Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1032 Price War Declaration Signals

I just got away from Meng Chang, and Yan Qian received a call.

It is a common friend.

"Head, oh ... a little bit of a little problem."

"You have feedback from the requirements of" Fitness Big Battle "Mall and Lottery System, but the reply given over the development group is that these functions can be done, but it is slightly changed with the original design. "

"So the game may have to post a few days, after all, the function is made to repeatedly test, avoiding some malignant bugs on the game online."

"But in this way, the time of the game is not right with the time of the conference. The time of the original game and the launch will be scheduled to be on this week, two simultaneous out, now the game is overline than the conference. It took a few days. "

"There are two ways now: either the post conference will be extended to the game, wait after the game is finished; either it is to mention a mouth at the press conference, saying that the game will go online within a short time, talk about it. "

Yan Qian silent for a moment, asked: "There is no third way? For example ... I don't mention the game at the press conference?"

The ever stunned: "Ah?"

This is what he didn't expect at all.

"Fitness Big Battle" is a game created with a smart fitness drying rack. It is also possible to say that it is more than one-third of the context of the original PPT compared to other fitness equipment. This game is.

With this game, many people have a reason for buying a smart fitness drying rack. If you don't mention this game, you may have to think that the smart fitness drying rack is a harmonious star product.

The frequent friend confirmed: "Torr, you determine what is not playing games?"

Yu Qian said that he said: "Of course!"

"The time of the conference is definitely unable to post, the preliminary work is ready, and the invitation to the science and technology media has also issued it. It is definitely not appropriate to temporarily change the ticket."

"But since the game has not completely completed, there is still a modification of the possibility, then don't say that it is too full. In case it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, that is not to let customers disappointed!"

"Our Tengda's acting style has always been integrity, don't say anything, don't fight unscrupulous."

"So don't mention this matter at the press conference, then have the opportunity to let customers know!"

, but did not play an effect.

There is nothing to persuade!

When he hesitated, he said: "Hey ..., in fact, consumers are not so fragile, and our big framework has been fixed, and it is less likely to have too much change ..."

"Of course, if you always feel that the game is not mentioned, then it is not mentioned."

: "Don't mention."

I nodded: "Good , then do it by what you said."

Hanging up the phone, and the face of Yan Qian once again called a smile.

Good news is really a one!

If the intelligent fitness hanger is not mentioned, it is very small if the attraction of the fitness equipment is small for the general consumer.

After the press conference, the heat of the intelligent fitness drying rack went, and most people didn't remember such a fitness equipment. Even if they broke out the news of "Fitness Battle", the influence will greatly decrease.

Of course, it is impossible to say that no one is buying it, there is always a few curious little white mice, but the heat is so, it can be a little bit!

Yan Qian is very happy, I can't help but remember the smart fitness drying shelf. I can't sell it. The spare goods are all piled in the wonderful scene in the warehouse ...



May 10, Thursday.

Magical, Longyu Group.

Eric has just finished the phone, which seems to have a fierce debate with some questions, but in the end, he seems to have still been able to convince each other, some don't want to nod, agree with the other party's proposal.

Zhao Ximing is also next to it, although his English is OK, but Eric's speed is too fast, Zhao Ximing can't hear what the phone is saying, so only these words cannot know this phone. All content can only be vividly listening to it: It seems to be related to the IOI mobile game version.

This makes Zhao Xuming can't help but worry.

Because according to Eric's arrangements, today Long Yu Group and fingers should jointly convene a conference.

At this press conference, both parties will jointly announce a series of initiatives of the IOI national service, including the IOI mobile game news, IOI In order to take into account the new heroes in the domestic market, IOI, in order to the whole country in China Wind, there is a series of subsidies and burning policies, etc.

It can be said that this conference today is the beginning of the Longyu Group and Head of Head of Tenda Group's officially declared war.

For this day, Eric is actually brewing for a long time.

Starting from Eric's dismissed, he has been carefully preparing for today's plan, and he wants to use the burning money to defeat the.

After Eric reopened the IOI national service, he was also preparing for the early stage, while patient observing the timing.

The time is now finally arrived.

Eric has been seriously observing the industry of Tengda, thinking is now a great time.

"Mission and Choice" movie and games have put on huge sums. Although they are successful, they want to pay for a long cycle;

The initial sales of G1 mobile phones are good, and they will definitely stock back, they will press a lot of funds;

According to the small news, the Gull Tu Technology also has a new technology product release, according to the total character, this product will definitely stand a lot.

This all means that Tengda itself faces a larger pressure.

In this holiday eye, the amount of funds that should be used by the total hand can be used, and it is very beneficial to Eric!

Although this kind of thing that burns money can be sneaked, but in order to achieve the best results, you have to open a press conference, as high as high as possible, "Zhaowen".

Because only propaganda is out, most players will know this news, and fresh blood will be attracted to the game.

This move will trigger Tengda's attention and even let Tenda quickly counterattack, but this is the effect of Eric's hope.

Because the wins and reactions of the burning war are not related to the slowness, only the number of bullets in the hand. And bullets, actually to see who's capital flow is healthier, and who is thicker.

Tengda pays early, it is easy to burn the money, although it is easy to hold the pressure on the side of the company, but the back is inevitable.

Therefore, today this conference is also carefully prepared for a long time, how is its influence, directly determined whether the start of this burning war will be smooth.

I saw that Eric has hanged a phone call, Zhao Ximing asked: "Is there any new situation? Will it affect today's release?"

Eric's slight shook his head: "There is a little problem on the side of the mobile game, but it should not affect today's conference."

"The previous mobile game is made in the form of an end tour, and the mobile game is not interoperable. After I protrus it to the high-level, this practice has been dismissed."

"But the person in charge of the mobile game project came over and said that although the mobile game is now designed to have an end tour, the mobile game data is interoperable, but in the mobile game, there are some toll points that are different from the end of the game."

"For example, there are individual exclusive skin, exclusive gift packages, special icons and expressions, etc.

Zhao Ximing said: "This ... seems not to be correct? Since you have to do data, you will do it, do it, do you do it directly?

Eric Some helplessly shake his head: "If you say it, it is true."

"But the mobile game project is also profitable. If the content of the mobile game and the end of the game are exactly the same, the increasing ability of the mobile game is too weak."

"Mobile game development is also a special project group to maintain, develop so much, the high-level is also considering investing output ratio. Data interoperability is already making a lot of concessions on the interest, if you don't want some way to return Blood, the mobile game project is absolutely will not agree. "

"However, the person in charge there will also give a discounted solution."

"Although there are some exclusive skin, gift packages and other consumption points, we will give players some of the loops to give them free of charge, allowing them to get most exclusive skin and package for free."

"Waiting for the players of the mobile game stabilized, will slowly get out of the new exclusive skin and gift package, slowly return blood."

"This is also a compromise that is barely acceptable."

Zhao Ximing nodded: "Well ... can only be the same."

Obviously, Eric is the person in charge of the IOI national service, there is a certain right to say on the high rise of the fingers, but his voice is not big enough to say a degree of no one.

Responsible for the development of IOI mobile games is the other project group of fingers. Eric hopes that IOI mobile game with the end of the data, and there is not much money, but some people do not agree with this idea in the high level of the company. Do a hard work, how can you make money?

The results after a few power games are all steps: the mobile game out some exclusive gift packs, but they have to be slightly savvable, and send some parties in the previous period, and disguise these exclusive content can be obtained free of charge. Subsequently sell the exclusive content after a period of time.

This way to players, emotionally accept some, and I can earn more money over there.

Although Eric is still slightly dissatisfied with this practice, he is also a smart person, knowing that IOI mobile game is unrealistic in accordance with his will, so it is very interesting.

Zhao Ximing suddenly thought of a question and said: "That ... What should I do in the afternoon?"

"There is a mobile game related content, our propaganda slogan is' mobile game and end data interoperability, the content is completely consistent", now this situation, I am afraid it is "completely"? "

Eric said after a moment: "You don't have to say that it is so clear, and you will introduce it."

"If we are in the pleasure at the press conference, things that handle the exclusive gift package may be in the beginning, we will be in an unfavorable position on public opinion."

"We hinted to the game in the event, it is still in development, does not represent the final effect. After the game is coming, you will send some parties, and the players will not grasp this."

Zhao Ximing nodded: "It is also right, as long as the amount of money sent is enough, the players will definitely collect the memory, as if there is anything."

"The problem should not be big."

Eric stood up: "Okay, this thing is going to make a chance, there will be to develop in the afternoon, you have to prepare for time, we have to declare war to Tengda!"

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