Tens of billions, that number is already very small.

For a huge cluster of floaters.

It can only be regarded as a drop in the ocean.

However, this is only a part of the number of scouts used to send them to death.

At this moment, since Lu Cang himself was in the origin galaxy.

So how could the investigation of the origin galaxy be missed?

According to the memories of these lords.

It is not difficult to draw a conclusion.

The surrounding fog is a complete dead silence.

Enter the fog.

You won’t get any information response.

However, even those lords’ arms were unlucky to slip into the fog.

It also just disappears into death.

Nothing will come out in the fog.


Lu Cangcai planned to send some troops to explore.

The floaters swarmed, rushing into the fog.

Lu Cang speculated that the arms of those lords had entered the fog but lost contact, probably because the arms of those lords were too weak.

If those classes were stronger, they might not have been killed.

Therefore, Lu Cang planned to let some of his own classes enter and explore.

The strength of his own class must be far greater than that of the Holy Order.

Buzz —

One by one, the floaters went deep into the fog.

They were instructed to return immediately after ten seconds of entering the fog.

Don’t do any nostalgia.

Bring all the intelligence gathered back to the stars.

After the floater enters.

Lu Cang’s heart was also silently counting down.

“Ten … Nine…… Eight…… Seven…”

“Three… Two…… One. ”

Lu Cang counts down.

However, with the countdown over.

These floaters, however, did not fly out.

Another ten seconds passed.

The floaters still haven’t left.

“So strong?”

“What’s in there?”

Lu Cang couldn’t help but be curious in his heart.

However, it is just curiosity.

After all, curiosity can kill a cat.

Lu Cang couldn’t have entered to check it out on his own because of curiosity.


This is not the end.

After waiting for half a minute.

Some of the floaters actually flew out of the fog one after another.

“Sure enough.”

The floaters, in the end, survived somewhat.

You know, under the influence of multiple genes.

The Floaters are not just flesh and blood.

Even psychic defense, sonic defense, space defense, and even for some time-class laws.

All have defensive capabilities.

It can be said that there is no shortage in all aspects.

If there is anything that can destroy tens of billions of floaters…

Lu Cang thought to himself.

Even tens of billions of the Most Holy Lords may not be able to defeat their own tens of billions of floaters.

And this fog, what can there be.

More than tens of billions of the Most Holy?

But as time passed, one after another floaters flew out.

They all had black wounds hanging from them.

These wounds do not heal.

Originally, with the special advantage of flesh and blood creatures.

It is possible to recover from the injury in an instant.

“Pool of blood.”

When Lu Cang saw this, he immediately exchanged flesh and blood and threw a floater into the pool of blood.

Soon, the injuries on the floater’s body were healed.

“Injuries that can’t be recovered.”

This cursed wound.

The ability to recover.

It’s not new.

Subsequently, Lu Cang directly crushed and analyzed all those who flew out of the fog.

That’s what they can do best.

The nest is a cluster, and all the sacrifices of flesh and blood creatures are for the better development of the nest.

It is both infinite and unique.

With parsing.

Everything they encountered in the fog of the floaters was completely reproduced.


As soon as the floater entered it, it was squeezed by a huge force.

This force is extremely high.

The first stage,

And in all directions, there are no rules.

Every minute and every second, every moment.

It’s all changing dramatically.

This also causes the floater in it to be unable to stabilize the body shape at all.

It is difficult to return to the fog.

“Forbidden power.”

This clearly involves law-level power.

These floaters, with such a high flesh and blood strength, could not control their own shape.

Suffice it to say how terrifying this power really is.

Countless floaters were pulled and deformed by this force.

Some of these forces are bulk squeezing.

Some are sharp cuts.

Some of them are penetrations of one point.

But all the floaters who were injured by these forces could not recover from their injuries.

Only to see the tough flesh and blood of dozens of times the strength of the Secret Steel Stone.

It was torn apart by a sudden huge force.

A floater becomes in half, completely losing his life.

Obviously, this is not something that the Holy Class can do.

However, because of the quantity.

There are still some floaters who are lucky.

Being able to resist these strange forces all the way up and fly back.

In the end, he was able to escape.

“However, the forbidden level of power can’t kill the floater?”

“Not necessarily.”

“It’s obviously a self-defense mechanism.”

“If the lord, or the lord’s troops, personally attacked, it may not be impossible to kill.”

“If you want to kill ordinary saints, you should be easy.”

“The strength of this automatic defense is obviously not enough, so let the floaters live.”

“If I put Roshan in…”

“Maybe it can last longer, or can it live forever?”

After all, Roshan comes with its own pool of blood.

Can recover from injuries.

Remove the exception state.

As long as you don’t get killed, you can live.

At the same time, Lu Cang was also analyzing what was going on in this fog.

In the end there is no life.

Hostility, or existence that can communicate peacefully.

Ordinary lords, of course, were not qualified to communicate with him.

But if only a taboo exists.

Lu Cang really had a mind to communicate.

Well, that’s right, it’s a double standard.

In the world of lords, strength comes first.

No strength to say a fart.

“Forget it, first ascend to the tenth order.”

“If this defense rule is followed, it will not be able to completely kill my floater.”

“Then, after I ascend to the tenth order.”

“This ordinary defense mechanism should be no threat to me.”

“Do a few more experiments and you should be able to try to explore.”

Mainly, the origin galaxy, since every lord wants to come.

It also shows that there are enough attractive treasures in this galaxy.

Near the water tower platform first get the moon.

He lives here and has no reason to let others snoop on him.

Since he was the first lord to live in the galaxy of origin.

That piece of galaxy will be surnamed Lu from today onwards.

“Hmm… The Floater continues to explore. ”

“I estimate that there are still three days left to devour those planets.”

“If you are promoted, there are also super mythical level collar master kills.”

“Blessing is a bit of a hassle.”

“It will take a long time.”

“However, during this time, my combat effectiveness should also be steadily improved.”

After all, the more Dream Combat Power, the higher your overall combat strength will definitely be.

“You’ve got to find a way to take out some super-mythical lords.”

“But because of my presence, those lords can’t stand it either?”

Lu Cang could feel that on all sides, there were malicious and rapid approaches.

Obviously, it was for myself.

However, it is not very strong.

But among the countless malices, there is a particularly familiar malice that needs to be cared for.

That malice has a sense of alliance.

It has the breath of a creature from the parent star.

If I guessed correctly…

This breath is likely to be the alliance leader.


“How did you get outside?”

“At this distance, it seems to be in the direction of the red moon.”

“The malice is obvious, and you can feel the threat.”

“But it’s not life-threatening.”

“It seems that promotion to taboo?”

“In addition, there are a few breaths that are also threatening to me, but the malice is not very obvious.”

“I’m probably just waiting to see.”

Lu Cang speculated on the strength of the lords based on the malice of the outside world.

This sense of danger has reached the point of being divine.

This is the crisis intuition from the mother’s nest.

At this stage, there is a near-foreknowledge of the impending dangers.

If the level of historical laboratories and future laboratories continues to increase.

You can point out a capability called “deduction”.

You can even start deducing some of the trends and changes.

Very strong.

Lu Cang was judging many forces.



Suspected of Monte’s malice.

Zoom in now.

It spanned the distance of countless old light years.

Came near the galaxy of origin.

“This speed, really fast, is coming at me?”

“It’s a pity that I didn’t get caught, so you came to send my head?”

After this breath approached, Lu Cang could clearly feel it.

Monte’s breath was compared to several other threatening beings.

Much worse.

If I had to describe that feeling, it would be mutilated…


It was as if the promotion had failed.

The threat he felt in him was probably the feeling of an ordinary person encountering a relatively crazy wild dog on the road.

A little threatening, but not very big.

“Maybe my super-mythical territorial core can be replaced by his territorial core?”

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