【Universal Star】

Monte had been on this planet for five days.

For five days, he was familiar with the abilities of the Forbidden Level.

Moreover, it is also in frequent communication with the humans on this planet.

Because the observatories of this world have been blown up.

So if you want to observe, you have to rebuild.

Monte couldn’t help it either.

They can only wait for them to build the observatory.


Monte also came out of their mouths.

I learned a lot about this universe.

Also know that there is some history about this universe.

These are things that cannot be known on their original planet.

So tens of millions of years ago.

Every planet in the universe has also undergone strange changes.

Expanded to a greater extent than before,

This is at least hundreds of times larger, even to the extent of thousands of times.

And that’s when it happened.

In the universe.

All intelligent beings have awakened to a function called the Lordship System.

With this system of lords, every intelligent creature can build its own territory.

A true era of great lords was created.

And that era.

It was the time when the Age of the Great Lords began.

And because the lord system complements each other.

Some technologies that were not broken through have also been broken.

Races that had already come into contact with the universe sought shelter directly in the universe.

And the races that have not come into contact with the universe have also developed rapidly because of the lord system.

Soon it also came into contact with cosmic space.

After all, basically the territory of the seventh order has the ability to fly since the beginning.

The Tenth Order Lord, in fact, its own strength, is not difficult to fly, it is not difficult to survive in the universe.

A large number of races began to explore the universe.

But it also began in that era.

In the universe, it has become a place of terrible chaos.

A quiet and lonely universe.

Everywhere there is the light of war.

Wars are constantly evolving.

In the middle of the day.

At every turn, it is a turf struggle between tens of thousands of planetary alliances and other forces.

Large, even trillion-based planetary alliances, fight on galactic scales!

This is for lords who are constantly increasing their strength.

The territory of a planet.

It simply could not meet their needs.

In particular, the more advanced the order, the more materials and resources are required.

Apart from civil strife, the only solution is expansion.

Originally, everyone was on an equal footing, almost the same.

But suddenly one day.

Some forces have sprung up.

Among them, some lords were far more powerful than the tenth order lords.

After completing the planetary landing, they can completely crush ordinary lords in a destructive posture.

The lord of the tenth order simply did not have the ability to resist.

It’s horrible.

These lords have clearly reached a new rank.

And this is a whole new level.

It is the Holy Order.

And among them, the way to ascend to the Holy Order.

Almost all of them come from the galaxy of origin.

With constant understanding.

Humans who have recorded stars are constantly describing galaxies of origin.

These are also legends handed down from time immemorial.

After all, there is no human being who can live for tens of millions of years.

A description of this origin galaxy.

And the planet that Monte knew.

This seems to be the planet where he originally lived.

It’s also too similar.

He made the 124th inquiry.

“How long until the observation tower can be built?”

And the leader of the Pulu Star replied tirelessly.

“Please wait a while.”

“The observation tower has three days to go.”


[You have acquired new nest abilities: substance ingestion, flesh-and-blood gravity, extended hyper-anabolization, flesh-and-blood breeding]

【You have obtained Lord Ability Boosting: Physical Strengthening, Spiritual Enhancement, Perception Enhancement】

【You have unlocked a new building: Flesh and Blood Hollow】

Extended overdrive assimilation.

It is this time the ability to complete the assimilation of the world.

【Extended overspeed assimilation】

[Effect: All substances that come into contact with your flesh and blood will be directly assimilated, without the need for contact with soldiers such as meat worms and meat mountains. 】

【Assimilation speed, increased to a thousand times】

【Multiply with research results】

Originally, Lu Cang’s assimilation speed was not generally fast.

Not to mention, it’s a thousand times higher.

Now even the Secret Steel Stone can assimilate a large piece in one second.

There is no possibility of assimilation.

If not for this ability.

Lu Cang estimated that it would take quite a while to completely assimilate the entire world.

It is estimated that it will not be possible for seven or eight months.

Even, probably longer.

It may be a few more years.

But now, in just three days, the assimilation of the whole world has been completed.

As for flesh and blood breeding.

【Flesh and Blood Breeding】

[Effect: All renewable resources and materials can be regenerated by drawing your flesh/blood, greatly increasing the regeneration speed. 】

This effect is the ability to give birth to the mother tree of desire.

The mother tree of desire itself has a strong ability to enhance growth and reproduction.

And after this ability is complementary.

The speed of growth becomes extremely frightening.

At the same time, on this planet, there is also a very strange phenomenon.

That is, everything in this world seems to be completely inexhaustible.

Some lords found.

I just picked the [Spirit Red Fruit] on a tree

This is the fruit of the fifth order.

If you want to grow again, it will take at least half a year.


Now this fruit, which had just been picked, came straight out of the branches.

Regeneration speed, ridiculously fast.

After being promoted to the Ninth Order Territory.

The mother tree of desire has grown for three days.

only to stop growing.

Finally, Lu Cang completed the complete assimilation of the entire world.

And that’s when the mother tree of desire stops growing.

The mother tree of desire itself erupts with a powerful attraction!

The countless fogs in the sky were all attracted in the direction where the mother tree of desire was located.

and is completely absorbed.

The mother tree of desire, which can now be said to be in the true sense, obscures half of the world.

After completing this change, it truly lives up to the title of the World Tree.

On all branches of the mother tree of desire, above the branches, there is a white mist pouring in.

Soon these fogs were completely engulfed.

The starry sky was finally revealed.

“It was exactly what I thought.”

It’s a universe.

And the great lords, see this scene.

It’s not shocking.

Mainly what happened in these three days.

It is completely beyond their ability to understand.

Whether the Endless Sea turns into a Sea of Blood.

Or suddenly a strange giant tree appeared, obscuring their heavenly dome.

Or maybe the already huge Terraria had grown in size again.

The shock shook their hearts.

When these shocks continue wave after wave.

They felt a little numb.

Pick out any one of these things alone.

It’s all world-class news.

But right now.

They only feel it in their hearts.

Ah, something new has changed.


【Cosmic Sea】

“That… What is it? ”

“The origin galaxy, there is really a change!”

“What? What the? What happened? ”

Soon there were one observatory after another in the universe.

Observe towards the galaxy of origin.

So tens of millions of years ago.

Suddenly, a great change occurred in the universe.

With the advent of the lord system.

This world.

Originally, the speed of light of 300,000 kilometers per second suddenly disappeared.

All the speed of light in this world.

There seems to be no limit to it.

No matter how precise the instrument is.

No matter what kind of experiment is used.

The final result is all instantaneous.

Towards infinity.

And everything is based on the observation behavior of light.

And so has changed.

At least, from that moment on, they could observe anywhere in the universe without regard to distance.

Not like the blue star of Lu Cang’s previous life.

Observe that a billion light-years away is what happened in that galaxy a billion years ago.

Everything they see now is in real time.

They saw the fog lift.

In the fog, a planet appeared.

In the universe, it seems that countless eyes have appeared, staring at that planet.

“But that planet… Why is it so weird? ”

This planet.

Not at all like any other planet.

Some planets are gaseous and some are liquid.

Some planets are solid.

This is the manifestation of the vast majority of planets.

And basically, it’s all ordinary inorganic planets.

It is a substance such as stone, airflow, water.


This planet in front of them at this moment.

But it is a planet completely condensed from red.

The land in it is flesh and blood.

The ocean is blood.

Although, countless planets have been seen.

But this was the first time they had seen this.

A planet made entirely of flesh and blood.

At the same time, there is a huge tree visible to the naked eye, with tendons and ganglia entangled in branches.

“This… Wouldn’t it be the World Tree? ”


“In the galaxy of origin, there is a world tree?”


Flesh and blood have also been assimilated into the depths of the earth.

The earthly interior of this planet.

It’s actually hollow.

The parasitic eye is placed inside the planet.

But found.

Inside the planet, there is a stone round table in the middle.

Separate the hollow sphere in the middle.

And on this round platform, there is a civilized residence.

To be precise.

This civilization is nothing else.

Precisely…… Humans who have not yet entered the Lord’s World.

Or a human who has left the Lord’s World.

No wonder you can’t leave the Lord’s World, and your abilities won’t disappear completely.

This is originally in the same world.

And the way to leave.

It is a teleportation ritual.

It seems that the destination of this ritual.

It is to go inside the center of the earth.

However, Lu Cang did not intend to move all these people to the ground.

Since they want to live in peace without controversy.

Then you don’t have to disturb others.

Lu Cang looked around the sky, and in the near distance, there was a planet very close.

“Try your new abilities.”

Lu Cang raised his hand and reached out towards the nearby planet.

“Substance ingestion.”

The next moment… On that planet, a huge vortex appeared.

All the material of this planet spirals outward and is transformed into flesh and blood.

Spreading to this side.

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