Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1017, Meng Chang, I get a basic salary again.

April 30, Monday.


Yan Qian is looking at the work report sent by each department in the office, and knocking on the door outside.

"Please come."

After a small meeting, the outside of the person pushed in.

When Yan Qian looked up, it was Meng Chang.

I saw Meng Chang's face wax yellow, and the eyes were not afraid. The hair looks a little messy, plus the mouth of the mouth, the whole person is quite funeral, and he has formed a distinct contrast with the original sense of origin.

Since joining the Tenda Group, Meng Chang seems to be more and more personal.

When he just started to create a "cold noodle girl", I went to see the investors forever, the spiritual glow, the personal shape and dressing are all right.

But now, there is almost a month of online addiction teenagers that have been bubble.

Not exported.

Two people are speaking.

Ju Qian took a laptop next to it, opened the previous month's analysis report, and handed it to Meng Chang.

Meng Chang took over and turned over and saw the unexpected, familiar numbers.

It took 1500 pieces of money last month. At that time, Meng Chang was just a small test cattle knife and received a good effect. This month, he was built, prepared to do one, and then successfully made his own commission again.

Still 3,000 yuan, after Since Tenda in the imprint of Meng Chang, in addition to getting the commission last month, the other months all the monthly salary, no exception.

Meng Chang has no fluctuations, but feels that the body is hollow.

In this month, when I saw the "mission and choice" propaganda program suddenly rushed towards the direction that he could not control, the game and movie were better than one day, Meng Chang was already known. Tommight, this month is cool.

Some people, there is no time in the month, and they will only be buried at the end of the month.

Meng Chang did not even carefully see the details inside the analysis report, because he didn't want to be once again, just swept a look, confirmed the last metrics, and handed back the laptop.

"I have, I will go first."

Meng Chang turned to go.

He is really nothing to say, the propaganda program is his own, but it will not only reach the target, but it will fall directly to the bottom line. Although there are more than half of this, there is always a blessing, but what can I do in addition to gambling?

What's more, when you take the right salary last time, Meng Chang has been strangely strange from Yan, continue to stay in the yin and yang.

That's too difficult.

However, Yu Qian immediately pressed him: "Wait a minute."

Meng Chang stopped.

Yan Qian looked at Meng Chang's death pig, not afraid of boiling water, could not help but feel sad.

"I have just come to Tear, I have just come to Tearning, I don't know much about the company's work. I have something wrong with some things and wish."

"I have never said what you have, just hope that you can give an anti-three, and sum up lessons, you can correct it."

"The results of it?"

"Last time you come to see me, but the chest is guaranteed to say absolutely no problem. Then? After the problem, you disappeared directly? Lying flatly dead?"

"You are also a profession, can you have a little professional? You don't want to think, you can't do it, you can't do it very simply. If you leave the rotten stadium, do you have anyone else to give you a good?"

Yan Qian wants to get angry.

At the beginning, Meng Chang took the chest to ensure that it was absolutely no problem, and he also said that he had a very complete plan, absolutely no problem, Yan Qian believed him.

Until the heat of "mission and choice" began to rise, Yu Qian is still looking forward to Meng Chang to abide by commitment, reverse the Qiankun.

As a result, wait, etc., completely did not believe in the back, even Meng Cenic people can't find it!

I gave up so much.

Still not every time?

As a result, you gave up, it is simply, earning money, I have to spend my brain, really there is this!

Meng Chang's mouth is slightly, the whole person is shocked, even, the first expression of his first expression is a bit lost.

He was shocked by the summary of the summary.

If in a normal context, the general thing seems to sound, it doesn't matter, it is nothing more than a boss believes that the subordinates have repeated three times without reaching their own requirements, and there is no job to work well, reprimand two sentences.

But Meng Chang obviously doesn't think this is in a normal context!

He believes that he has always been a relationship between the fight. He is relying on the promotion of the propaganda, and the balance is expected to sell the product to make money.

In this case, will definitely think about the obstruction of the way, destroying their publicity programs.

I just came to Tenda Group for a few months, and only responsible for promoting marketing departments. How can the small arms have been screwed?

It's just this, the key is that every time, every time, it is still in the same way, it seems to be anxious than yourself.

It can only be said that the movie emperor is a movie emperor, this acting, the virtuality is real, true and false, it seems very fake but the expression is very true, it seems true feeling but carefully thinks.

Therefore, Meng Chang is speechless for a time, refute it, it seems that it is not right, it seems that it is not strong.

Yu Qian saw the expression of Meng Chang, but also a gas: "Are you not a mouth? How do you don't talk now?"

"Forget it, it may be too strict to you."

"But when you do the propaganda plan next time, don't you use it?"

"If you don't feel confident, even if you let me see it? Although I don't necessarily be professional than you, I can give you an idea."

Meng Chang Zhang opened his mouth, it felt very outrageous.

Give me an idea?

Do you still have you?

But the general expression is really sincere, it seems to be full of true feelings, so that Meng Chang doesn't know what to say.

Yan Qian is very speechless: "You are saying something? Do you think that things don't have a little responsibility now?"

Meng Cenic people were dizzy, and things are doing this. It is not all you gothing behind it.

But he couldn't be torn directly, and he said: "Yes, I will continue to work hard."

Yu Qian finally got feedback, and the mood was a little bit, said: "Yes, you have a lot in your own heart."

"There are also some projects next month, the mobile phone and automatic smart lifting bar there next month should be completed quickly. You have learned in advance, ready, try to take more time to get more next month."

"Although you have a very low success rate to the current propaganda program, I still trust you very much."

Meng Chang: "..."

He brews for a long time, and he still didn't know what to say, he could only say a "good balance" and then turned to leave.


After Meng Chang left, Yu Qian packed his mood and continued to see the work report of each department.

Looking back in this month, it can be said that it is ups and downs, "mission and choice", the success of the "mission and choice", the success of Yan Qian is not a bit handle, so in the second half of the month through the establishment of late line studio and sales department successfully alleviated pressure.

But next month, the pressure came again.

The new mobile phone developed by the Gull Tu Technology has been ready to open a new conference.

Yan Qian intends to go to the Gull Tote tomorrow, look at the prototype of the G1 mobile phone, and then set up the conference.

In addition, there is a good news.

On May 1, the "Nursing War of the Hairy" that has been blown online is finally being released!

Previously, "Nursing Marine Battles" has been smashing the "mission and choice", it is cool, and the result "mission and choice" will be released after the word of mouth burst, but it is to settle "angry hassle" is very good, there is not less online. Spray.

But after all, "Nursing Hathers" has not yet been released, no one knows how this film is in the end, according to it, this movie is huge, the actor's lineup is also very luxurious, the quality is a little bit a little, the box office is definitely no problem. .

What's more, "mission and choice" is a garbage period, and "Rage Marine Battles" is the May 1 gold file. When May Day, "mission and choice" has entered the second half, and then the back is certain will be serious. Insufficient, and "Rage Marine Battle War" released the first day, so many propaganda has already smashed, the first day box office will definitely be very high, and the "mission and choice" should not be a problem.

So this is a good news.

Yu Qian has already booked a movie ticket tomorrow morning, ready to see the "angry warship" situation, and also give yourself a little comfort.

In fact, the "Nursing Hathers" is also a zero point, but Yan Qian feels no need to fight, nothing more than a Hollywood block, no need to go in the morning.

In the afternoon, Yu Qian plans to go to the Gull Tu Technology, look at the sample of the mobile phone, and then finalize the mobile phone conference.

Before the mobile phone conference was closed, but finally, I still had a problem, I didn't expect it to be a single-mouth cross voice by my ever.

After the quarter, I thought about it, it should be a problem with ever.

But now the frequent friends have changed the department, and they are not responsible for mobile phone business.

The new person in charge of Jiang Yuan is a newcomer. The eloquence is far more than the old frozen strip, and the character of Jiangyuan is slightly inward, and the event will not tell the "single-mouth cross voice".

Therefore, Yu Qian felt that as long as I follow the content of Jiang Yuan, it should be unlucky.

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