【Substance Swallowing】

[Effect: Inhale the matter from a distance in its own direction, transform it into its own flesh and blood in large quantities, and analyze it directly in the process. 】

With this ability to unleash.

One vortex after another emerged from that planet.

Flesh and blood particles spewed out from the whirlpool.

And these flesh and blood particles are connected to each other in the universe.

It condenses into an umbilical cord.

Attract to the planet where the landing flies are located.

It didn’t take long to connect with the parent star of Lu Cang.

“My lair, since it is called the Root Flesh and Blood Nest.”

“It was also my first planet to enter the Lord’s World.”

“I don’t call it the mother star, and that’s not an exaggeration.”

In these umbilical cord-like connections.

There are strands of flesh and blood stirring.

Towards the planet.

And see the scene.

“What is this?”

“It’s also too weird.”

“Is he devouring those planets?”

The lords observing this side also swallowed a mouthful.

The sight is a little scary.

It’s a little scary.

But this is far from the end.

The planet doesn’t seem to be satisfied.

Several planets in its vicinity.

A vortex of flesh and blood appeared on it.

Together they send flesh and blood to the middle parent star.

And the middle of this parent star.

It is at a speed that is difficult to observe with the naked eye.

In slow expansion.

At the same time, the nebula around this parent star.

The meteorite dust scattered in the universe was also affected by inexplicable forces.

It became a piece of flesh and blood floating in the universe.

Between flesh and blood, a kind of gum-like thing is formed.

It seems to form a sea of gel texture.

The galaxy of origin seems to be undergoing a terrible change.

【You have analyzed the gene: net Reiki flow】

【You have analyzed the gene:Steady wind fine stone】

One gene after another is constantly being parsed.

These genes.

They are all Holy Order level genes.

It wasn’t that there were more Sacred Order materials on other planets.

It was because Lu Cang absorbed too much at one time.

Such a big planet.

There is always a part of it that is particularly rare material.

And now Lu Cang was already directly grasping without a brain.

Anyway, just devour it all.

Lu Cang’s flesh and blood were exchanged.

In the branches of the World Tree, a shaper grows.

The next moment, Lu Cang passed through this shaper.

Swapped to the canopy of the World Tree.

At this time, the mother tree of desire has grown beyond this planet.

The fog before was big and far away.

The distance can be calculated in megakilometers.

But the planet is nowhere near the same as the mist-shrouded range.

It’s like a blue star in a previous life.

It has an atmosphere.

However, it does not represent the volume of the blue star itself, and is calculated using the radius from the center of the earth to the atmosphere.

After the fog clears.

Lu Cang could also see this universe very intuitively.

This parent star is quite peculiar.

Around it, there are stars around.

The volume of these stars is not much smaller than the planet under his feet.

However, the stars surrounding it are strangely forming a balance.

Just like the three-body problem, there are several special solutions that can make the three planets move relatively smoothly.

But that is one of countless cases.

But at this moment, the surrounding stars are actually rotating around this planet.

The only planet he controlled was motionless.

Maintains an eerie balance.

Lu Cang’s brow frowned slightly.

“Blood Mist Flower.”

At this moment, in the universe, a piece of [Blood Mist Flower] bloomed.

After ascending to the ninth order.

The strength of basically all buildings has been improved.

Almost everything in the Root Flesh and Blood Brood is in a state of growth.

As the nest level increases, these buildings can also be qualitatively improved.

If it was at the sixth order, the blood mist flower was shrouded in a range, and it might only be half of the Cangcheng.

But now, a single blood mist flower was enveloped in an entire area, enough to cover an entire area.

Not to mention.

The Blood Mist Flower itself can have a chain reaction.

Expand the envelope.

Soon, the Blood Mist Flower bloomed on the parent star.

Wrapped up the entire planet.

But this is far from the end.

Then, above that umbilical cord.

It also gave birth to blood mist flowers.

The Blood Mist Flowers are connected to each other, expanding the range wider and wider.

Eventually, this galaxy, with the parent star as the main body and orbiting dozens of other celestial bodies, will be completely obscured.

After this blood mist replaces the previous fog.

The galaxy of origin, but once again became calm.

It was as if nothing had happened.

It was a blood-colored fog, as if it had existed there from the beginning.

Among other origin galaxies, there is no difference between other planets.


These lords could not forget what had just been observed.

Although it was only a few minutes.

“Origins … What horror is there over there, and it’s moving? ”

“I have a bad premonition.”

“I don’t know what happened.”

“But this situation tells me.”

“It’s horrible.”

“If we don’t stop him.”

“There could be something even more horrible.”


【Universal Star】

Monte looked through the Lord’s view into the sky.

That so-called origin galaxy.

“Lord, I hope you don’t have too many expectations.”

“The galaxy of origin has not moved for a long time.”

“It has always been a starry sky shrouded in fog, and there is no trace of the survival of any lord.”

“It always has been, never changed.”

“Even if you observe now, it is estimated that you will not be able to observe anything.”

Monte nodded.

“Okay, I know.”

This planet is a planet of technology.

Their means are also scientific and technological means.

With the completion of the observatory.

The coordinates of distant galaxies are determined.

Soon the observation information at that coordinate was transmitted back.

Real-time synchronization.

There is no delay.

And just after seeing this picture, the corners of Monte’s mouth twitched slightly.

“Poon, that’s what you said all the time.”

“The Origin Galaxy was like this from the beginning?”

In front of him was a planet of flesh and blood.

The flesh and blood on this planet are still squirming.

As if digesting something.

See this scene.

The leaders of this planet were also confused.

They have also made many observations of the planet.

But the question is.

Never once has this happened.


This situation is very abnormal.

“No, it’s not.”

“This doesn’t usually happen.”

“It’s clear there’s something wrong.”

“Of course I knew there was a problem.”

The leaders of the planet don’t know what this is.

But how could Monte not know?

While he was still on that planet.

Again and again he was by the window.

Views of the East in the distance.

Countless times from the community among messages.

From the intelligence given by his own men.

Know the news about this flesh and blood.

For this one and your own type of territory.

What he really knew couldn’t be more familiar.

But at the same time as understanding.

His heart was also full of puzzlement.

He looked sheepishly at the planet of flesh and blood.

“How long have I been away?”

“What the hell is going on in that world?”

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