“What are these bugs?”

“Don’t get caught by them!”

“Be careful!”

But the voice just dropped.

But it was too late.


A rapid stream of light passes through!

A deep wound appeared on Beamon’s shoulder.

This is not a fatal injury.

And the reason why it survived.

But at the cost of the companions around him.

This stream of light is fast.

It’s so fast that you can’t even see it with the naked eye.

Around him his companions were already limbly scattered.

Especially the arm with the most of Beamon.

Now on earth.

It’s all amputated arms.

At this time, this only caught Beamon, the color of his body gradually deepened.

At the same time, the hair is constantly falling out.

He’s just a seventh-order Black Cold Killer.

That is, the Beamon of the Seventh Order.

What is the resistance to being injected with genes?

Soon inside his body.

Flesh and blood cracked.

From his skin bag, three pupa creatures broke free.

These creatures use their arms to prop their skin and flesh apart.


Three floaters were born.

No, not three to be precise.

Corpses on earth.

It is also a piece of skin and flesh broken.

From their bodies crawled out one floater after another.




“Devour everything and kill Beamon.”

Compared to Terraria’s ruthless crush, compared to the evil pupil’s spiritual explosion.

This group of floaters is the most cruel.

They simply don’t deliberately destroy any territorial core.

They would even deliberately retain the territorial core for the time being.

Let these lords release a steady stream of troops.

And they release one, and these floaters kill one.

Put one to kill one, let one kill one.

And these lords if they completely exhaust all classes.

There are no troops at all.

This means that they have lost their productive value.

These floaters will ruthlessly destroy the core of the territory.

It’s cruelty to the extreme.

However, Lu Cang didn’t think it was a bad thing.

To be kind to your enemies is to be cruel to yourself.

Most importantly, this method converts out the floater.

It does not take up any of his nerve capacity.

And Lu Cang, basically every floater, actually has the capacity of the nerve.

But that’s just plain made.

Now inject the floater gene into others.

You can get it completely free of charge directly.

So who will make it?

These Beamons must not squeeze the value of production well.

Of course, it is not completely non-killing.

What are those lords of the human world for?

Since you are all going to use it for yourself.

Those flesh-men who should atone for their sins should also have the use of flesh-men.

For example, they will continue to create a steady stream of troops.

Let the Floater kill again.

Thus a steady stream of puffers is manufactured without the need to occupy nerve capacity.

Oh, Lord?

Meat people are just that.


Beamon World.

If you say, the floater, it is a terrible catastrophe.

A steady stream of unstoppable flesh and blood disasters.

The evil pupil was a powerful spiritual shock that caused Beamon to die in an instant.

Terraria is an unassailable, absolutely sturdy, and relentless crushing machine.

But more or less, in the face of these three kinds of existence, these are more crisp than sudden death.

At least not too much torture.

But on the side of the Screamer.




“Oh well”

A series of terrifying sound waves.

Cover one area after another.

This one looks like a human head, but the hair is a head made of many blood vessels, and it is singing loudly.

【Destroying the Demon Sound】

【Confused Magic Sound】

【Sound of Fear】

【Cry of Fear in the Heart】

【Scream of Despair】

Multiple channels sound at the same time.

A number of sound waves with different effects are combined at once, and these sound waves are superimposed on top of each other.

The effect is still stacked upwards.

However, unlike several other supreme classes.

This screamer simply does not kill them.

Instead, it continues to destroy their hearts.

Let them be in despair, in fear.


This terrible voice is desperate.

These classes have seen the most terrifying illusions in their eyes and experienced the feelings they least want to experience.

But whatever fears them have in their hearts must be presented directly to them.

But whatever they hope for, it will be shattered directly.

These troops, although loyal, could not endure such a painful torture.

This is the pain that comes from the deepest part of the heart.

They couldn’t stand it.

So he raised his weapon.

Attacking the core of his own lord’s territory!

The Screamers have an extremely bad taste.

He did not like to directly deceive people’s minds.

For him, it was too simple to directly manipulate a creature.

For example, the sound of confusion.

It is perfectly possible to make this creature obey its own orders.

But the question is.

It wasn’t in keeping with his taste.

What he wanted most was for these creatures to feel pain.

Let these creatures, in unbearable pain, finally choose to attack their lords.

It is a betrayal that stems from the deepest pain.

It’s a tearing sensation.

Even if they are loyal, when these creatures suffer unbearable.

Eventually began swinging his sword at his own lord’s territory.

This is the greatest torture that the Screamers give them.

Lu Cang also saw this.

However, his own class was different from the other lords’ classes.

Other lords’ classes.

is obedience.

It is to obey orders and be directed.

But it is still essentially an independent individual.

It’s just that the usual mobility and obedience are almost all full.

But there really has to be a problem.

It is not without the possibility of mutiny.

But Lu Cang was different.

All flesh and blood creatures.

All come from the root of the flesh and blood nest.

And he is also the lair itself.

At the same time, it is also the master of the will of flesh and blood creatures.

The reason why the nest is not used is the class capacity.

Instead, with nerve volume.

The difference is already very obvious.

Lu Cang dominated the nerves of the troops.

Of course, even if there are no flesh-and-blood creatures occupied by nerve capacity.

He would still obey Lu Cang’s orders and control.

“Still playing.”

In the next instant, Lu Cang’s voice entered the mind of the shouter.

The head of the screamer stirred.

The sound stopped abruptly.

At this moment, the entire army of the region seemed to be relieved.

“Is it over?”

“This sound is so scary.”

“What are you doing with your knife?”

“Are you going to cut down the core of my territory?”

Some lords saw the actions of their own troops.

All were frightened.

It’s also horrible.

Under normal circumstances, these classes will not have any complaints even if they die in battle.

It can be said that although he died a hundred times, he did not regret it.

But after listening to the terrifying sound of this head.

Are they actually swinging their swords at the core of their territory?

In this case, even if it is worse, shouldn’t we think about suicide?

How could it be to the core of its own territory…

“Your Lordship, it was just too painful.”

“I want to help you out.”

“I don’t want you to be in such pain.”

“Please Lord Beamon understand my kindness!”

Soon in the middle of this area.

One by one, the soldiers knelt down and pleaded guilty.

What they say is the same thing.

All to liberate their lords.

It can be said to be a noble move.

“But how did this voice suddenly disappear?”

“Could it be that Beamon killed it?”

And it didn’t take long for them to be happy.

The next moment.

A shrill sound erupts!


Bang bang bang! Whole area.

The core of the L territory exploded one by one!


Sleep first today, get up early tomorrow to update, the author is busy every Wednesday

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