Now this resource grows, the speed of recovery.

If only the world of Bimon still existed.

Those Beamons saw this.

I’m afraid I’ll cry.

They are because of the lack of resources.

There are no resources to sustain their survival.

That’s why the pain of decay is caused.

If they had such a rich land…



Well, no, in fact, it will still consider attacking the human world.

After all, a whole new territory appeared in front of him.

And the other side is still very weak, why not rob the other party’s territory?

Like humans, do they feel guilty for robbing the ant’s turf?

And Lu Cang naturally occupied their world.

Leave no one.


After putting the world almost settled.

At the same time, Lu Cang also planned to do a number of experiments.

It was intended to cultivate a group of Lords of the Holy Order.

Use the route of Discard.

Let them give up their territory.

Waiver lord privileges.

Greatly strengthen their own combat effectiveness.

Become a powerful monomer.

In other words.

It is the formation of a new class of troops.

Lu Cang himself would certainly not have chosen such a path.

But if there are other lords.

Make such a choice.

Doesn’t that mean that he can possess an extremely powerful Saint Order class?

And this class can also enjoy the bonus of flesh and blood creatures.

However, this is only an intention, not an immediate action.

After all, he only had four routes for promotion in his hands.

Of course, there is another way to do it besides “abandonment”.

It’s the hunger route.

With the characteristics of Lu Cang’s own territory itself.

Instead, the negative effects of hunger can be eliminated.

However, the resource consumption of these lords themselves will also increase a lot.

As for the other way, let these lords carry out greedy promotions.

Now his own Sacred Order Territorial Core was also relatively sufficient.

However, it is not promoted in batches.

As for the cursed promotion.

There are only a few hundred people left under the curse.

Lu Cang now had only a few cursed territorial cores in his hands.

These are obtained from the traitors in the Cursed Society.

The number is too small.

So, do not consider.

Of these three promotion methods, Lu Cang considered the most, or [hunger] and [abandonment]

These two methods are the most capable of promoting the Tenth Order Lords to the Holy Order in batches.

[Greed] must consume the territorial core.

He didn’t have much of this stuff himself.

But [hunger] promotion, this traditional way of promotion.

The strength of the lord is linked to the number of territories occupied.

And now these lords.

There is no longer any possibility of reoccupying territory.

It was impossible for Lu Cang to divide up his territory for them to occupy.

Only the route of [abandonment], the intensity and territorial scope have nothing to do with it.

Rather, it is a path of constantly strengthening itself.

But this strong…

It’s really not much stronger.

After all, the upper limit of strength is still linked to the territorial grade.

The super-mythical lord will still be beaten by dream-level creatures.

But in the end, it was still much more powerful than the ordinary Saint Order Super Myth.

Coupled with the blessing of special genes.

It is not an exaggeration to call it the strongest holy order under the dream.

The lords also watched in amazement as the changes in the vast expanse of the earth took place.

【World Channel】

“I remember that just a few days ago, the Alliance was promoting the concept of Purification Day.”

“I really didn’t expect it, just a few days.”

“It’s really going to be a day of purification.”

“I remember the day of Purification Day, and I took the league as a joke.”

“But even if I take the league as a joke, I don’t really think the league will lose.”

“Now it seems like it’s a joke.”

“The great dynasty has decayed in an instant.”

“It’s terrible.”

“Actually, I’ve been in the league for a long time, but it’s also too fast.”

Where could they think of it?

The cursed person who had always been at a disadvantage was reborn as the ruler of this world in a short period of time.

And it has an absolute say.

It’s like the original league.

But in fact, most lords can also know a truth.

Dynasties have nothing to do with them.

As long as they can live well, it doesn’t matter who is in power.

The people who rise up suffer and the people who die suffer from it.

What does it matter whether the alliance is in power or Lu Cang is in power?

And now it seems.

Lu Cang took power and gave away a large world in vain.

Even the lords were allowed to move to the west.

Of course, the world of Beamon is also the territory of Lu Cang.

But as a result, the territory occupied by each lord became larger.

There are also more resources that can be collected by one person.

In some relatively small but fertile areas.

Tens of billions of lords crowded there.

Everyone can collect a little more space.


Collected resources from others.

Maybe it’s a war.

Although the scope of the territory is slowly getting larger.

But the range of collected resources.

But you can decide for yourself.

It’s like a mountain with so much gold.

I want to light this mountain.

But there were other lords to divide it.

There is no such problem now.

After all, the world is expanding again.


Several lords rode pterodactyls and flew westward, and they saw that above the earth was a row of mountains of meat.

That’s right, a row.

This row of meat mountains, lined up in a row, neatly advancing from the west to the western world of Beamon.

Everywhere he went, the earth was transformed into bright red flesh and blood.

This is a land of connection.

Does not belong to any region.

There is no way to acquire it by occupying the entire area.

Therefore, it can only be assimilated by the way of Roshan rolling.

Two worlds combined.

Lu Cang had assimilated 85% of the territory.

“It’s spectacular.”

Some lords, on the other hand, came directly to the world of Beamon through the teleportation array.

The world has been reborn.

The earth after assimilation.

The underground is densely packed with meat tubes.

The meat tube is flowing through the water of the Nairo River.

Those curses of hunger have also disintegrated.

The land was originally barren and barren.

All kinds of resources have gradually grown.

The world is no longer barren.

It’s full of life.

Everything recovers.

This is what destroys all flesh and blood, which is simply nourishing the essence of all things.

Seeing all this, the complaints in the hearts of the lords also disappeared in an instant.

【World Channel】


“What is an alliance? I don’t know. ”

“Sorry, I think the cursed one is an eternal god!”

“Anti-Curse Restoration? Sorry, Alliance, don’t come back, we don’t know each other. ”

“Go nmd, who dares to say anti-curse again, Lao Tzu was the first to him!”

“Hello? Will the curse be? My good brother wants to curse, I report him in real name! Arrest him! ”

What is a Union?

Can this stuff be eaten?

Can this thing be used as a resource?

It turned out to be afraid of Lu Cang.

It was because Lu Cang might have killed them.

So will be afraid.

And they couldn’t imagine what kind of benefits Lu Cang could give them.


Special genes, welfare systems, peaceful development, brand new territories, coupled with extremely high rates of resource regeneration.


Sorry, really unfamiliar, league you don’t come back.

This is the truest situation in the Lord’s World.

It’s not just the Lord’s World.

This applies in any world.

Whoever has a steamed bun and who can eat enough with him will be with whomever he wants.

What is the name of the ruler?

Does this matter?

As long as you can live well, as long as you can develop well.

Live a good life, don’t say anything about the cursed.

Even a maggot can do it.

Creatures are so real.

Not only humans, but also other races.

See the reaction in the chat channel.

Lu Cang was also concerned about this change.

“It seems that the response is not bad.”

These areas were very good welfare benefits for the lords.

But for Lu Cang.

These benefits are nothing more than his additions.

As long as you occupy the territory yourself, you can do these things.

Become his slave and enjoy these genes.

In other words, all of them are passive skills.

He already had that ability.

They were not deliberately given anything.

There is no such thing as a reward.

Abandoned land always needs to be explored.

Use these resources yourself.

There is no way to create too much.

Only those lords used the resources to complete the creation, to ascend.

Only then can he get more genes from his territorial creation.

I am merging myself.

Make your flesh and blood creatures more perfect.

Towards a truly perfect living being.

To the eighth order.

Lu Cang also probably understood what the essence of the Root Flesh and Blood Nest was.

That is to be perfect.

Whatever the direction, evolve to the most perfect level.

The ultimate goal is to evolve into the ultimate perfect life.

Every life is completely flawless.

However, it will take a very long time to go from this step.

For Lu Cang, these lords.

That is, they have the resources to create more troops, let themselves kill, and create more floaters.

Whether it’s a past life or this life.

Lu Cang knew the truth that you can’t fish in the water.

Forming a virtuous circle is the hardest truth.

“It is estimated that the assimilation of the whole world can be completed before the promotion…”

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