Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1011 Rabbit live exclusive advantages

Although the BP certificate has been finished, the audience still has not reached an agreement on the problem that the pot should be back.

After all, the position of the position is different, the same game, the same game, the different people see the same content.

But this time the BP certificate is at least a little, that is, this lineup is not "the interlanguinate", as long as you play, you can win, and the winning rate is not bad.

The key is that it is not enough to practice enough, and the details are not in place, whether the strength of the team is supported, and there is no leak by tactical choice in the competition.

And this is a lineup that must get an advantage. If you can't get it, you will have a thousand miles, it looks particularly mentally.

Many viewers said that it is "the inter-room BP", because this lineup is the first time to play because of the execution of the problem, showing it in the worst case, thus leaving the audience. " This lineup is purely a brake impression of the brain.


After the BP certificate is over, the audience can be seamlessly connected, watch the GPL League.

But it is clear that although the GPL League has begun, on the Internet, the discussion on the BP certificate is still occupied by most layouts.

Qiao Liang turned slightly, just saw a lot of handling and discussions on the BP certificate in several contestings.

The recording video of this competition was reprinted on the Iried Island website for the first time, and gave the audience who did not watch live broadcast, study.

Of course, as the copyright owner of the game, the live broadcast of the rabbit is actually required to ask the Alit Island website to reprint the video of the BP certificate, but Chen Yufeng is not stupid, will definitely do this.

He has to arrange the official account of rabbit-tailed live account to reprint, thereby further expanding the influence.

Nowadays, the heat of the rabbit tail is in the trough, although it has passed a series of propaganda, but still has a lot of viewers because of the various reasons, they have not seen the live broadcast of the BP certificate.

Reprinted the recording video to the Iili website, further enhance its heat, help more about the "BP certificate".

Of course, the audience can choose to record each time, so that it can be reluctant to live "forced one hour" in the live broadcast of the rabbit, but most people still like to watch live broadcast, because live broadcast means the first time Master the corresponding information is what happened in the moment, watching the recording is completely not the taste.

Today's BP certificate is over, but the heat is clearly spreading, even the heat exceeds the current game.

After all, it is not a star team. I have nothing to do with this time. I haven't had a fever, the tactical level is not high, what is the ten star players who touched the porcelain DGE original team?

In addition, this novelty of the BP certificate, the discussion is directly exploded, and the players who complained to the live broadcast of the rabbit, and therefore changed their views to some extent.

"I have to say that the live broadcast of the rabbit is really aunt! This BP contest has answered the doubts of years. It is not a lineup. It is a team member can't do it. The coach is too reasonable."

"Why can't the coach explained?"

"Is it explained? Is it not a sin? Is it a sin? In the eyes of the barrage, this lineup has been enough to be cereborn, and then the hard is a sin, and the brain hematology has evolved into a ten-year brain Thrombosis. "

"It seems that this BP certificate is really very meaningful, at least church with the barcings: The team's coach is professional, and the selection is also very thoughtful, it is not the barrage coach. porcelain."

"Don't say too death. Today, this game just proves that this BP is no problem, but other BPs? Do you look at this vote, the remaining BP is not all ten years of brain overflow to choose Come out? I have voted to this true · five guarantees, five heroes are all hurt, I have to see the next BP certificate can not prove this lineup! "

"Indeed, this BP certificate does not necessarily have always proved that the coach is right, and it is possible to prove that the coach is really brain overflowing? I think it will continue to pay attention!"

"Dry, I want to see every time in the back, but this doesn't mean I have to hang up one hour in advance every day?"

"Do you have any brothers who have hang up software?"

"There is a saying, although the live broadcast of the rabbit is brain, but this competition is still good, isn't it hang up an hour? I have endured!"

"Hey, don't compromise! You have to be able to see the willpower of recording and broadcasting."

"I can't help it, this game is too interesting, the heat is high, when I started, all the forum plates are discussing, you can still don't look at, wait for recording? I can't do anyway!"

"Actually, I now think that this forced one-hour function seems to be less difficult, can open a focus mode when work, leave a mobile phone for an hour, or look at some popular agencies in the rabbit Recording, it will be too late for one hour. "

"There are a few good anchors here, there is economical, there is a literary, and there is a foreign language, you can share it with you."

Looking at these discussions, Qiao Liang couldn't help but feel emotion, and since the human beings can't get rid of "true fragrance" attribute!

I have to say this "BP certificate" of the live broadcast of the rabbit, and it is very good to take it.

The live broadcast of rabbit tailings did not explain or apologize for "forced one hour", but this matter is so incredible, because explaining or apologizing is meaningless, it is sprayed or sprayed.

Moreover, this rule may be tauntful if you change it.

The live broadcast of the rabbit is clear. If you want to save the heat, save the word of mouth, the key is to watch the live broadcast platform what kind of content can provide the audience, as long as the content is unique, it is excellent, the audience still will come.

The "BP Certificate" is clearly an exclusive content that only lives in the live broadcast.

Because this game must be a team of two top and close, the last result is persuasive.

If it is just a general strength team, then the audience will suspect that it is not strong enough to find the team, so did not play the upper limit of this lineup? Is it too disappearing between the strength gap between the two sides, so the result of the result is not much referring?

Only the top team will play this certificate, and those who are not tilted will really take it.

GOG, the strongest team is the original DGE's one or two teams, you can also see two all-star teams; and IOI, the strongest team is the FV team and SUG team.

These four teams have a very close relationship with Tenda Group. In addition to live broadcast of rabbits, other live platforms are not possible!

Moreover, Tengda Group is originally the organizer of the GPL League. At the same time, the broadcast of ICL League Second Road is also more excellent than Long Yu Group's official, with an extremely excellent guided, explanation, and data analysis team to prove the BP certificate. The final result of the game conducts professional summary and summary.

Various factors are added, let this BP certificate becomes exclusive alternative to rabbit-tailed live broadcasts, and other live broadcast platforms don't copy.

Qiao Liang couldn't help but feel: "This BP certificate is really interesting."

"The key is that with the game, the audience believes that the 'brain residual BP' will end out, this BP certificate can continue to do, and the content of each period will be different, the audience will always see it. ! "

"The live broadcast of the rabbit is not a platform for the two league, but it can slowly convert the audience of the two leagues into users of their own platform."

"This is more effective than playing advertising!"

"There is always the unclear, just reveal one hand, I will hold the dead point of other live platforms."

"This genius point, there is only one of the truly loved games, loves electricity, and the players can make a designer to think out!"

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