Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1009 Chapter Yin Batong BP Certificate

Recently, Qiao Liang's schedule is quite casual, sleeping naturally every morning, 10 o'clock, getting up, eat breakfast while brushing video, finishing the game for a while, 1 o'clock in lunch, sleep, sleep At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, after the sun is sunbatied, I haven't had time to have a dinner, and I have dinner, GPL's game starts.

No way, many times, brush mobile phone watching short video, see the forum, I don't know if I have passed two or three hours, it is difficult to control your hands.

Although Qiao Liang knows the situation, it is still a brush, which is to brush, this resolutely resistant to fragmentation is not per person.

"Well? Rabbit live 3 o'clock in the afternoon to engage in a game? The old DGE ten people must gather again?"

"Is this the activity that is talented?"

Qiao Liang has been broadcast live in the rabbit, because he is too late to hang up every day.

For this "forced one hour", Qiao Liang is also very dissatisfied, and I have multiple times in my fan group. He even wanted to go to the quarter to say two, let the cancel this complete unreasonable provision, but finally think about it.

If it is a game, Qiao Liang has a little bit of speech, but how to manage the live broadcast platform is completely Tengda's own things, if Qiao Liang is not exempted, the suspicion is not a bit, not very good.

What's more, Qiao Liang feels that the live broadcast of the rabbit is not the core business of Tenda Group. Since it is not to do it, then let it go, it will definitely change it in the future.

So after that, Qiao Liang has not used the rabbit tail for a while. After the netizens are tired, the heat on the Internet will gradually fall.

However, this event clearly made the rabbit live a focus of netizens discussed.

Qiao Liang wanted to sweep the players' comments and still spraying.

"3 pm to 5 o'clock live broadcast with old DGE ten people, the publicity map has been played, you can pay attention!"

"Don't anyone live in the rabbit # No, will it be?"

"It is a big man who compulsally hangs up every day." Yes. "

"The live broadcast of the rabbit is not a brain, and the money is burned. The previous heat is very good. I have made a forced one hour to make the website heat, and now I will carry out DGE team members to open it. Thermal, pure brain! "

"That is, the people have had day-to-day training, and they can arrange this special event, and they can not maintain state, maintain strength, and the team members are also forced to open on the face of the pole, and the rabbit is a bit forced. Let's take a toss of these players! "

"Don't go to see, don't go to them! Wait for a period of time, no one is seen, the heat is falling, and it will be stopped!"

Although some fans are full of expectations for this game, it is more negatively higher than that.

No way, before the live broadcast of rabbits, it is a bit awkward.

During this time, I just disappeared, this game propaganda, the passerby audience remembered the sand carving of the rabbit-tailed live broadcast, plus this activity a little let DGE players hope to rub the butt, more people more .

"This audience is really strict."

Although Qiao Liang also is very dissatisfied with this rule of live broadcast of rabbit, but no other person responds so fierce.

After all, he is a freelancer, and the mobile phone hangs for an hour. This is easy to do for him. Just hang the phone while playing the game.

If there is any other event, Joe Liang also can't do it for an hour, but DGE's team members have not played together for a few months, although it is a head, but Qiao Liang still wants to see.

Therefore, Joe Liang still opened the live broadcast app that has not been logged in for a long time, opened a focus mode, hung up the old man, and prepare for 3 o'clock when he was waiting for 3 o'clock.

After entering the focus mode, a countdown and a picture of a cartoon character appears on the page, and there are two lines.

"The genius in the eyes is extraordinary, not a high-profit hard work, but pays continuous efforts. Ten thousand hours of hammering is the necessary conditions from ordinary to world master."

"Eight hours working every day, becoming an expert in a field requires at least five years; extra extraction of an hour is taken out of the majority of professional work, thirty years later, you will have achievements in this field."

Qiao Liang couldn't help but feel: "Although this function is very mentally disabled, this sentence is still a little reasonable."

The previous paragraph is actually the so-called "10,000 hours of law".

Although the people 's tachip has a high part, the efforts required to success cannot be terminated, but "10,000 hours of law" also has its advantages.

Because a person talented is high, you want to achieve results, you can't open your day gathering, even the genius in history cannot be exception.

The second paragraph is more like an extension of "10,000 hours of law". In fact, most people are doing a good job in their job, as long as the job is accumulating, improved nature, not repeating labor, so in five years, you can become a professional in a certain field.

In the case of work, if you can learn more about the other fields every day, you will have some knowledge, and you will always have something to gain.

The phone can't be brushed while the mobile phone, Qiao Liang has only turned on the computer and did something wrong.

He has always wanted to take a table to be a table of domestic games, and combed the context of domestic game development, and considered some material for the next video.

But this thing has been dragged for a few months, and each time I have two or three, I can't keep it, silently playing my mobile phone.

This time, although Qiao Liang still wants to play mobile phones, but see the "Special Mode" page displayed on the mobile phone screen, Qiao Liang has recovered his hand of the crime and continued to work.

It's soon an hour.

Qiao Liang found that he was still a bit, and continued to work for half an hour, and it was ready to rest.

"This focus seems to be a bit used. If you can never let go of your mobile phone, it is actually a lot of time every day ..."

Although I just worked for more than an hour, Joe Liang is full, and there is no life between the DGE players in the live broadcast of the DGE player.

At this time, Qiao Liang found that the title of the original hidden intercom has revealed: "Rabbit Delive Cup"!

"BP certificate? What game is this ??"

Qiao Liang stunned, before he thought this is just a normal entertainment game or a versatile match, DGE ten people playing to play a lot of hopes to meet the audience, but now, the situation does not seem to be as he thinks So simple!

This game directly used the ICL league in the broadcast station of the Rabbit-tailed line, so the team and other teams were ready.

Two explanations have introduced the race rules in advance.

"As the name suggests, 'BP certificate" is to let two top tip teams to test some of the strength of some BP lineup, prove that it is the problem of coach BP, or the problem of players. "

"Today is the first game of the BP certificate. We carefully chose a classic to the GPL last week. The Blue is a set of almost no groups of PoKE lineup, which is also angry with a lot of audiences to 'Yin BP'. The lineup, today's two teams will use this lineup with the other party to fight once, through the 'Control Variable Method' Verify that this BP is not the 'Yin BP'. "

"If the two games are lost in the 'Yin BP', it can prove that the problem of BP, if the one of the 'Yin BP' wins, it can prove that the problem of players and tactical arrangements."

"If we win a loss, we can also determine the difference between the two games to determine the BP to the end. This 'Yin BP''s fault tolerance rate is high or low, it is stable or unstable ..."

"After that, we will give voting between the BP certificate of the rabbit-tailed BP certificate. The audience selects the most versatile BP lineup. The most voting lineup is the lineup we have to verify ..."

At the same time, the two explained the rules of the game, the picture of the live broadcast is also given the specific lineup of this game.

The rule of the BP certificate is that the ten heroes and their own position cannot be changed. In addition, there is no limit to the specific talent configuration, gameplay and packaging of the hero.

Qiao Liang has seen this game last week until now I still remember. At that time, the blue party's coach chose a set of pre-Poke lineup, and only two unstable control skills, no strict sense, and the result of the first-class group did not handle it, two groups, two groups, It is directly pushed directly.

And from the strength of the paper, the blue side is obviously stronger.

Therefore, after this game, the blue party's coach was sprayed in the body, and this lineup was also called "five guaranteed coaching" lineup, and did not keep.

This time, first by DGE team, DGE BP "lineup, DGE second team is a lineup of the opponent; then the lineup interchanges, and then fights.

Of course, because the original DGE two team commander players have retired, they have made coaches, so the current DGE club has a very bright small auxiliary complement, ensuring that the two teams are relatively close to the strength of the paper.

Moreover, the two teams are temporarily pulled, and they have never been engined in advance, and they are all implicitted, basically a fair to the bureau.

After listening to the rules, Qiao Liang has been in an instant.

This "BP certificate" feels very interesting!

If it is a Shu Tournament, the entertainment competition, that is indeed, it doesn't mean, you can't see tactics, and the professional players will not be able to play, there is no ornamental.

However, this BP certificate is completely in accordance with the race. The two sides must have to work hard to maximize the intensity of the game and the degree of exciting.

The most critical is that this game can finally solve a series of unsolved mystery to some extent:

Is it not a player who does not play BP?

Is this pot that the coach is still the back?

The barcation coach has been saying "brain-strain BP", on the words of the game, it is "The eyes of the masses are the snow" or "the truth is often in a few people"?

Qiao Liang suddenly came, because he also wanted to know the answer!

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