and get two additional phantom limbs, enemies cannot physically touch the phantom limbs, phantom limbs can physically collide with enemies, and “Lami” gets four additional phantom limbs. 】

[Exclusive ability – Floating Crowd: “Lami” commands the Floating Person, and when the Flying Floater collectively attacks a target, it will greatly increase the damage, and the “Lami” can increase the strength of its attack according to the number of floating people around. 】

[Exclusive Ability – Ancestral Creeper: When Rami survives, each fleshworm will be able to divide into ten floaters, and when a creature transforms into a floater, it will split into three. 】

[Exclusive ability – independent nerve: The floater transformed by external injection of genes does not occupy the nerve capacity. 】

After being upgraded to the Dream level.

Rami’s wisdom has been upgraded again.

At the same time, it is no longer the only body attack that can create the Floater.

It doesn’t matter which floater attacks.

Can be manufactured.

Although said to see the description of the endless insect plague.

But after the creeper evolved into a floater, Lu Cang had an idea in his mind.

Endless insect plague?


What happens if those insect plagues meet their own floaters?

If a floater kills one, it can transform into three floaters.

It seems that his own floaters also have a tendency in this regard.

Then kill yourself all the way, isn’t it an endless insect plague x3


【World Channel】

The army of Bimont came and went as fast as it went.

They go back and go straight back to the city, so disappear quickly.

But to get over you have to go through various teleportation arrays.

Now his home has been stolen.

As soon as Terraria sat down, she didn’t know how many lords’ territorial cores had been shattered.

Know that some lords are for safety.

However, the core of the territory will be stored in the territory of other lords.

And the safest place is the area of the Imperial Palace ruled by King Beamon.

But where can they think of it.

It’s just this area.

It is the hardest hit area of the attack.

So in an instant, hundreds of millions of Lord Beamon died violently.

In the process of their constant rush back.

Still a steady stream, one by one fell to the ground.

Only to see the Beamon Lords on the battlefield who had not yet had time to retreat.

Pieces of death.

And their classes disappeared in pieces.

This made the warring lords look stupid.

What’s going on here?

【World Channel】

“Brothers, can you see that mountain?”

“The mountain you’re talking about won’t be that mountain, will it?”

“Myth man, get out of the gram.”

Some lords, flying high in the air, are at the end of the West.

The field of vision saw the presence of the mountain in the distance through a long distance.

Although there are layers of clouds and mist.

Plus the distance is really too far.

But even so, it can still be seen, in the world of Beamon.

A huge mountain appeared.

It was like what they had seen before.

A giant mountain in the territory of Okuyama.

And with one lord after another with the ability to probe at an ultra-long distance.

Or some, high-level scouting troops.

I came to the sky on this side.

Although it is impossible to see the specific details.

But they found it faintly.

Like the world of Beamon.

Something happened

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