April 27, Friday.

"BP certificate? What is this!"

In the fish netfa, Yan Qian looked at the annual discussion on the container on various forums while drinking coffee, which was re-lost.

Is it just a good DGE old player?

Are you so entertainment? !

Yan Qian thought that this activity did not have a big deal. Just asked the old players to come back casually, giving the rabbit tailed live band with heat, but now I found that it is not so much!

"I got Chen Yufeng!"


Yesterday, Yu Qian just had something to do in the school. He didn't pay attention to the live broadcast of the rabbit, until this morning, touched the fish net coffee to eat breakfast, when you drink coffee, I took out the mobile phone to turn over the Forum.

Then I found out that I was upright!

Last night, various discussions on the "BP Certificate" occupied the hot post layout of many game forums, and the recording video on the Aliance website has also obtained a very high play.

What makes people feel so speechless is that many people have downloaded the live broadcast of the rabbit again. It is to be able to see the first "BP certificate"!

If the live broadcast of the rabbit is now "forced one hour" rules in the card, let this heat rise, the momentum of the heat has got a certain degree of containment, and the mentality of Qian is to collapse.

"This activity is really too failed! But ... but I have not arrived."

"Although now, many people have said to download the rabbita live, hang up every day, but most of them are three minutes of heat, insistence."

"This" BP Certificate "will always slowly, when the audience will still be moved by the rabbit-tailed live" forced one hour "to persuade."

"Well, in this case, still don't give live resources again, let it cool again."

"The words come back ... I don't know how the situation on Tian Mi is."

"Even if the others are more stupid, this is more than a week, and the whole is full?"

Yan Qian looked at the calendar, and I saw Tian Mo should be a matter of last Thursday.

After that, Yu Qian found Liang Liangfan simply talked about the requirements of the experience store, let him choose the location of the first experience store.

In addition, Yu Qian also did some other arrangements, helping Tian Miao is ready to "practicing".

Almost can check the inspection homework.

In fact, Yu Qian is also a bit uncertain, and it is the hope that the Hi Dian is going to have these guidelines? Still, what should he be back?

If Tian Mia has not been back, then the description of the intersection of Tianmer has now a certain level, or the Tian Mi is not completely at all, this seems to be good news;

However, if Tian Mi has repeatedly obedient, Tian Mia is obedient, it is easier to control after work, and there will be no serious running.

I thought about it, he still more inclined to the latter.

Slit to the office location of the advertising marketing department.

The employees of the Advertising Marketing Department are all touching the fish, drawing, and playing games, there is a chase, it looks quite comfortable.

Most of them are very focused, so that they did not pay attention to the sum of the summary. Even if you pay attention, just smile and nod, you will not have any shy expression because you are playing the game.

Yan Qian is very satisfied with this, nodded frequently.

Only when I saw Meng Caspened station, I was instantly angry.

This Meng Chang, after I got the matter, I will disappear!

It's really this!

Before Yu Qian, how trusted Meng Chang, "mission and choice" propaganda is completely handed over to him, and there is not too much to ask. And Meng Chang also patted his chest to ensure that there is absolutely no problem.

The results of it?

"Mission and Choice" Not only didn't cool, but it was still fire, and the first responsible person Meng Changcai was smashed, and even the class did not come!

Yan Qian is very speechless, I really want to call him to see him for a meal.

But in turn, this is coming to the end of the month, Meng Zhong has to come to his office to come to his own month, and then it is not too late. If you don't have to be eager for a while, you can't stand it very much. Look.

Thinking of this, Yu Qian temporarily pressed his anger and looked at Tianmer's station.

I saw that Tian Mo was in a stunt, a one boring.

After staying for a while, he took a small book and gave his total exchange to his "Sales Department Guidelines" to recite it again, and then fell into a daze.

Obviously, I have already had, but I have nothing to do after going back, I can only stay.

Yan Qian came to his station, and coughing two: "How, is the guideline back?"

Tianmer saw that he was always, and his face revealed the joy of the release personnel. He immediately stood up: "Back! , I will give you a pass ..."

Yu Qian immediately raised his hand to sign him: "No, I believe you."

Tianmer: "..."

He has already booked all the content, and he waited for a good performance in front of me, but the result is completely opportunities, this is very embarrassing.

Yan Qian rushed him to struck: "Since you have already paid, then come with me, you can enter the next stage."


After leaving Shenhua Hao, the driver Xiao Sun drove two people to a nearby shopping mall.

Tian Miao is unknown, so follows the total, two people ride until the five floors of the mall.

Just a sweep, surrounding the store, there are various brand mobile phones, there are also audio, TV, projectors, computer brands.

One of the stores locked the door, and it was not open.

, . .... .........

Tian Miui stunned: "Torry, this ..."

Yan Qian smiled: "You will sell things in this, first practice, wait until you practice, there is a bigger stage waiting for you!"

Tian Mi looked up, this noted that although there were no specific brand names above the signboard above the store, there was a Logo of Tenda Group and Gull.

Only, this store is divided into two parts: the outside is a small hall, the floor window is very good, one side is a transparent glass container, the container is placed in various Tengda related products, such as automatic intelligent lifting bar machine , Otto mobile phone, physical game disc, game hand, etc., and the other side is a sofa, big TV, a fully automated smart lifting bar machine in use, and look at the customer's rest, try.

In addition to this hood, there is also a part of the space, the light is more dark, a total of six small TVs and six single sofas, and there are around three, probably the game demo area.

This is the place where Yu Qian gave Tian Mile Arrangement "practicing".

Yu Qian has arranged Liang Li sail to engage in a large experience store, but this site selection of large stores is definitely in a short time.

And Yu Qian also tally, let Tian Mi have taken the large-scale, covering a few thousand levels, maybe it is possible to have problems.

In the event that the skills of the Tiantian Mail will not be proficient, when the number of customers flooded, what should you do all kinds of goods?

During this large experience store decoration, Yu Qian decided to rent a small store in the nearby shopping mall, put some Tenda's products, let Tian Mili practice to persuade customers.

"I will look at you after this place, know what should you do after the customer is coming?" Asked Qian.

Tian Mi immediately nodded: "understand!"

"Okay, then I examine you." Yan Qian took a OttoE1 mobile phone from side, "I want to buy this mobile phone now, what should you say?"

Tian Mu slightly casually shell: "Hey ... I should say the parameters of this mobile phone, talk about the advantages and disadvantages, can't deliberately induce customers to buy, let customers make decisions."

:: "No, you should tell customers directly, this is already more than a year old, it is not recommended to purchase. What is the parameter?"

Tianmer's mouth is slightly, and it is speechless.

I don't recommend buying things, but also in the shelf?

Yu Qian also took a "back is the shore" entity disc: "If I want to buy this game?"

Tian Miman thought, said: "Hey ... I will tell customers in the ground, this game is a difficult action game, the average person does not recommend try."

: "Well, yes, but in addition to this, you have to tell customers. If you buy digital version online, there will often be a variety of discounts, it will be cheaper, it is more cost-effective. Even if you want to buy, it is not in the entity Buy in the store. "

"If the customer does not have any action game experience, but do not listen to dissuasion, insist on buying?"

Tian Miao was a bit: "That ... then sell it to him?"

: "Wrong. You should let him go to the trial area there, wait for him to die enough, naturally give up."

Tian Mi smashed his head, and the eyes were confused, and seven points were confused.

: "I saw it, although you have already paid guidelines, but you are all dead hardships, no truly understanding, and have not made a contrast."

"So, continue to work hard!"

Tian Miki Lu Zhi is: "Yes ..."

Yan Qian sat down on the sofa next to him, saying: "Right, you can also start to start with the employees of several sales sectors, such a big shop, light by you, you can't see it."

Tian Mia immediately nodded: "Good , what should I do? Go to the recruitment of the post on the website?"

Yan Qian immediately shook his head: "No, if you go to the recruitment website, I will let the Ministry of Human Resources will do it, but also need to tell you?"

"This way, you can find a few of your own classmates or send small, primary school students, junior high school students, high school students can, but the only requirement is that their degree cannot be higher than you."

Tianmer: "Ah?"

"Can't you much than me?"

"But I am high school graduation ..."

Tian Mi Si thinking, can't say it than the classmates who have a low degree, but it will not be a lot.

The key is that these people come to help? Can I complete the task of the total?

Or, a small, more likely to generate team cohesion. "

"These people can't be better than you, because a department can only have a thought, if you say that the east says it is the west, who should listen to others?"

"So, you will recruit people according to this standard. After recruiting it, I will talk to the Ministry of Human Resources, I will enter the job directly, don't take those cumbersome procedures."

Yu Qian can not want to recruit employees smarter than Tian Mia, then give the Tianmer's trick, and run the Tian Miu to the belt.

In that, what kind of hard work, the training, Tian Miao, will not become a white fee?

The previous department recruitment is a unified recruitment. Although Yu Qian is very hard, the quality of the people who come in and recruited is still too high.

Therefore, Yan Qie wants to try "any friendly relative" in the sales department to see how the results.

"Ok, then this way, you first look at the shop with a color man, what needs to be said to me."

"Right, you are holding this business card."

Tian Mi slammed his hand and took a business card, some unknown.

Yan Qian explained: "This is a modeling teacher, I will give him a time with him, let him help you, take a few clothes. All consumption is a company, don't think about saving, saving money Just line. "

"As a sale, you still have to pay attention to your own image."

"Oh, the only thing is required, don't dress, in addition to how to wear it outside."

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