Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1018 Saving the soldiers come again, and the savior fell!

May 1st, Tuesday.

The May 1 holiday in the Yu Qian imprisonment should have been putting 29, 30, first for three days, but in fact, it has become a year from the 28th to No. 2, which is clearly some of the development of this world. The change.

However, it is of course a good thing for Yu Qian, he has been very uncomfortable for the "three-day fake" of "adjustment for two days". Many times, the hard set of hard work is three-day holiday, and the results must be used for two Saturdays. It's three days, actually only one day?

It is reasonable to arrange the holidays like this now.

And for Yu Qian, more holidays, employees are less work, and it is also a good thing for the company.

Today is a rest day, but the launch of Otto Technology is ready, so Jiang Yuan temporarily applies for two hours, with the details of the total discussion.

Yan Qie thought, giving Jiangyuan five times a day salary today, and then agreed to his request.

Unfortunately, Yu Qian himself cannot take wages from the company, otherwise, in accordance with this overtime standard, Yan Qian is likely to work overtime to doubt life.

In short, you still go to the movie first.

Yan Qian wanted a mask, a person strolled to a small theater near the residence.

On the one hand, because of the close, the walk is in a few minutes, it is more convenient; on the other hand, because the popular scenes of several big shadows are full, they are not very good to buy tickets.

In fact, it is very happy to see the "roast marine warship", and Yu Qian is still very happy, this shows that Van Qi Media has been working hard!

It is also spending money to promote, ask the water army to create the heat of "mission and choice", after making so many efforts, if the box office on the first day will not blow, then it is really not going.

Don't say that they are difficult to top, and the general is also difficult.

When I came to the cinema, I went to the venue for a few minutes after I finished the ticket, and I saw a lot of publicity information about "Rage Marine" in the hall.

Among them, the most striking is a poster, and the four "Rage Marine War" four-filled articles separated by the poster into two parts.

The upper part is the two men and a woman wearing a military uniform, the wreckage of the alien spacecraft in the sky is sliding the long tail flame, the distance is the sunset of the sunset; the lower half is in the vast and unbroken sea, a warship Solitary float, far away is a huge shadow of alien spacecraft, and the warship is completely enveloped.

Have to say, this poster can be done.

Just when Yu Qian saw these three starring, I always felt that this handsome guy didn't seem to be a little familiar, it seems to have been here.

It is only long hair before, and now it has become short hair.

"Leading starring: John Stanton?"

"How is this name a little familiar."

Yu Qian suddenly felt something wrong, hurried out the mobile phone to open the dog's eye app, click the "Rage Marine" movie details page, and some of the personal space starring.

Sure enough, this starring John Stanton is the "Flying Tour" before the "Rage Marine"!

"How is it you!"

Yu Qian almost fainted on the spot.

He still remembers the film introduction of "Flying Tour" before, saying that the starring John Stanton's role in Tim Tim in the front of the protagonist. During the shooting period, we have completed the strict physical training during shooting, and to endure the pain. In the case of the shooting, it is taken to lose 25 pounds, which is designed to be dedicated.

Before the "Flying Tour" is released, Director Darier and starring John Stanton will be blown to the sky, and Yan Qian still thought that this movie will be released how to cut a billion box office? As a result, in the end, it took less than 300 million box office in the country, and the global box office was lost.

The result "How is the" Haihai Battleship "?

That director should not ...

Yan Qian also looked at the "Rage Marine" of the respect of the prisoner, and found that the director is no longer the previous Darier, can't help but grow a breath.

so far so good.

I thought I was on the bar!

The bar is not bad on the bar, the key is that the team before "Flying Tour" has not been too powerful, so that it is difficult to trust you.

Now that the resume of this director is OK, it is also possible, and it has also taken a few more famous movies.

Yan Qian couldn't help but gave the starring John Stanton.

It seems that this brother is still very sensible. It is clear that he can't hang on a tree, try to change several trees. The failure of the last "Flying Tour" is obviously the director's pot, this time I changed a director, it should be a big problem.

Yu Qian is looking forward to enter the videos.


Two hours later, Yu Qian came out of his face.

I have seen something?

It is reasonable that this film's special effect is true, especially the battleship drift in the sea. When the artillery is rampted, the dramatic gun is soaked, and the shock wave has shocked the colors and ripples. This scene The visual effect is very shocking.

The shape of the armor and battleship of the Chinese and foreign interlays look very good, very technological.

There is also an alien spacecraft crashed into the disaster discharging of the city and fell to the city. It is also a standard disaster film large scene, and the effect is pulled out.

But ... In addition to the big scenes of these special effects, other parts of the other?

The key is the story logic of this film, I always feel a bit uncomfortable?

Yan Qian took out the mobile phone and searched the "Rage Halo" on the Internet.

"Typical rice patriotic educational film, piled up a lot of special effects but still cover the plot of the weakness, except for the special effects, there is no tick."

"Alien, you can invade the military people and high-level weapons that you can bring some high ideas? This kind of thing that is broken by the sniper gun is what people do?"

"There is too much to spit out, but it is reasonable. After all, this film is to promote the Navy, most of the military fans want to watch the battleship, the 16-inch guns are fired in the big screen, and no one is not important. "

"Tucao plot is not to understand movies! Aliens are obviously in the earth with friendly purposes, they are all passive counterattacks ..."

"I think that a movie doesn't understand the plot, it should be the problem of the director. At least half an hour in front of the time is taking a variety of messy content, there is no relationship with the main line, and take some time to introduce more Introduce the foundation setting is not better? "

"Why do many military fans say this? This piece is good? This piece of label is clearly 'scik'! I am also looking at the sci-fi theme. As this? The alien spacecraft that can be star-traveling is actually retired by humans. The battleship is done, is it really teasing me? "

"Say really, I didn't think that" mission and choice "is how good. At that time, I also felt like" mission and choice "this movie, I saw a special effect, and the plot is hard, and it doesn't matter. The result is finished." The Haihai Battles, I found this called 'In addition to the effects, there is no more' ... "Mission and Choice" plot is much stronger than it ... "

"There is an actor's actor. I think about John Stanton is also the old high-name star of Hollywood, I played this? Only this protagonist smoked the brain in the movie, and immediately attacked the alien warship with folk. People, they have to be hired by his neck to make him wake up. This is a military professional literacy? I don't know if it is the problem of the script or the actor's problem, and the Qinyi captain is a military person. Insult ... "

"So, is it a movie with a faded actor, or an actor does the fading movie? John Stanton has a" flying journey "before the" Flying Tour ", both are heavyweight, the two full box office Waterloo, the box office of this "Haihai Battles" seems to be better than "Flying Tour", but most of them still have to lose their blood, starring John Stanton is afraid of difficult to top ... "

"This has to mention the road knowing the same is called 'box office poison'. You see a few movies before shooting, it seems that no one will move him. But Total one shot, isn't this? So I think it is still a bigger pot. "

"Indeed, such a comparison" mission and choice "is a comprehensive crushing! I really didn't expect the domestic science fiction movie to still have a large foreign film, don't say, the holiday took a friend to brush again" Mission and Choice " ! "

"The key is that before the" Rage Marine War ", the" mission and choice "before the" Nursing Hairy "before," Mission and Choice ", saying" Mission and Choice ", because they are afraid they change the scheduled period, simply laugh at personal!"

"Just," Rage Marine War "This performance can make it always recognize? I am joking? People always have to hit" Fantasy Battle of Fantasy "in advance, what is" Rage Halo " relationship?"

Looking at the audience commented on the movies, Yan Qian speechless.

Who can think of being sent to the "Haihai Battle of Hassual", as a "Flying Tour"!

So far, there are "Nursing Hals" on several film reviews, there are around 6 to 7 points, although many military fans have given a good score for this film, but they can't save it in the end of the road. Word of mouth.

The estimated domestic box office in the dog's eye app is less than 300 million. Although this film is not yet released in the North rice area, it is seen that this urine is present, even the domestic box office has to rush, and the North rice is definitely fine. go with.

The investment of this movie is afraid that it will be drifted all.

Worse, this film seems to have a wedding dress like the "Mission and Choice"!

The "Nursing Hathers" spent a lot of resources in China, and the two movie secrets were binded to the two movie secrets in order to hit the porcelain "mission and choice". But now I coincides with the May 1st, "Angry Hall" performance is so bad, in the absence of other strong competitors, the audience can only choose to see "Mission and Choice"!

Although "mission and choice" has been released for half a month, but after all, it will catch up with May 1 holiday. Many people who don't have time to watch movies will walk into the theater. The viewing group has grown a lot, and many passers people who don't pay attention before. Also attracted.

That is, "mission and choice" must also usher in a wave of challenges like the original "beautiful tomorrow" in May 1st, and push the estimated box office of the dog eye app to a higher!

Yu Qian feels a bit of life.

"I understand it, you are not a salvation, just come to deliberate me!"

"This starring, John Stanton, will always pull black forever! Let me play with you, I am a puppy!"

"Don't hesitate to destroy your performance career, I will come to me, how big!"

Yan Qian thrown the ticket of the movie ticket into the trash can.

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