【Universal Star】

“Lu Cang…”

“How did he grow up to be so strong in a short time?”

“Obviously, when I was young, I was still so weak.”

Monte, his teeth clenched tightly against his lower lip.

“I should have done it myself.”

He regretted it very much now, and he regretted very much why he had just been watching the scenery by the window.

Start early, maybe there won’t be so much.

Of course, at that time, his mood was naturally different from now.

There are different considerations.

But now, I regret it very much.

As for Beamon.

That’s really something you don’t need to worry about.

Now it seems that in the face of the forbidden power, Beamon is just a residue.

But what he didn’t know was that.

Even if he had done it earlier.

In fact, he couldn’t kill Lu Cang.

After all, the ability to survive is there.

When Lu Cang was in the fifth order, when he was noticed by the lords.

At the same time, he was already doomed not to be destroyed.

Survivability is too strong.

Even if the Holy Order Lords really go to fight.

It certainly can’t be extinguished.

But Monte didn’t know these things.

So very remorseful.

“But my strength now.”

“It may not be impossible to kill him.”

“He can only use the Holy Rank sub-power now.”

“But if it is a little later.”

“There is no second chance.”

“He has to be killed before he grows up again.”

The first time when he was weak, the opportunity to kill Lu Cang had been missed.

This second time.

Don’t cherish it anymore.

Maybe it will be crushed.

“When will the jump device be built?”

“Can you jump directly to the origin galaxy?”

“This… Maybe not. ”

“After all, there is a barrier that isolates space teleportation and envelops the entire galaxy.”

“But it can be teleported to the gaps in these barriers.”

“But there’s another option.”

“But if you have enough strength.”

“Maybe you can take the shortest route and kill it directly.”

“Directly break the barrier of isolation.”

“However, this is bound to attract the pursuit and killing of big forces.”

“Lord, do you see?”

He can only give advice.

After all, Monte’s level of existence is no longer something they can influence.

But…… There’s a problem right now.

If only he were gone.

This endless insect plague, they are afraid that they will not be able to solve it on their own.

“Lord Ally, this jump device, we can build it soon, but this insect plague…”

“We can’t deal with it.”

Monte thought a little.

“I’ll help you solve the insect problem.”

“Teleport me directly to the nearest gap.”


【Origin Galaxy】

At this time, Lu Cang was studying the conditions for promotion.

Promoted to the tenth order, the conditions required were very terrifying.

After all, for himself, he was approaching half a holy order.

The first condition is the volume of flesh and blood.

Need to add to your own flesh and blood planet, more to make increments.

The size of the flesh and blood planet needs to be continuously increased.

Raised to at least a hundred times the current volume.

It will be a long process.

Moreover, there are also eighteen or more Dream-level creatures required.

Now I have assimilated myself into the whole world.

The number of classes has also become extremely diverse.

The planet offers a total of thirty different types of classes.

Start at this level.

All classes can move on land, sea and air.

There is no need to consider its kind.

Almost all classes can fly.

However, each still has its own strengths.

Just like the creatures that originally fought in the water, they can still play a strong role in the water.

It was originally a creature of land warfare.

Fighting down-to-earth will also have a lot of strengthening.

However, it does not mean that they cannot fight under special circumstances.

“I should consider taking advantage of the other lords of this universe.”

What has just been killed is indeed a bit sloppy.

Hugs should be allowed to control one.

Use his lord system.

After all, this was the first time that he had come into contact with the Lord of the Starry Sky.

I was in a hurry to read my memories.

Instead, I forgot about manipulation.

Usually, this set of processes for killing and reading memories has been used to operation.

I didn’t feel anything special about killing these lords at all.

In addition to eighteen fantasy grade creatures.

Want to get promoted.

And it also requires 100 numbers of Ultra Mythical Grade Territory Sacred Order Territorial Core.

100 quantity, not a hundred.

In general, a Most Holy has about twenty territorial cores.

Maybe even more.

After all, one area at a time.

Killing five super-mythical level saints is almost the same.

Lu Cang thought so.

But the idea.

If only the lords of the universe knew.

I’m afraid I’m going to be scared out of a cold sweat.

Ultra-mythical level of holiness.

This is also a top combat power in the universe.

Dream, not the existence of some rotten street.

Among every major force, Dream can be regarded as an extremely rare general.

Whether it is a human empire or an immortal spirit.

In fact, the super-myth is already very strong.

What I just got was only mythical.

Of course this super mythical territorial core.

It can also be replaced with a taboo core.

The core of the taboo level.

There is no grade limit.

The high one can replace the low one.

However, Lu Cang felt that in general, if it could be promoted to the forbidden level, then its own grade should not be lower than the myth.

In this world, the grade is too low, and there is no capital to survive.

After reaching the cosmic scale.

Lu Cang felt that time had passed, and it had become much faster.

It’s not that time is really getting faster.

It’s because nothing happens for a while and a half.

You just need to wait quietly for the planet to absorb and solve the volume problem.


The flesh and blood hollow also stretched out in all directions.

Lu Cang released his own flesh worms in all directions.

Fleshworms come to planets.

Expand itself.

A simple nest generates directly.

At the same time, with the nest as the origin, the flesh and blood spread in all directions.

Lu Cang began to distribute his flesh and blood on more planets.

In the shortest possible time.

Alone to form a big force.



“Let Lao Tzu turn around? Going to the Origin Galaxy? ”

“Lao Tzu is about to kill the core of the worm’s nest!”

“As a result, you and Lao Tzu said that you were going to transfer troops?”

“Fuck, are those leaders having shit on their heads?”

[Yun Long] directly scolded out.

“How fast these swarms regenerate, do you know?”

“General, however, the origin galaxy has changed.”

“Change? Guan Lao Tzu fart? ”

“Seeing that you can destroy the insect swarm, you let Lao Tzu retreat?”

“Actually, the top management is here for your own good.”

“If you continue like this, you will undoubtedly die, General.”

“Swarms of insects cannot be killed, and as long as one bug is alive, they can rebuild the whole community.”

“We can only break it up temporarily, but it’s impossible to eradicate it.”

“Fight the insect swarm only in exchange for peace in the rear.”

“You less fucking fart for me.”

“If Lao Tzu can fight this time, even if they want to rebuild it, they can at least buy tens of thousands of years of peace for our empire.”

“With tens of thousands of years of TMD, can’t the Empire find a way to deal with these bugs?”

“General, the way you said to deal with bugs.”

“It’s already there.”


Beyond the galaxy of origin.

Around the [Primal Red Star], there are endless swarms of insects.

A creature with countless limbs, like a mixture of countless insects.

Gently touch the original red star.

“The Crimson Curse.”

“Someone took advantage of the red moon to promote the taboo?”

“The lord of the cursed route.”

Buzz Buzz Buzz Buzz Buzz Buzz

Buzz Buzz —

Buzz —

Swarms of insects float around this compound insect.

Keep your message across.

“The message from the queen of the worm?”

“Blood fog?”

“Origin galaxy?”

After access to the information.

This compound worm is slightly brooding.

Subsequently, the order was given.

“Swarm, enter the Origin Galaxy.”

“Get around the fog.”

“Get in touch with that scarlet.”

“A gift for the great queen!”


【Origin Galaxy】

Above the parent star.

Lords who create classes very quickly.

It is making classes for Lu Cang all the time.

And in their territory.

Both are assigned a floater.

The Floater is responsible for killing the created classes.

Make a batch and kill a batch.

Transformed into a new batch of floaters.

The lords watched as this miraculous scene took place.

Self-made classes.

After being killed.

Directly transformed into a powerful floater.

How strong the floaters are, they don’t know.

Each of the Floating Beings, now far more intense than the Meteor Lord’s Celestial Archers.

Meteorite Lord?

It’s just a brother-in-law.

Lu Cang was now vague.

There is a sense of unlimited resources.

It’s a way of using the power of rules to allow yourself to cycle through infinity of increments.

It seems that as long as you continue like this, you can get an unlimited number of classes.

But Lu Cang understood very well.

This is not really infinity.

Because in the process of resource manufacturing.

There is also an element that must not be overlooked.

That’s time.

Time is always a yardstick.

Making a soldier in a day can create infinitely infinitely.

But this is too slow.

A billion years is not much.

Lu Cang felt the same way now.

Now the lords of the whole world can only make so many things when they break the sky.

There is no way to be faster.

If you want to be faster, you can only increase the strength of the lords themselves.

But under Lu Cang’s strategy.

Basically, low-level lords can get enough upgraded resources.

Upgrade as fast as you can.

Compared with the previous need to fight their own resources, it is also necessary to balance the combat strength, so as not to be strong in the outside world.

This model has been called package distribution, package upgrade.

However, upgrading does take time.

They were also far from surpassing Lu Cang’s record.

Or maybe increase the number of people.

The greater the number of lords.

The faster it is manufactured.


【Starry Sky】

And in the cosmic starry sky.

Rami leads tens of billions of floaters to a fog.

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