Time passed minute by minute, and Lu Cang’s territory continued to encroach on the earth.

In three days.

The vast majority of human lords have already completed their transformation.

And from that day on.

Lu Cang also began to clean up the human world.

Those incinerators of atonement, the number is completely sufficient.

Almost every area.

Millions of incinerators have been built.

And each of these pools.

Every day, accommodating millions of lords is not a problem.

As for some, lords who are temporarily unable to act, who cannot be glorified and purified.

As long as they can contact the World Channel.

You can contact the lord specially arranged by Lu Cang and report it.

After an accurate explanation of the situation and the provision of evidence.

They can be allowed to postpone their purification.

However, if proof cannot be provided, or there is deception and concealment.

Then only coercive measures can be carried out.

The eighth-order root flesh and blood nest, the nerve capacity has reached tens of billions.

Neurons have risen to half a billion.

The Gazers have also become eighth-order scouting creatures.

Each of them had a field of vision comparable to that of the original fifth-order [evil pupil].

After all, there are great bonuses on the ranks.

Coupled with the current research and genes, it is not comparable to the level of the original period.

At this stage, Lu Cang had a full fifth of his nerve capacity.

All used to make [Gazer]

During this time, the study of nests has also been elevated to a new height.

【Study: Large-scale cluster nerves】

【Requirements: Class Lab: Level 3, Production Lab: Level 2]

【Front: Cluster Flesh and Blood (lit up)】

[Effect: Your class will take up less nerve capacity, and the smaller the mob, the less nerve capacity it occupies, as low as one hundred-thousandth of a hundred-thousandth, and the one-time production quantity is ten times the basic value. 】

Because of this research.

Lu Cang’s parasitic eyes can be described as dense in this world.

In addition, in three days, the evil pupil had completed the task and returned to the lair with Picasso.

The evil pupil hung high above the headquarters where the original alliance was located.

On the headquarters where the original alliance was established.

A watchtower was also built.

The evil pupil hangs on top of this.

Scout the whole world.

The whole world was in his eyes.

So, for the vast majority of lords in the case.

Lu Cang can do a meticulous understanding.

Those lords, if there really are special circumstances.

It is indeed possible to postpone the duration.

But for those lords who want to deceive him.

Then there is no mercy.

Give them a chance to atone for their sins.

Already a gift.

“Legions, in place.”

Lu Cang’s face was plain.

And after this order.

In all parts of the world, flesh and blood creatures lift their bodies slightly.

“The purification operation begins.”


【World Channel】

“Lu Cang, he really started.”

“This, really, is not merciless…”

“So much?”


Above the earth, the ground that was originally empty.

There was a constant sound of flapping wings.

These voices were humming, and they were setting off a storm above the earth!

Buzz —

Patches of floaters skimmed through the sky.

These creatures cover the sky.

It’s like a swarm of insects.

The lords looked at the flying floaters and couldn’t help but shudder.

“If we don’t accept purification, will this end up too?”

“That’s too much, isn’t it?”

“How can there be so many? Is it all with us? ”

“No, not just you, but in our south.”

“So is the north.”

“, it seems like every area has it.”

Floaters, the most numerous.

The crusade against the Beamon area has allowed the number of floaters to be counted in megabytes as base units.

There are so many lords of one world.

And the number of troops under the lord is also huge.

A tenth-order lord can have a capacity of 100 million troops.

Not to mention, the number of lords in the Beamon world is even more numerous.

The Lords of the Holy Order are not in the minority.

The number of their classes is much higher than that of the tenth order.

During the crusade against the Bimonsi district.

The floaters have finally grown to a very considerable number.

Perhaps now the number of these floaters is more than all the arms of all the lords in the whole world combined.

After all, killing one class and transforming is three floaters.

And the floaters, often waiting for a lord to release the class, before completely killing the lord of Nabimon.

Basically, he squeezed all his class numbers.

Therefore, the number of floaters is almost equal to three times the total number of classes in the Bimunsi area.

This number is very scary.

It far exceeded Lu Cang’s current nerve capacity.

It could even be said.

The number of these floaters is even greater than the number of parasitic eyes.

“I really can’t imagine that this kind of class is actually the most basic class of Lu Cang.”

“Even if I make all the cannon fodder, I’m afraid it will be one part of the number of the other side.”

“Looking at them so much, I couldn’t have imagined that such a class could actually single out Saint Order creatures.”

When Lord Beamon invaded the world.

There are also creepers, fighting the creatures of the Holy Order of Beamon.

And face the creatures of the Holy Order.

Creepers don’t fall behind at all.

It can even be said to be a stable one.

Not to mention, there is now another evolution.

What climbs from the ground becomes what flies in the sky.

The increase in combat effectiveness is also visible to the naked eye.

Holy Order, I don’t know how many lords are out of reach.

It is a being that can only be looked up to.

However, I didn’t expect that there were so many such creatures in Lu Cang’s territory.

Already, not much to describe.

Boom boom!

“Don’t, don’t kill me!”


“I was wrong, I was really wrong! I’m going to be purified!” ”


It doesn’t matter what you say now.

The floater is ruthless.

Only now.

Why did you go earlier?

You know, on the third day.

Those incinerators of atonement.

Basically all of them are empty.

No one will occupy it at all.

There will also be no crowding.

And on the first second day, at its peak.

That’s really crowded.

Lu Cang had to expand the incinerator of atonement.

Of course, this situation can be alleviated at once.

After all, just notice.

More construction will be completed soon.

It can only be said that there are many lords.

But definitely not more than the speed at which he built.

It’s a big deal, so build the whole earth.

There is no shortage of flesh and blood now anyway.

Not to mention after these things are dismantled.

It can also be returned in full.

So completely built.

It’s not a difficult thing either.

So the rest of these lords.

As for the danger.

So many lords have already experimented.

And they all survived.

The surviving lords of the front had already demonstrated to the later lords.

This evidence can prove that at least they survived.

In this case, the lord who does not atone for his sins.

Basically, they know that they have done something unforgivable.

They knew that if they went to the furnace of atonement, they would die.

That’s why.

That’s why they try to escape.

“Now to go?”

“Given so many opportunities not to go.”

“It’s too late to go.”

Look at this bloody scene of purge.

The lords were afraid

【World Channel】

“I feel like I made the most correct decision in my life.”

“Actually, I feel pretty good, at least I’ve gotten that much stronger.”

“Fortunately, I have completed the atonement, otherwise I guess I would have the same fate as them.”

“Actually, I think it’s probably better than before.”

“I used to worry about the danger of being attacked by other lords.”

“Now don’t worry.”

Lu Cang has already promulgated new regulations.

Unprovoked disputes are not permitted.

These lords are all their own fleshmen.

The arms they produce are the nourishment for cultivating more floaters.

And they advance, increase their strength and strengthen their classes.

It can also provide more genes for Lu Cang.

Plus, the existence of the mother tree of desire.

At present, most of the regions of the world are already the territory of Lu Cang.

The growth rate of resources has increased exponentially.

Even some low-grade materials.

There is already a tendency to regenerate as soon as it is picked.

Resources are quite abundant.

The reason for the dispute between the lords.

In the vast majority of cases, this is because of the particularly efficient access to resources.

Exceptionally fast.

It’s like Lu Cang came all the way.

He plundered countless lords, devoured them, and made himself stronger.

But if there are very sufficient resources.

This behavior does not exist.

The purge continues.

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