Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1033 Head of the Company and Longyu Group's Joint Conference

At 3 pm.

Yan Qian is lying on the sofa in the living room in the home, watching TV, the afternoon is good, through the landing window in the living room, take him warm.

Suddenly, the phone put on the side sounded.

Yan Qian looked at an incoming call display, it was calm.

"Head, are you looking at the fingertips and Longyu Group's conference?" Yan Jingyue's voice made a worrying emotion.

Yan Qian stunned: "I haven't seen it, what happened?"

Yan Jing was rushing to say: "Head Company and Longyu Group seem to have a big move, it is rushing us."

"According to the information currently mastering, the finger company is in order to promote the IOI national service, the content of this conference includes IOI mobile game, for domestic players, exclusive heroes and skin, and a series of promotions "

"In addition, according to some small news, Daxak Group and Longyu Group do not seem to intend to limit the burning war in the game field. It seems that there is a water army to move, want to carry out other industries and products of our company. Attack, the primary goal should be the mobile phone that we just released this month. The upcoming fitness equipment may also be included in the attack range ... "

I heard the sound of , :: "Oh?"

I finally came, I have been so hard!

Since the establishment of Tengda Group, Yu Qian has not been looking forward to the emergence of such a powerful enemy. It fully combats all the industries of Tenda Group, and opens the Burning Wars with Tengda Group, not dead.

Originally, Yu Qian thought that Li will be this enemy, but I didn't expect Li, I would like to be difficult to get difficult, but I hugged my thigh. You said that this is not angry!

Including Dawak Group is also provocative, the Daxian five times, but Dawak Group seems to have been very resting, but it is first recognized, so that Yu Qian provocative a half-day high song, this makes him very uncomfortable.

Now, after the Eric Dongshan, Daxak Group and fingers are finally open, and they have to play burn!

There is also a more optimistic news, the other party comes, not only puts the burning wars in the game area, but expands to all industries in Tengda.

Obviously in Eric's view, it is very unwise to death in the game field with Tenda.

Tenda Group is a group company across multiple fields, its most powerful place is to form a commercial closed loop in Beijing, and each industry has supported each other, blood transfusion, and then slowly radiates around the surrounding area.

If it is only in the game field, then the balance can be supported to support the power of other industries, which is constantly blood transfusion for the game, so that the winning rate is not high.

Therefore, Eric chooses the game field as the main battlefield. At the same time, the secondary battlefield has spread to other industries, and can scatter the energy of Tenda Group as much as possible, so that the industries can self-support the game department.

Moreover, this is a high efficiency.

Eric does not need to enter these fields, do not need to develop products to more Tenda competition, only need to buy a lot of water, cooperate with the competitors in these industries, and find a way to discrs.

Mingguang is easy to hide, dark arrows are difficult to prevent, now Tenda is equivalent to being flat, and all industries have been investigated and clear, and Eric is hiding in the dark, and the dark poke two cold arrows can make Tenda The department is self-defeating.

For mobile phones, Eric is only necessary to disclose other mobile phone manufacturers to continue to discred online, attack the gull map mobile phone, you can play a good effect.

After all, there is a mouth of a mouth, rumor, and it's easy to make a black spot, but it is too difficult to eliminate the black.

Yan Jing is clearly very clear, so I felt a huge threat in the first time, and I quickly came to find a total report.

But for Yu Qian, this is simply what you can't ask!

What is the things that Eric's troubles before, why is it not a matter of trouble?

Have a big earning!

Now Dawak Group is willing to spend a big price to ask the water army, all of the industries of Tengda Group, without a dead angle, let Yan Qian do not do, you can complete the loss, this is a kind of spirit ?

Yan Qian felt that if this is really a big big, he should give Eric to Eric at home, every day.

Think of this, Yu Qian said: "Finally, it's coming!"

The calm of the phone is slightly smashed.

Listen to the meaning of this, how seems to be expected?

Moreover, the total tone seems to be as lug, and a little bit of Xiaoxi.

Could it be that……

In the early morning, I have already counted Erick. I have prepared it in advance, I have prepared it in advance, and now I see Eric's hook, my preparation is finally able to use it, so is it so reaction?

Sure enough, it's a total!

In the strategies, it will win thousands of miles away. This kind of wisdom and chest, except for the generals, no other people have!

Since there is a arrangement, you can rest assured.

Yan Jing is a little panic before, but it is also true after he finished this call. After hanging up the phone, I will go to myself.

Wei Qian is immediately turned on the TV, found the live broadcast between the fingertom company and Longyu Group, and looked interested.


After nearly three hours, it has been coming soon until 6 o'clock in the evening.

When I was horn, I closed the TV.

The content of the conference is OK, it is too worn!

It's clear that it's more than an hour, and hard-to-eat irrigation is three hours, and I've been sleepy.

It is strongly recommended that all conferences are the same as the launch of the Gulls, no matter how much content is forcibly compressed into an hour, don't waste the valuable time of the audience!

However, although this release will be stinky, but the dry goods are still very pretty.

Zhao Ximing has played down with Eric's two heavy characters, which introduces the respective responsible business.

In general, this posting content is mainly divided into the following sections.

First, the changes in IOI global data, as well as the results of national services since the online, as well as various exclusive benefits for national service users, including the ICL League's data change.

Summary is a summary of the previous achievements, everyday brags forced the link.

Then, introduce the version update content of IOI.

This version is updated, in addition to making fine-tuning game balance and play, more importantly, has launched a national style skin, a new hero of the domestic market, and a series of discounts. Half price, promotional activities.

The game version update content is synchronized worldwide. Foreign players can also enjoy this, but the national style skin and new hero are clearly meant to delvewate domestic players.

Of course, for this new version, Long Yu Group will also spend a lot of funds for promotion. The advertisements underline online will buy a lot, these are not mentioned at the conference, but it is essential.

Then there is a message about IOI mobile game.

This link introduces Eric personally, putting the IOI mobile game to blowing the sky, and claims to be "perfect resentment of the end tour details", promise the dual-end data interoperability, all the current property of the end can take a mobile game.

Here, Eric is actually playing a little bit.

He is just saying that "all the property of the end of the ranks can be brought to mobile games", but you have not said that there are some unique toll items in your mobile game.

But if you use the words, you can't say that it is no problem, you can only be a small text game.

Players understand that it is the problem of players, and the top is in two sentences, should not form too much anti-sound waves.

But now, in addition to the few people such as Eric and Zhao Xingming, no one knows this.

After all, IOI Hand Tour, etc., it is also the first to be officially launched next week.

Yu Qian is very satisfied with the content of this conference.

Obviously, Eric is finally open, before, in the past, silently prepared for so long, finally figure the poor, killing!

I saw the barrage of a live broadcast and there is an online discussion. Obviously the vast majority of players have shown positive and positive attitudes on this release.

After all, the content at this conference is a sentence: Dear player, you are my father!

From the national style new hero to the new skin, then to the IOI mobile game dual-end data interoperability, including the great operations of the various preferential strengths, you can see that the fingers and Longyu Group have lowered their postures, which is completely Attitude.

As the saying goes, don't smash your face, and the game manufacturers have made a lot of benefits, how can players refuse?

Just like some game platforms, how to pit, as long as you keep the player to send the game every month, as long as you send enough, the players will collectively misseu, help you wash.

After all, the manufacturer is fighting the price war, and benefits the player.

So everyone is very happy.

The company is ambitious with Long Yu Group, wants to burn money back to the domestic market; domestic players cheer, and can be a lot of good skin; Yu Qian is more happy, this Eric is simply sent to himself Redegery to reduce money!

As the saying goes, come and not.

The other party has been so stunned, if it is nothing to do, it is a bit not in the past.

Yan Qian immediately started to prepare to Tengda to give back to the player's plan!

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