Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1031, is always your propaganda plan.

Lin Jiaqiang feels that his soul of his performance seems to be resurrected. It is a burning, not to mention it. It is so generous. He has been preparing for the same shot repeatedly.

Meng Chang silent after a moment: "Very good! This is what I want! That's this, I will work!"

Everyone in the scene is all.

Some accidents: "Ah? This takes a version? Meng Ge, how can we take another version, two editions compare more better?"

Meng Chang shake his head: "There is no such thing as it is."

"People's inspiration is limited, many classic famous scenes are full of flickering, forcibly playing more helpful for improvement, but will waste valuable time."

"Since I have reached the requirements, I don't have to waste time and then take it. Today's shooting mission is completed, everyone goes back to hurry to do the late stage!"

Everyone looked at Yu Yao.

In addition to Meng Chang, Yu Yao is the most calculated.

Yu Xi thought: "Hey ... Meng Ge also makes sense, I remember that there seems to be similar theory before,"

"Since Meng Ge feels no problem, then there is no problem, everyone will take the work!"

Under the order, the staff at the scene immediately started to pack things.

Lin Jiaqiang is very awkward: "Meng Gong, Lin, I ..."

Meng Chang smiled and patted his shoulders: "Today, your acting is particularly good, it has perfectly completed the task! The next time I will arrange someone to play with you, I hope you can play happy! "

Lin Jiaqiang Zhang said, although I still want to say something, but I still have no opening.

Since Party A is already satisfied, his own remuneration has also been taken. As an actor forced to shoot again, this is certainly not suitable!

Of course, Lin Jiaqiang has not been dissatisfied, but I feel that this money is too good to earn, my heart is slightly unrest ...


At 4 o'clock in the afternoon, the advertising marketing department.

Meng Chang eaten snacks on the seat and yawned.

"Meng Ge, the version of the coarse scissors has come out, you look at it slightly." Yu Yao sent a video file.

After the shooting was completed, Meng Chang immediately arranged a preliminary editor and dubbing, and the efficiency over the post group was also high, less than an hour.

Of course, this is a coarse scratch plate, and there is still a lot of time after the official version.

Meng Chang took a video file and saw it quickly.

It is a good thing to show what he wants to express, the only beautiful is a bit too good, let this propaganda look like this.

However, it does not affect the essence of this promo.

Meng Chang nodded: "Well, you can, it is this effect. Processing processing details can be."

I nodded and continued to be busy.

Meng Chang was a little bit of dying, suddenly, he sprouted an idea.

"Do you want to send this thick-cut version of the video to the general look?"

"I don't know where I will continue to react?"

Meng Chang still remembered that when I went to the end of the month, I was always saddened, let Meng Chang planned the plan to find him discuss.

Suspected is true, but it seems to be quite fake.

Meng Chang suddenly thought that if this leaflet propaganda video is always seen, he will not be angry on the spot.

Although it may be awkward, Meng Chang is also equivalent to the report of an arrow in the commission!

Meng Chang wants to be more exciting, immediately copy the video to his mobile phone, then get up to the sixteen floor, ready to take the video to Tong Tong.


After a while, Meng Chang came to the front of the head and gently knocked on the door.

"Please come."

Meng Caicai smiled, slightly tied, and then went in a stride.

Seeing is Meng Chang, Yu Qian is a bit unexpected, because it is rare to Meng Chang in addition to the month.

"Is there anything?" Asked Qian.

Meng Chang said: "Torr, you don't take me to see the smart fitness clothes hanger. Now the propaganda video has come out, special to give you a look, after all, you also said, let me publicize After the program, you will report more, exchange it. "

Meng Chang has been worried about yin and yang.

However, Yan Qian seems to have no GET to his yin and yang strange, the face shows the expressions: ", the efficiency is so high?"

"It seems that you have come out from the previous failure, very good."

"This shows that your self-adjustment can be strong, this setback is not crushing you, I appreciate your tough personality!"

"Where is the video? Take it to me."

Yu Qian is really happy, no matter what to say, Meng Chang has learned to discuss with him before I get my mind, no longer like it, I can't disappear after the failure, this is undoubtedly a good phenomenon.

Meng Chang handed the mobile phone.


Meng Chang stands on the side, carefully observes the total face.

In his imagination, the total expression should become silent from a smile, then become confused, and finally become a face.

Because the research and development of the automatic fitness drying hanger also spent a lot of money, and this thing is expensive, stocking and logistics costs are very large, and the game "Fitness Big Battle" also puts a lot Resources and Human, this project is obviously a key project within Tengda.

However, such a key project that was sent, but did such a unreliable propaganda film, not only completely uncharged, but secretly poked the way to persuade the audience, this is always to bear?

But wonderful, Meng Yisheng is very clear, even if it is uncomfortable, you will have no way.

The white paper black words written very well, all the matters of the propaganda marketing department are responsible by Meng Chang himself, and cannot be forced to interfere.

Therefore, even if you are angry, you can only furious, in addition to the Men's Chan, there is no way.

Meng Chang could not help but have some little proud.

What happened to two sentences? There will be less meat. But the total losses are real!

Meng Chang is looking forward to the ground, waiting for the total defense.

I saw that I always looked over again from my head to the end, and then I went back, I saw the second time.

Subsequently, his expression suddenly became ecstatic, one challenged the thumb: "Great!"

"Meng Chang, I know that you are a genius!"

"Sure enough, there is progress!"

"But there is still a bit of a good thing, this Lin Jiaqiang's acting is a bit too good. If he can take out the acting skills when shooting" bloody battle power ", it is perfect!"

"But this point is a small impact, this time, I can give you 90 points, the rest of the 10 points is the space that continues to progress."

"Very good, the propaganda video of the intelligent fitness drying rack will set this, go back and continue to prepare!"

Yan Qian smiled and handed back to the phone.

Meng Chang was in the original place, even forgotten between the mobile phone, and I forgot what I did to do.

... ?

He is very happy to read this video?

Then just let me go?

After I got, I really had to hit the money in the whole network.

That is a big propaganda fund!

Nowadays, the script in Meng Chang is too big, so that he can't accept it at all, and even if you don't have a problem.

Yan Qian looked at the Meng Chang of the wooden chicken, shakes the mobile phone in his hand: "What happened? Is there any problem?"

Meng Chang reacted, reached out, still said: "No, there is no problem. Then I will go first, I am."

Yan Qian nodded, continued to be busy with his own things, obviously didn't put this matter at all.

Meng Chang scratched his head, at this time, his feelings, like a fist in cotton, not only did not play any effect, but shocked himself into internal injuries ...

So after coming out of the general office, Meng Chang has not returned to God.

"Forget it, I always don't see the Yellow River is not dead. When this advertisement is really put, the promotion effect is quiz, I see that I can still be so calm!"

Meng Yisheng left.

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