This group of lords.

Not human.

It’s a bunch of Yarons.

Their class is a dragon.

This group of Yalong people rode a dragon, and the dragon was full of various colors.

Fire Guardian Dragon, Frost Guardian Dragon…

They are not the lords of the tech side.

It’s biological.

After reaching the eighth order, it is already possible to no longer breathe.


There are so many races in this world.

Humans are one of the few species that need to breathe oxygen to survive.

And after the eighth order.

Basically, they are able to absorb free energy to survive.

And the usual temperature changes.

It won’t hurt them either.

Acting in the universe is basically no problem.

This group of lords.

That is, just after the blood mist was formed.

Only to notice this side.

They hadn’t witnessed the formation of this blood mist.

So the boldness is bigger.

They were originally looking for the particularity of the origin galaxy.

only to enter the interior.

And they had just suddenly noticed that there was a fog that had changed from light gray to blood red.

When you see the variation.

Their first reaction.

Certainly not running, but approaching.

Otherwise, if you see a change.

Just leave.

So what are they doing here.

So of course they headed for the place surrounded by blood mist.

But they flew some distance later.

“Ah, is it?”

“Become a great being above the Holy Order.”

Suddenly a voice sounded in their hearts.

The lord of this holy order.

For an instant creepy bones.


I am in the universe.

How could this voice suddenly rise from his side.

Where did it come from?

Although the speed of light has changed.

But sound still can’t propagate directly in a vacuum.

Then they looked back.

But I couldn’t see any of them.


To be precise.

Is not to see the universe.

The entire universe starry sky.

Already wrapped in blood mist.

They don’t know when.

It had sailed into the blood mist.

But actually.

It wasn’t them driving into the blood fog.

Instead, the blood mist expanded toward them.

Wrap them up completely.

The lords swallowed a mouthful.

At the same time, they also have some fear in their hearts.

“What, what’s going on?”

“Don’t be afraid.”

“This may be our opportunity.”

“You and I are both mythical grades.”

“And they are all holy.”

“Our combat effectiveness is definitely not something that ordinary saints can take down at will.”

They have a territorial core compressed on their bodies.

The best way to explore the universe is to carry the core of the territory with you.


It is easy to be stolen home.

They, looking ahead.

However, they saw the planet in front of them.

But it was a chill in my heart.

A planet of flesh and blood.

The surrounding planets, as if countless tubes had appeared, were delivering something to the middle planet.


It looks bad.

Although they are not unseen in planet-level transformation.

Some planets can be transformed into a steel fortress.

Some planets have completely formed a forbidden spell launch pad.

This is the creation of the power of the stars.

But…… It was the first time they had seen such a strange planet.

Other makeovers.

It’s all cold machines and magic.

But now this thing in front of me seems to be alive.

It’s a living thing.

So they retreated.

“Now back off.”

Can’t fight, generally can run.

The lord of the most holy level can also be regarded as a relatively high-end combat strength.

Forbidden levels, even if you look at the whole universe, are very rare.

Not every lord can master the way of promotion taboo.

Not every lord can complete the promotion.

The conditions for promotion taboos are often harsh.

The Most Holy Level, as long as it is not completely surrounded by the Legion, basically has a way to escape.


“They are all coming, why are they leaving?”

In the void came Lu Cang’s voice again.

However, he still did not see anyone.

But don’t know where to start.

In all directions, tentacles of flesh and blood were extended.

Tentacles spread around them.

Countless tentacles wrapped around their legions.

These tentacles intertwine, as if forming a huge ball of yarn.

Surround them.

“Dragon’s Breath!”


The Most Holy Flame Dragon spewed out a fiery dragon breath in a straight line!

Attack towards the tentacles in front of you.

However, how can this be effective.

[Stalker – Crewe] was hit by this attack.

This attack is like tickling.

Put it on the ground, a whole area can not sink the dragon’s breath.

The dragon’s breath that can barely evaporate the water of a river…

That’s it?

He also wants to deal damage to the Dream Tenth Order creatures.

“Kill it.”

“Do as you are told.”


The tentacles shrink violently!

This tentacle forms a sphere that is squeezed directly together!

Between the tentacles and the tentacle gaps, various colors of blood flow.

These lords seemed to have been squeezed and killed in an instant.

It became a dry meat sauce.

Lu Cang appeared near this blood.

Contact with blood.

Memories of one of the scenes.

It also flooded into his mind.

The History Lab has been upgraded to level 4.

Combined with the Psychic Lab.

Already have the ability to read history from the blood.

There is no longer a need to put the remains into the nest for interpretation.

More convenient than before.

[We want to find a new home for the Yarlong race]

【How resources are not enough】

Is it so uncomfortable to be hungry for promotion? 】

[This is already the tenth planet we have built]

[Big Brother, I’ve found another planet!] 】

The lords above them are only of the tenth rank, and it seems that they have not yet mastered the way to ascend to the Holy Order. 】

[Finally a new colony]


[Big Brother, this is the 92nd planet.] 】

[Big Brother, we’ve been invading for a thousand years. 】

[This is not a head, can you find a way to solve this problem forever?] 】

I’m tired and don’t want to go to war anymore. 】

[I heard that if you go to the origin galaxy…]

[Legend has it that above the Holy Order, there is also a hierarchy.] 】

Maybe to that extent, we can solve our problems. 】

[Big Brother, what do you think?] 】

[Big brother, if you don’t want to go to the origin galaxy, I will accompany you to fight together!] 】

A brief silence…

[Alas, let’s go.] 】

【Where to go?】 】

[Go to the origin galaxy.] 】

Memories flashed through Lu Cang’s mind.

They have lived for tens of thousands of years.

This race itself lives much longer than humans.

Plus the Lord’s bonus.

They also live longer than humans.

For a long time, though, they were all running for the race.

Resources are always limited.

Lu Cang digested the memories of these lords and soldiers.

Their memories, most of the time, are in war.

Either in aggression or on the road of aggression.

Occasionally, it is attacked by other beings.

This race has more than a dozen Most Holy Beings in total.

In the individual planets, it is actually a relatively powerful level.

As for the kind of interstellar race alliance, it is not possible to compare a single planet with them.

There are many very decaying races in this universe.

Even the races that did not have the method of ascending to the Holy Order accounted for the majority.

“It turns out that this is the case outside the stars.”

“Is my place called the Origin Galaxy?”

“The origin, but also really fits the scene.”

“Only the origin galaxy has a way to ascend to the taboo.”

Other places have no path to promotion taboos at all.

It seems that there are not many taboos in the universe.

Get the news.

It also made Lu Cang feel more at ease.

Originally thought, after the expansion.

The universe is so big.

There are taboos, maybe quite a lot.

Unexpectedly, out of the starry sky, this is still a rarity.

However, got their memories.

I also know some common sense about this universe.

The cursed person is almost non-existent in the universe.

The curse route does not work for ordinary lords at all.

Abandoning the route, can not promote the taboo.

The greedy route requires exploring the forbidden zone of life.

Not to mention that the Most Holy enters the forbidden zone of life and dies.

Judging from the memories of these lords, the forbidden area of life actually only exists in the origin galaxy.

Not at all anywhere else.

It seems that the greedy route.

The forbidden area of life refers specifically to several forbidden areas of one’s home planet.

Of course, while occupying this planet.

Lu Cang didn’t touch those forbidden areas of life.

Even if you want to touch.

You must also wait until the Holy Order.

With the rise of the rank.

There is also a growing sense of intuition.

For those few forbidden areas, that dangerous intuition never dissipated.

But as long as you don’t touch them.

They also seem indifferent.

This state.

It’s more like a slumber.

“In this universe, the vast majority of promotion methods are still hungry promotions.”

This seems to be the only universal way to ascend to the Holy Order.

“As for other promotion methods, it seems that there are also ways, but none of them have been circulated.”

Lu Cang could also spot this problem by reading their memories.

Because the major planets are hungry for promotion.

Resources become unusually barren.

A planet is often in a state of resource scarcity when it is occupied.

Even if you occupy it, you can only eat some leftovers.

Lu Cang’s understanding of this universe gradually deepened.

It seems that it can exist as its own enemy.

Not too much.

That’s just a few… Endless insect plagues, immortal spirits, intelligent technological creations, and ancient creatures.

As for the human empire, it is friend or foe.

Ghosts know.

But now it seems that he cannot be classified as a human being.

Flesh-and-blood creatures seem to have become available as a whole new independent race.

“My appearance seems to have attracted the attention of the universe.”

It can also be known from the memories of these lords.

Most of the planets in the universe are also spying on this side.

No wonder I just moved.

I immediately felt countless malice from the universe.

“I don’t know if I will be able to advance to the tenth order.”

After being promoted to the tenth rank, all of their supreme arms will also be directly promoted to the combat strength of the Holy Order.

When the time comes, it is estimated that the taboo will come.

There’s no need to worry too much.

Otherwise, if the tenth order is taboo.

Although it is not clear the specific combat strength, I am afraid it is a little uncomfortable.

The Holy Order does not have to be afraid, and the taboo is afraid that it cannot be beaten.

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