Territorial transformation instrument.

Something you’ve never heard of before.

“Can you take a look at that territorial transformation instrument?”

Monte didn’t put up a shelf.

Even after he was promoted to taboo, he did not threaten these people.

It’s about communicating with each other.

Talk to them.

Mainly the place is too quirky.

He also needs to get enough intelligence from these people.

“Yes, of course.”

“It’s no secret.”

“By the way, do you need the design drawings for the Territorial Transformation Instrument?”

“I can bring it for you if I need to.”

Now talk to Monte.

It is the supreme leader of this planet.

Or rather, the interim supreme leader.

As for their original supreme leader.

He had already died in the war just now.

This is also a very big loss for their entire race.

And for them.

The man in front of him saved the planet.

It is not too much to ask for this.

Soon, Monte was taken to the city by these people.

Came to a huge technological device.

【Territorial Transformation Instrument】

[Effect: Placing the core of the territory in it can transform the tenth order territory, increasing its rank to the Holy Level, but the grade is reduced by one level.] 】

This description is very simple and crude.

But it is also very easy to understand.

“Being able to directly ascend to the Holy Rank is indeed much easier than our promotion.”

Think about it a little.

Monte asked.

“Do you know of a kind of lord called the Cursed?”

Hear the question.

The faces of these lords showed a puzzled look.

Another noun I’ve never heard of.

“Never heard of it.”

“What is this new lord type?”

After Monte heard this answer.

There was no response, but asked.

“Do you know how to get to other planets?”

Time, a day has passed.

Most of Monte’s pre-Mont is after familiarizing himself with the promotion taboo.

This is a very special realm.

Monte can feel that he has perception and can cover the entire planet.

To be precise, it can also extend to the outer cosmic space.

Stretches far, far away.

The ordinary Holy Order, in his eyes, was not much different from the creatures of the First Order.

They are all creatures like insects.

At the same time, it is easy to create a large number of Saint Order classes.

All classes of the army start with the Holy Order.

In addition, many of the abilities possessed by the nest itself have also been developed.

There are many wonderful things.

Combat power, and the Holy Order are not a level at all.

So, in the face of those insect plagues, Monte didn’t even have a little wave in his heart.

As long as it is not a creature of the same taboo level.

Monte didn’t see any threat from the other side.

But at this time, Monte is also thinking, how can I go back?

After all, I hit by mistake.

It seems that when you are folding the space, you have the energy specifically for the space.

Just hit this folding space.

Let him teleport directly to this planet.

Because that folding space suddenly exploded.

After several attempts.

Monte found that the folding space had completely disappeared.

It is simply not possible to return the same way.

As a result, Monte found that he could no longer find his way back.

I accidentally wandered to another planet.

As for the World Channel, the Lords system, these things are still there.

But he could receive it.

But it is the message of the lord of this planet.

Not the original world.

He didn’t know where his original planet was.

“Other planets.”

“The means to go to other planets?”

Only to see the highest representative of the planet, slightly brooding.

Then he replied.

“Are you talking about, Jump?”

“Through the technology of transition, it is indeed possible to move through the universe.”

“However, you need to get the corresponding coordinates.”

“And as the distance increases, so does the amount of energy required.”

And yet that’s what they say.

From the sky.

Countless swarms of insects were densely packed.

A new batch of bugs.

Come to this planet.

“Forget it.”

“Let’s solve the swarm first.”

“What’s going on on your planet, and how come the insect swarms keep coming?”

In this case, Monte’s heart is also extremely complicated.

In fact, at the beginning, all he thought in his heart was to control the number of cursed people and let the whole world be under his control.

He felt that his wish was only a small unified world.

Just intend to become a strong person with absolute right to speak.

Will not be shaken by any external force.

That’s all.

But this one is not careful.

I actually came to another planet.

Although promoted to taboo.

But it seems to have lost its original intention.

Therefore, he vaguely felt a little dazed in his heart.

Who is he? Where is he? What should he aim for now?

It was as if an emperor who had almost ascended the throne had suddenly arrived on a completely unfamiliar planet.

Lost in an instant.

“Demon Baby.”

“Swallowed them.”


【Human World】

“Blessed, floating island of flesh and blood.”

“Name: Clarier.”

This name is the manager of a floating island in a past life.

Blessed Flesh and Blood Floating Island, just fit the name.

“Blessed by flesh and blood, Clarier.”

Two consecutive blessings.

A day has passed, and the blessings of flesh and blood have been refreshed again.

After refreshing, Lu Cang decided to directly bless it.

Bless a dreamy creature in one day.

It seems that the speed of making fantasy creatures on your own can’t keep up with the speed of getting new classes.

So bless a little more when you can bless.

However, if it was any other lord, he knew Lu Cang’s thoughts.

I’m afraid it will be directly speechless.

Even, even if it is a lord of the dream grade itself.

If it really existed, he knew Lu Cang’s thoughts.

It is estimated that I will also want to shoot a brick directly.

Bless more when you can bless.

One dream class a day, not enough?

You know, ordinary lords, create a class of troops of the same level as your own territory.

I don’t know how high the order is.

How long it will take.

Especially Monte.

Was he able to create a super-mythical level of troops, or was he able to raise his territory to the Most Holy level.

only to get the permission.

Before that, he could only create a mythical level class at the maximum.

Of course, he creates mythical level classes very quickly.

Much faster than any other mythical lord.

And after being promoted to the super mythical level.

He manufactures classes of the same rank as his own territory, and the manufacturing time is calculated in months and years.

Go to Lu Cang’s side and create a dream-level class every day.

I also feel that it is slow to build.

This is really more people than people, angry people.

Lu Cang, in a short period of time, directly promoted Clarier directly to the Dream Grade.

With this blessing of blessings.

Above the sky.

A huge island appears.

Terraria, standing on the earth.

Clarier, in the sky.

Clariel floats above an entire area of the sky.

The sky dome completely obscured this area.

The whole sky became dull.

“Clarier, join the battle too.”


In the next instant, flesh and blood exchanged.

Clarier swapped with a blood-bearer in the sky.

I came to the northern realm of the Beamon world.

and Terraria, one before the other, forming a pinch attack.


With another devouring.

This time the insect plague was also resisted.

These insect plagues can only be described as endless.

After solving the insect infestation.

Monte ignored it and continued to ask questions.

“You are outside of this planet.”

“What other coordinates do you know?”

This is the thirteenth time that Monte has helped the planet deal with insect plagues.

“Other coordinates.”

“We just know that there is such a transition technology.”

“But never left the planet.”

“But maybe… What you want to ask is…”

“Origin galaxy?”


In the universe, countless means of observation are gazing at a galaxy.

“The origin galaxy, still nothing has changed.”

“The first part of the endless insect plague has spread to the origin galaxy.”

“Do we still have a chance to go in this way?”

“But the problem is, there seems to be no way back if you don’t go in.”

“The rest are either controlled by several forces such as the Empire, the Worm Lord, and the Star Spirit, or they can only enter the origin galaxy to explore.”

“However, they seem to have plans to move to the origin galaxy.”

“I heard that in the galaxy of origin, there will be the birth of the Most High.”

“I don’t know if it’s true or not.”

“If the Supreme Being is born, even if it is an insect plague, the Empire will be vigilant, right?”

“I’ve also heard that the origin galaxy is the origin of our lords, and who knows if it’s true or not.”



In just three days, it was these Beamon’s nightmares.

A race rises to perish.

It only takes one lord, and three days.

【Dream Grade——【Thorn Wheel Launcher】——Tering】

【Dream Grade——【Walking Blood Vine Tree】——Shackles】

In three days, the blessing of flesh and blood was also refreshed twice.

It also created two dream-grade creatures.

One is a ranged physics class that is parsed from the Meteor Lord.

One was parsed from Mutsu.

A specialized class of control.

After completing the blessing, they also joined the battlefield to destroy Beamon.

The lords of Beamon were already overwhelmed.

And with the continuous addition of these fantastic fighting forces.

They hastened their demise.

Three days.

Lu Cang had almost completely destroyed Beamon.

At the same time, it has ruled more than three hundred areas.

Most of the world is almost under his control.

【Do you want to be promoted to the Ninth Order Territory?】 】

【This promotion: unlimited】

This promotion is not limited by any restrictions.

The first few times I wanted to disable this, disable that.

More or less unhappy.


Therefore, without too much hesitation, Lu Cang directly chose to be promoted.

Anyway, nothing is occupied.

【Rising for you: Ninth Order Territory】

【Time required: 3 days】

“Three days.”

Three days and three days.

After the promotion is completed, the next red moon is away.

There are still eight days left.

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