In the morning of the next day, after I had a breakfast, I came directly to the company.

Today is Friday, tomorrow is a rest day, so the thing to burn money is arranged as soon as possible.

Yesterday, after reading the head of the company and Longyu Group, Yu Qian only took half an hour, and he thought of counterattack.

Anyway, as long as it is involved in spending money, Yu Qian is active, and the original progractant is immediately disappeared, and it is extremely high action efficiency!

Because this program involves many departments, Yu Qian directly called the Xinmin.

"This is the rough planning plan of '515 games'. You look at it, and then improve it, then arrange relevant departments."

Yu Qian directly gave a document to the hand of Xin Xin.

Xin Assistant reached out and quickly navigate.

She has always had a slight filament with a slight expression.

Xin Xie asked: "Torr, this is to address the measures taken by Longyu Group's price warfare?"

Yan Qian nodded: "Well, you can understand this."

Xin Xinyi hesitated and said: "Some, I think it is necessary to remind you that if you follow this program, our fund chain will have a certain risk."

"My thoughts are, this series of activities can be done, but it is best to match some revenues, so it is relatively firm."

"Of course, how to do it or see your arrangement."

Sinon will not express their opinions in most cases, but this program is really unpleasant, so I can't help but remind two sentences.

The program given by the summary can be seen as a variant of the "1024 Digital Festival" before, but the side focus is different.

The previous 1024 digital section is summarized by three words, which is "big bargain", subsidize customers in various industries, burning money to earn heat, and enhance brand awareness.

However, 1024 digital sections are mainly concentrated in the entity industry, such as the discount of fish outside the fish, free delivery fee; send express delivery to the express delivery fee, pick up the pickup of other express delivery companies; ROF installed white Service and installed costs, can also be randomly upgrading ...

The 1024 digital sections of each year are basically done according to this program, but add some new content. For example, after the Ottoe1 mobile phone, it has also been able to subsidize the purchase of the purchase during the 1024 Digital Festival.

Because the official commitment E1 mobile phone will not cut the price, it is still the original price, but I bought some gifts after I bought it.

For example, after you have a managed gym and lazy apartment service, customers can consume in these industries during the 1024 Digital Festival.

However, even if this 1024 digital festival has happened, its main focus is in terms of physical stores and digital products.

This "515 Game Festival" given this time is the focus of the focus of the promotion to the game and the game related industries.

Specific provisions are as follows.

515 The game is a week, from May 15 to May 22.

During this period, all games with friends in "Maritime Fortress", GOG and other online games, you can get a gift package, randomly get the props in the game, including epic weapons, rare skin.

During this period, all single-machine games such as "back is the shore", "struggle", "mission and choice" have a chance to exist.

In any Tengda game, you can get a random red envelope cash with a random red envelope, a minimum of 0.1 yuan, up to 888 yuan per day, and not to the Currency, but directly give cash!

Watch the GPL game live in the rabbit, you can get a gift of the website. These gifts are all paid gifts. After rewarding the anchor, the anchor can receive a real gold silver.

At the GPL site, there is a chance to win, which may be free tickets on the spot, or may be a rare skin or a defined hand.

There is also a very important thing, that is, the G1 mobile phone and the smart fitness drying rack are also available in a large number of stocks.

In addition, there are some detail of the more than 7 ratifications, but the main thing is these.

For Xinmin, she can see that these regulations are obviously in response to the price war of fingers and Longyu Group.

At yesterday's press conference, finger company and Longyu Group have come, and the total will make a quick response, which is normal.

But in this series of measures, there are two very obvious issues.

The first question, almost all activities have no threshold, and these activities are not a discount, but white.

Between the benefits, there is a big difference!

Just take the game, whether it is the game body or the skin and props in the game, if you discounted, even if you can make a discount, the game company is still making money.

After all, after the game has been developed, there is no cost problem in selling more, nothing more than the same code copy paste countless times.

Therefore, most of the game manufacturers often engage in promotions, and the discount is still more.

It may be even because the discount is relatively large, the attractive players are more, but they earn more than the original price.

But the general behavior is not a discount, but it is given!

There is no discount of discount promotions, but when you log in, you will send something, even directly to cash!

While the free props seems to have no cost, the player who is originally planned to buy a prop version happens to be sent this prop. It means that his money will not spend any more, but it is still overdown for the game business. Future income.

In short, it is burn the money to buy the heat. This behavior basically doesn't matter to return blood. The heat of the burnt is not necessarily converted into income in the short term, and even many people are too cool, and they have canceled their consumption. desire.

The second question, why is What is the relationship with the "515 Game Festival"?

And these two questions are in the end. It is actually a problem, that is, the power is very stressed!

Xin Xinyi is very clear that the company's current financial situation, although the home of Tengda Group has always been very rich, but recently, "mission and choice" put a big capital, temporarily failed to return, then the late studio has funded it. A large sum of money, plus the cost of the artificial intelligence laboratory and other projects, and the funds that can be used by the company are not as sufficient to have been.

This "515 game festival" subsidy can be a real gold and silver, you can't fight, afraid that it is necessary to use the billion unit, if you add the stock of your mobile phone and your smart fitness drying rack, the amount of funds you need is more Horrible.

Although the industry's industry is still making money, this behavior is like dancing on the tip of the knife, it is easy to have no money to turn around, will have problems.

What's more, if your fingers and Longyu Group have a launch conference, you have to burn more money, is it still following it?

Although this risk is to solve it, it is a sentence to the end: there is no need.

Anyway, it is burning money, can steadily burning money, why do you want to risk?

Therefore, Xin Xin can not help but put a sentence, I hope to use the operational activities to do it, while blood, it will be safe.

Yan Qian smiled: "With operational activities? Of course not!"

"What is the 'section'? The meaning of the festival is that Putian will celebrate, happy. Do a lot of marketing activities, is it to give customers a passion, or change the money from the customer?"

"Usually we can engage in promotions, but in '515 games' and' 1024 digital sections", we have to do full subsidy, give back to customers, so that customers get 100% real benefits! "

"If you have a secret activity, you can make money while making money, it will violate the original intention of this festival. This so-called 'festival' is impossible to get the customer's high recognition, and finally will only become a common business. Some 'big promotion', no people remember. "

"Isn't that a behavior of sesame seeds?"

"As for the problem of funds, don't worry at all."

"Tengda's industry is still making money, even if there are some funds, there is also a solution. For example, ...... Isn't it?"

Yu Qian's wishful abutment has long been shocked.

Of course, he knows that this set of boxes will bring great pressure to Tenda's funds, but the problem is that the funds of Tengda are not stress, then they will have a lot of pressure when he settles!

When other people are calculating these problems, they will give more consciousness more advanced quantity.

For example, there is a billion in the company's account, and the top more dare to spend 60 million, at least 40 million emergency.

What do you want to use in case?

But Yu Qian considered the problem, it is much more calculated.

There is a billion on the company's account, and it must be 100 million to flow.

Because the facts have proven that Tengda Group is too good to make money, this billion is just spending, saying that Tenda Group has earned 50 million!

Therefore, this time is a premium.

As for the risk, it is nothing more than the lack of capital, and some active cards can't get in half.

But this risk is not what is nothing to Qian, because before he bought a few buildings in order to make a lazy apartment, these buildings are appreciated.

According to the rules of the system, the fixed assets are equivalent to a big reservoir. When the system of the hand is too much, it can quickly consume it quickly; when the system is not enough in the system of , These buildings can be re-entered into funds.

The only problem is that if there are too many buildings, it is possible to lead to the total amount of funds accounted for the fixed assets, and the personal property of the loss of money.

Selling one or two buildings, can also reduce this risk, why not?

What's more, Yan Qian still left, is the mysterious reward of the system this cycle: consuming personal property can increase the profit volume of a certain industry, the proportion is 1: 100, and the highest consumption of 100,000.

In other words, if the money is not enough, Yu Qian will bite anger 100,000 pieces, and then instantly add 10 million yuan for a certain industry, all white.

This tens of millions are unreasonable, even if they are directly white to customers, the system will not stop.

At present, Yu Qian has not been used to use this rule.

Because that is 100,000, if you can use the system funds, why bother your bags in the premise of this rule?

These burial policies are all within the range permitted by the system. Because Tengda Group is facing external competition, it is forced to burn some system funds as a stone hit, and the system will think that this is reasonable after dynamic assessment.

That is, if there is no finger from the company and Longyu Group's burning money, the system will not approve the activities such as "515 Game Festival".

So Yu Qian is so thankful for Irick, because this behavior of Eric is simply in the snow!

Even Yu Qian has some can't wait to see Eric's burning more money, because there is more burning money, the system is allowed to burn the money, plus this tens of thousands of unreasonable pure Let the interests, this is one, I have to lose bleeding!

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