Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1019, mobile phone conference

In the afternoon, Yu Qian came to the Gull Tu Technology, and I saw Jiangyuan who was preparing for the preparation of the workshop.

The big company is only a person, because others have already holiday.

Looking at the empty station of the office, Yan Qian is very satisfied.

Holiday, Tenda Group must not be overtime. Even if someone works overtime, it can only be the leadership work.

Yu Qian can't bear it, that is, the boss has something to work overtime, forcibly kidnapped all company employees to work overtime. Because the boss overtime is often true, but the employee does not necessarily have something, the boss requires employees to work with themselves, just fine work hard, so pull the employee pad.

Besides, what is the money earned? What is the money earned by ordinary employees?

The boss overtime is a month, there is no overtime fee, but earned a car; the employee overtime is a month, there is no overtime fee, but the boss earn a car.

Therefore, in the inside of Tengda Group, Yu Qian is resolutely will not contribute to this kind of evil spirits, and all departments should work overtime, but must take overtime pay, and the person in charge of each department will overtime you, don't take the employee.

Like this kind of person in charge of the department now, it is only two hours, and Yan Qian is completely tolerated.

Jiang Yuan's expression looks a little anxious. Seeing that always arrived and gotting up and greeted: "."

Yu Qian sat down next to the meeting, some concerned: "Seeing your expression seems to be a bit nervous, there is no need, relax, it is not a conference, no big deal. Even if it is complete, it doesn't matter."

Jiang Yuan also thought that always joked with himself, hurriedly said: "How is it! This mobile phone is condensed through the whole department, if I got, I am a sinner!"

"In short, this is the prototype, this is the PPT of the conference, you are expressed."

One side of Jiang Yuan said, while handling the mobile phone and laptop on the table.

Yan Qian reached out.

When I saw the OttoG1 mobile phone prototype, he took a look at it.

Not right!

This phone is doing, the technology is full!

When I saw OttoE1 mobile phones, I didn't have this kind of feeling, because the E1 mobile phone had a forehead, although the shape is still beautiful, but the mobile phone on the market did not kick out the gap. Because it is too cumbersome, the first eye does not feel particularly amazing.

But this time the G1 phone is completely different.

Although the head is still large, because the full-screen technology is used, the forehead and the chin are very narrow, only a little bit more than the border on both sides, and the front can not see the camera, so give people a very shocking.

Especially this chin, it is really surprised.

Because The fingerprint module is placed on the phone.

The advanced package is called a COF package, which can reduce the upper and lower boxes, greatly enhance the mobile phone screen, but still can't do 100% full screen.

And the technology that really removes is called a COP package. According to some digital technology media broke the news, the latest generation of flagship mobile phones will use this technology, which can compress the four-sided frames of the phone to the ultimate, chin is as wide as the border.

But now is only in May, according to the law of the new machine, every year is autumn, I will release a new phone in October, which means that this mobile phone that uses COP package is still in the next few months. Will not appear.

And OttoG1 mobile phone is obviously the COP package process, but in the sense, its chin is not as small as the Apple X in the memory of , but this sensory difference should not exceed one or two mm, so look forward It is still shocking.

Originally, a very cumbersome mobile phone, but because of the high look of the full screen, it gives people a very domineering feel.

The first impression of this mobile phone will be left, it is very unhappy.

However, the two physical buttons next to the shoulders have a certain width, and it is slightly convex a little. It is because of the existence of these two entities, let G1 mobile phone can't make a curved screen narrowed on both sides, and it will be slightly worse in the grip of the hand, although it is increased, but it is clear that the mainstream mobile phone structure is inconsistent. .

The pop-up camera is on the left side of the upper side, a very small moth position, this is what I personally finalized at the time, that is because I didn't see the pop-up camera in this mobile phone, it can greatly improve the chance of failure.

This makes ,,,, It is not necessarily to buy a mainstream consumption group.

Yan Qian took a little mobile phone and asked: "How much is the price is prepared?"

Jiang Yuan did not answer directly, but he hesitated: "Hey ... , I am also want to report this thing with you. The cost of the mobile phone is slightly more than the previous expectations, so ..."

Yu Qian interrupted him: "You will directly say pricing."

Jiang Yuan: "According to the pricing of E1, this phone will be set to ... 9899."

"The general, we are very hard, in order to compress the price to 10,000 yuan, there is a higher storage version, price 9999, and special custom version, 10199."

"This price is indeed a bit high, but this is also the consideration after joining Tengda's welfare. If you only sell bare machines, our price can be reduced to 7000 or even lower ..."

Yan Qian couldn't help but beer, one raised his hand: "No, this price is very suitable, not high, just right!"

When I heard this pricing, I would like to know that this phone is more stable!

Who will spend so much money to buy a miscellaneous mobile phone?

The pricing of Ottoe1 mobile phones was 8199, but it was included in the case of a full set of Tenda welfare.

The G1 mobile phone also sent a full set of benefits, but the price is compared to the E1 mobile phone, which is less than a little bit, but a full 1700 blocks.

Because the new technologies for G1 mobile phones are more, the cost is naturally higher.

With eight thousand, 10,000 pieces as the base, the gains of 1700 pieces are not much, and can be found separately, and 1700 can I can buy some big brands of low-end mobile phones.

Moreover, the current domestic mobile phone, even the flagship of Shenhua is far from reaching a million yuan.

If the welfare of Canada does not add, Ottog1 mobile phone can press the price to more than 6,000 yuan, this is almost the same price as the flagship mobile phone of Shenhua and other brands.

However, according to the estimated estimation of the Logu, the welfare content included with the mobile phone is actually close to 3,000, and the longer the value. Therefore, under the premise of attaching these welfare, the price of the mobile phone is impossible, and it means that it means that the wool subsidy mobile phone department in other departments, this is not very good.

Yan Qian said: "This pricing is no problem, don't worry, or tell the conference."

"Let's take a look at the contents of PPT."

Yan Qian flips on the PPT of the mobile phone conference on a notebook.

Ping, this PPT is not bad. Like the launch of other brands of mobile phones, detail the parameters, new features of the mobile phone, and the promotional video is also taken, in short, four flat and eight stable, and there is no problem.

After browsing the PPT of the conference, Yan Qian fell into silence.

It's not right.

I do this PPT, I have a bit, what can I do!

I have to say that the G1 mobile phone does have a lot of new technologies, so the PPT is introduced to these new technologies have taken a lot of space, plus the unique shape of the mobile phone, very impactful full screen design, just Regular introduction, it is already attractive.

Whether the mobile phone is practical, it is to experience it after the customer can take a while, but the mobile phone is handsome, there are many new technologies, but it is possible to see it directly at the conference.

So this must not work, because the output of the mobile phone is not high, in case the launch will be sold to some customers, and they will sold out the last time, create a "very snatch" feeling, isn't it very good? wonderful?

cough two: "PPT can be done, but ..."

"Why didn't you continue the style of PPT before?"

Yu Qian felt that the release of the E1 mobile phone was fire, mainly because of the mouth of the e-friendly, put the conference as a single-mouth cross voice, the content of the conference itself is no problem.

It should still be listed all the mobile phone disadvantages, the advantage is brought, advised to persuade customers in advance, and always spend a lot of advantages to spend much better than in the press conference.

Jiang Yuan rushed: "No, I have the content of the PPT, the content of the PPT is created, and the spending of the total can be played."

"My mouth is not good, I will still go to the stage, so I think the whole launch will still open the four flat and eight stable, and I will be very embarrassed."

Yan Qian shook his head: "No need to deny yourself so soon."

"Don't think you can do it you can do, but you need to success in order to success."

"Such a new technology, full of innovative spirit, if equipped with a four flat and eight stable, flat, unmodable, this is not suitable."

Jiang Yuan hesitated: "This ..."

Yan Qian continued: "So, you can change it according to what I said."

"Now the structure of PPT is basically divided into three parts, the first part is to introduce the continuous update of mobile phone operating system and AEEIS artificial intelligence, emphasizing that we have completed the promise at the previous conference; the second part is introduced The new technology used by the mobile phone, the appearance of the mobile phone and the various parameters; the third part is the price, configuration, release date, the date of sale, the late contrast of the E1 mobile phone and other brand flagship. "

"But in my opinion, there are many information in this, are invalid information, purely a waste of everyone."

"This way, the first part of self-boasting doesn't need, we have been updating the Ottoos system, the old users know, and this is what we should do, there is no need to blow;"

"The second part blows the appearance of the mobile phone and the parameters, this part can't go, but the space is too long, according to me, mobile phone appearance and parameters These things use a page PPT to say it;"

"While we have used some new technologies, these new technologies are also full of defects. How can this part you can bring? Write out very well, more detailed, you can't mislead our consumers; "

"The third part is a bit dragged, I think the horizontal contrast can be removed, we will do it yourself, why bother to pull other mobile phone manufacturers? This similar horizontal comparative watch is nothing more than the enemy Short, it is not meaningful, it is enough to announce the price and release date. "

"Well, it's almost like this."

Jiang Yuan is a little dizzy.

I have left the right to cut the right, and the content of the entire conference is almost waiver!

And the most critical is that cutting is a good part of the mobile phone, but it is to introduce some of the book special books for mobile phone new technology shortcomings, repeatedly emphasized.

What is this routine?

Previously, the advantages of the mobile phone were previously concentrated to a page, which created the famous face of the total "one breath", but the problem is that Jiang Yuan is very clear that there is no more mouthful of mouth, this scene also reverts it. Can't you?

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