
Above an interstellar battlefield.

The Empire is at war with a swarm of insects

“What about Lao Tzu’s cannon of mercy?”

“Hurry up and bring it to Lao Tzu!” Lao Tzu is going to bombard the worm’s nest! ”


“The Cannon of Mercy has been overloaded by you for three hundred million pieces.”

“Before you fight, consider whether the Empire’s strategic supplies are sufficient.”

“Fuck, don’t you make guns and cannons for people?”

“Just build it and fight it.”

“If you don’t have enough supplies, grab it, such a big empire.”

“Endless energy, unlimited resources.”

“How many less cannons can you give me?”

“An empire without cannons, still called an empire of farts, don’t fight, go home and farm!”

“But the general… The empire is still being rebuilt, and what you call endless energy has not yet been rebuilt…”

“Less TM fart me, sooner or later it will be built, Lao Tzu wants a cannon!” Don’t TM rip me off! ”

[Cloud Dragon] scolded and grinned in his mouth.

They have already gone on an expedition and hit the middle of the insect swarm.

Hundreds of billions of fleets, artillery fire.

Now tell yourself.

Can’t use a star-facing weapon anymore?

His grandmother’s.

“The Empire that called him Mother quickly sent cannons to Lao Tzu!”

“Motherfucker, if this cannon can’t be delivered today, Lao Tzu’s five hundred billion starships will fire at the Empire!”

“Rebuild, rebuild your mother’s reconstruction, give Lao Tzu a roll back into the rubble!”

The starry sky is not at all as calm as it sees.

Tens of millions of years.

The starry sky is at war all the time.

Even the Empire has been crushed countless times.

Of course, the empire seems to be an immortal little strong, which has been crushed again and again, and has been rebuilt again and again.


Lu Cang continued to swallow the surrounding planets.

At the same time, Lu Cang also saw the red moon, what it was.

It was a crimson planet.

Extremely huge.

In the middle of a very distant starry sky.

If you can come to another part of the planet, you can see it clearly.

Before the red moon, it had been obscured by huge celestial bodies.



“Take your place on the planet before.”

“Obey orders, my master.”

Terraria floats toward the universe.

Replaces the position of the first gaseous planet to be swallowed.

“Clarier, you go and replace the second one.”

“Evil Pupil, you are attached to that solid planet.”

Lu Cang distributed his supreme arms towards the universe.

There is also a reason for this distribution.

That is, if you want to advance to the tenth order.

This planet may not be able to accommodate the size of Terraria and Clarier.

At the same time, he is also making arrangements to meet other malicious beings in the universe.

Terraria and Clarier, surely they can no longer fight on the planet.

【Mind Lab (Level 4)】

【Research: Malicious Perception】

You can sense all ill will toward you and foresee where it is going. 】

After unfolding this piece of star fan fog.

Lu Cang also felt that lurking in the starry sky, countless malice.

They all seem to be targeting this side.

“Dark Forest?”

“It’s really like.”

“However, I didn’t see a blow coming straight through.”

“It seems that the level is not enough.”

However, this was also the reason why Lu Cang hid himself for the first time.

But after this promotion.

Lu Cang thought to himself.

If you want to perish, it is not an ordinary difficulty.

Start with the ninth order.

Lu Cang could already store his heart in the flesh and blood void.

Take it away.

This is a brand new building in Lu Cang.

【Flesh and Blood Hollow】

[Effect: Creating a void in the void, the void can extend along a straight line to a very far distance, in the flesh and blood void, moving the same distance, and the space required to pass is greatly shortened. 】

This, equivalent to the [meat hole] in the universe

However, this meat hole no longer needs to extend from the occupied territory.

Instead, you can go to places that have not been occupied.

Moreover, the speed is faster than the average meat hole.

Lu Cang transported several hearts in all directions.

The speed of the meat hole itself has exceeded the speed of light in the previous life.

And this [flesh and blood void] also has the ability to fold the space.

You want to interrupt it.

A space-type strike must be used to cut it off.

Lu Cang sent these hearts away.

And completely hidden in the cosmic void with mimicry.

In the middle of the vast universe.

Look for a heart that mimics hidden.

How difficult it must be.

As for its own planetary strength.

The whole planet is already flesh and blood.

There are also various genetic bonuses.

Now genes.

It’s not just about the Secret Steel Stone.

Now genes.

Integrates the sum of all the materials of the Holy Order on the entire planet.

Its strength has long been not the level of the secret steel stone.

Even Lu Cang could say it now.

Even if it is one of his self-detonating worms, without self-exploding.

Both have the strength of the Holy Order.

Because of all aspects of genes.

have been significantly enhanced.


This whole huge parent star.

It can almost be said that from the inside out, it is made of materials that far exceed the strength of the Holy Order.

I don’t know how it compares to taboos.

But the Holy Order, indeed, is indescribable.

Although it is said that Lu Cang has just arrived at the starry sky.

But there is no fear of any danger of targeting.

At least, from so much folding space.

Lu Cang could also see traces of the survival of other planet lords.

And after reading the memories and history of their classes.

You can also know how they live.

Don’t talk about his intensity.

Even the lords of the fifth and sixth orders could survive in the starry sky.

Then he was far beyond the strength of the Holy Order.

Although it is not known whether it has reached the forbidden level combat effectiveness.

But far beyond the most holy strength of Lu Cang.

How can you not survive in the starry sky?

Lu Cang’s parent star, greedily ingesting the mass of the surrounding planets.

Flesh and blood are constantly flowing towards the parent star.

At the same time, Lu Cang could also perceive it.

“A unit is very close to me.”

“Did you come for me?”

“The malice is quite obvious.”

“But it’s also a little too weak.”

Coming to this side was actually just a small army of the Holy Order.

And, only three lords?

This number, this order.

Just want to threaten yourself, how is it possible.

If it is taboo…

Lu Cang may also pay attention.

After all, it had never been touched.

But Lu Cang came from a malicious mood.

Also read about greed.

“Greed? What am I greedy about? ”

“Still want to swallow me?”

“But just swallow them up, and see what they think?”

“Since you can be greedy for me, you must also know something.”

The level of the Holy Order, if placed in the Blue Star in the previous life, already belonged to a class, and it could be destroyed at will.

In fact, to the eighth order of the class.

Basically, they all have the ability to survive in the universe.

If placed in a past life, any one of them is a terrible disaster that destroys the world.

But all the strength and weakness comes from contrast.

When the eighth order is everywhere, the tenth order is not as good as a dog.

It will look very rubbish.

But actually.

They do have the ability to walk in the universe.


“Unexpectedly, on a whim, I decided to explore the origin galaxy, and I actually encountered a change.”

“This is the change that happened in the galaxy of origin that claims to be eternal and unchanging.”

Since the beginning, the Origin Galaxy has erupted in a terrifying war above the Holy Order.

This is a galaxy.

It becomes difficult to approach.

It’s not that there’s anything scary in it.

Mainly outside this galaxy, there are all the major forces in the universe.

【Human Empire】

【Endless insect plague】

【Immortal Spirit】

【Smart Technology Creation】

【Archaic Creatures】

The Empire, or the remnants of the Empire, has always occupied an area.

I don’t know if the empire was really rebuilt.

Or fake.

There are various sayings in the universe.

But it’s hard to be clear.

As for the endless insect plague, it is basically based on eating and eating.

However, these endless insect plagues are only quite conscious in this matter.

There was no rush into the origin galaxy.

Instead, it is distributed around galaxies.

Randomly pick a few lucky planets to devour.

Other major powers.

Also surround this piece.

But say surrounding.

In fact, there are still a few openings.

Specially let some, scattered lords.

Don’t become a force, go inside and explore.

See what exactly happens.

And these few lords wandered to the vicinity of Lu Cang.

Such a bad egg.

But the funny thing is.

These unlucky people still think they are lucky.

Picked up the treasure of the galaxy of origin.

“I’m sure.”

“As long as we enter that area, we can get a way to rise to a higher level!”

“Do you remember the horror above the Holy Steps you saw?”

“We will also become such a big being!”


Writing to the present, it has finally transitioned to the starry sky.

It was very uncomfortable, and I lost a lot of subscriptions during this process, but finally passed the transition period.

I’ve always been particularly fond of that kind of starry universe war, and I think that after a race reaches the starry sky, that’s the real beginning.

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