At the same time, the employees of the rabbit live broadcast are busy, ready to hold the "BP certificate".

After two days of preparation, the various processes of this competition have been arranged almost.

This "BP Certificate" invitation is currently the two games of GOG and IOI in China, the original DGE team's team members, and FV teams and SUG teams.

In addition, now DGE's one or two teams, as a candidate, ready to make a time in the original DGE one or two teams have time to make up.

Although Huang Wang, Jiang Huan, the team members of the original DGE, the team, have been "full of star", go to the GPL team and serve as the main player in the team, but their respective operations and game understanding is completely unfained of.

The old week that has been changed to do coach can't play this game, so I found a small auxiliary complement of DGE now, ensuring the balance of the two teams.

Originally, the two all-star teams were dismantled to the various teams to reinforce, and now they are together, and the star players in all teams are gathered together, re-establish two all-star teams.

However, such a personnel constitute a problem with this "BP certificate".

The GPL League's schedule is relatively compact, except for the game on Tuesday, other times have a game to play every day, and the team members of the original DGE one or two teams have spread to several teams, I want to find some time, I have no time. hard.

There are fewer teams on the ICL League, and the game schedules are not so intensive. As long as you pick the FV team and the Sug team, it is okay.

So Chen Yufeng considers it and decides to arrange the "BP certificate" to 3 o'clock to 5 o'clock in the afternoon.

The GPL League has hit 9 o'clock in the afternoon on Monday to Friday, and at 3 o'clock in the weekend.

"BP Certificate" arranged at 3 o'clock to 5 o'clock in the working day, just able to play two games, each team took a "middle lineup", seeing the problem of a lineup, or a person problem.

The two groups of GOG and IOI can be configured, including the GOG group on Tuesday, Thursday, Monday, Wednesday, IOI groups. This can be configured with both GPL and ICLs, and guarantees the basic heat.

The event is of course a way to match online, and the broadcast is a two-way stream transfer station, explanation, and streaming of the ICl before broadcasting the ICl. It is also ready-made.

The schedule of the game is now basically finalized, and the preparations for each preparation are also smooth. Chen Yufeng is in the past, and the almost can start publicity.

Tomorrow is Thursday, just round to the GOG group, you can take this opportunity with the "DGE team again" as a head propaganda, in advance.

But how is it specifically promoted, Chen Yufeng is not too much.

The key is the detailed rules and details of this "BP Certificate". Do you want to announce in advance?

If more heat is condensed in advance, it is definitely a better release rule in advance.

However, Chen Yufeng considered after thinking about it, or not to announce the rules in advance to create a little surprise to the audience.

Because the current situation in the rabbit is more embarrassed, the function of "forced one hour" is wounded very miserable. Now no matter what activities, it is not necessarily to save the word of mouth, but may be sprayed.

Only the audience really saw the game, I feel interesting, the wind review of the rabbit live this can be twisted.

But if the schedule is disclosed in advance, the audience will have a decline.

Therefore, Chen Yufeng's propaganda experience of Tenda's various departments before, and fixed the propaganda policy of this "BP certificate".

At the time of publicity, focusing on the "DGE team will gather again", and for the specific rules and details of the game, it is unknown, just marking the game will adopt "special mode", emphasizing the viewer to see high levels of consolidation, will also It is guaranteed that there is a clear difference with GPL and ICL.

In this way, most of the pre-periods will spray, but in the formal start of the game, the rules will be announced at that moment, the audience will definitely feel surprised, and the previous unpleasant will swept away!

Chen Yufeng quickly finalized the propaganda details of this "BP Certificate", and then arranged the people to give the rabbit-tailed resources to this competition, and then bought some online advertisements to promote publicity.

It is a long-term program that is also a long-term program, which is also a long-term program. The heat will continue to rise during the game.

The key is to see that this "BP Certificate" will be officially started in the official opening of the game!



On April 26, Thursday.

Today's weather is good, the sun is sufficient, the light-shaped balcony is very good.

So Yu Qian didn't go to work, but a breakfast in the living room, while watching the live broadcast of the rabbita.

Recently, he found a big man in rabbit-tailed. Every time the live broadcast is fixed, only half an hour, the content is very shallow, but it is interesting.

Yan Qian is just a day to live a hour of playing on the live broadcast of the rabbit tail, so take a break and take a look at these big lectures.

Although this fragmentation knowledge is just a little fur, it is much more meaningful than brushing short video.

As for why I don't go directly to Chen Yufeng, I will cancel my account an hourly limit ...

That is of course because I have to take a relationship!

This rule is what he is coming out. If you don't follow it, isn't it equal to playing your own face?

The general is still facing face.

After reading a holiday, the APP of the rabbit tail was finally unlocked, showing the contents of the top page of the recommendation.

"Well? DGE team will gather again?"


Yan Qian couldn't help but shocked, hurry up and see.

The game is written in the picture. It is 3 o'clock to 5 o'clock this afternoon, and now the game has not started. After you go, it is the page of the live broadcast, which is written above. Several simple rule instructions.

The name of the competition is covered, it should be announced when the game is officially begun.

Here are a number of simple rules: the game is divided into two groups of GOG and IOI, playing on Tuesdays and Thursday and Monday Wednesday, with the two leagues to be perfect; briefly introduce the two sides, hint this will It is a high level of confrontation; there is also the most critical, the two sides use "special model" to the war meeting, which will ensure the wonderful competition while ensuring professionalism.

Yan Qian can't help but brow you: "Special mode?"

"Mutual mode? Blind mode? Self-selection skills interchange? Skill no CD? Big chaos? Cloning? House game change game?"

GOG and IOI have launched some entertainment models, and the effect is still.

Many professional teams will also pick some performances, Hardware, playing entertainment model, and interact with the audience.

Special mode This concept is too broad, and it is really not guessed.

"Give a live broadcast of the rabbit, and the result is that Chen Yufeng thought for a long time, I would like to let DGE club play a entertainment game?"

"Yes, you are beautiful!"

More than one half of the total number of electric race fans, certain can't be underestimated.

But see this rule, Qian is basically relieved.

This activity is not as good as the "ZZ Cup Gift Competition" that the ZZ live broadcast platform, such a good activity, the live broadcast of the rabbit is not copied, Chen Yufeng, you can really have you.

If this time is a forward propaganda, Yan Qian must only shout Chen Yufeng, as the person in charge of the department, even if you want to promote your brain, what do you use?

However, Yu Qian's tens of millions were ready to use it, Chen Yufeng made such a activity, which was simply in the middle.

"The promotion of the event seems to be a bit not enough. Currently just seeing promotion on the live broadcast of the rabbit else, other places don't seem to discuss it?"

"It is a game in the afternoon, this kind of propaganda is too unlearable, it is a bit giving to Tenda."

Yan Qian immediately called Chen Yufeng.

"I look at the rabbita live in the afternoon to do a new game? How to promote this? Isn't it strong? Is it not enough?"

On the phone, Chen Yufeng quickly explained: "Not, the bail, the funds must be enough, but this game is a long-term activity, so there is no need to spend all the promotion funds all in the early stage, I am planning to slowly flow, Slowly accumulate heat. "

Yu Qian immediately said: "Don't need anything? I see you is reluctant. I can't bear it, I will explain that the promotional fund is still not enough."

"This, I will give you five million, now I will go to advertise, buy the water army, stir fry the heat of the game! You don't have a good value of the price is not high, the flower is full!"

Chen Yufeng stunned: "Oh ... good , I am arranged!"

"But ... Time is a bit tight, there is a start in the afternoon, now spend money to buy advertising positions, I am afraid that I can't wait until the afternoon, I have to see the effect."

"It is to ask the water army to create an immediate effect."

Yan Qian smiled: "It doesn't matter, the promotion is!"


At noon, the Binhu Community.

Qiao Liang just had lunch, sitting in front of the computer, and I didn't want to work.

As a full-time UP master, his living conditions are getting better and better, but the efficiency of work is also a straight line. When I didn't pick up, he often had two three videos in the liver for a week. Now, it is good to have a video in one month.

"Oh, I have to go, I have to go!"

On one side of Qiao Liang, he habitually brushed the phone.

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