Take the night, late night.

Zhao Ximing is in his own home, wearing loose pajamas, ready to rest.

After getting off work this afternoon, Zhao Ximing secretly visited the two people who hosted the gym and saw that this intelligent fitness drying rack was not worried.

Although the intelligent fitness drying hanger itself is not large and the two companies are about to start, but according to intelligence, the large number of stocks of this fitness equipment backlog will bring heavy pressures to the Tenda Group's capital chains.

This means that it is also burn money, and Tengda must be more cautious.

Zhao Ximing and Eric were consistency. This time, the 515 game festival of Tengda Group, mostly the thunder, the rain is small, and the blow is mainly, it will not engage in this series of activities with the finger company. The gap is obvious.

Although the game is different from other industries, the skin will no longer have cost after the completion of the production, but the excessive sale will also stimulate the player's consumption, this time is crazy, and the consumption will become less, from the long run, It is still reduced.

Therefore, the general game company is absolutely not getting discount when the new game is just online. After a few months, the heat has already retired, and then it is necessary to attract the players who have not experienced it.

And in the case of the Grid Group's capital chain, this 515 game discount strategy must not be so radical, otherwise the risk is too big.

Of course, the totalventure style has always been unveiled. How many competitors are predicted to predict the competitors of , all fail, and the consequences of failure are extremely serious.

Therefore, Zhao Ximing did not dare to drop lightly, or after the specific preferential strategy of the 515 game festival, they can let go.

As for Eric, most of them are also concerned.

Zhao Ximing looked at the time and has passed the zero point in the morning.

Don't deliberately find the specific rules of the 515 game festival, because the official website of all games and the website of most industries, all the relationships with the 515 game festival, all played this new festive event announcement!

Including the GOG game client, also showing the activities of the 515 game festival in the most eye-catching position, and it is the rule.

Zhao Ximing immediately opened.

Just five minutes later, his face became difficult to look, and the original calm expression became shocked.

But in the shock, it was vaguely confused and even surprised.

The reason is shocked, because this rule is completely exceeded!

Originally Zhao Xuming and Eric, Tengda Group were limited by the stress of the fund chain. This 515 game festival is to do, and it can only be similar to the IOI.

In other words, the goods purchased by the game is just a discount.

Can be a direct discount, or you can do activities, in short, at least part of the money, used to return to blood.

But what is the discount of these 515 games? Dictionary is completely white!

The most terrible thing is that any one of this directly related to discount is not!

The only one with a discount is slightly dilated, that is, this "purchase of Tenda game" random free, but in all of the activity rules, this is just a quite marginalized.

All other rules can basically summarize that the players will be randomly sent to play when playing games, which may be the props in the game, and it is possible to send cash directly!

Zhao Ximing can't believe it, and he watched these rules a word from the end of his head.

He thought of some problems that may be encountered, such as if there is anyone who has a person with a heart, how to do it.

But let's think about it. For experienced Tenda, these should be some small problems that are easy to solve.

Harvesting against the Yellow Cattle and Wool Party, the total of always is very professional.

As a long time ago, I have already entered the Tempera of all the accounts of Tenda Group, whether it is game, novel, live broadcast, and Tenda Life app and even TPDB websites, all are logged in with Tengda account.

In the TPDB website, the weight of each Tengda account is completely different.

Simply, the registration is high, the account is more consumption, the number of times is long, and the weight is higher, and the new registration, there is no use, the behavior is suspicious account, the weight will be very low.

Even if someone else has a heart, but because of the robot batch operation, their behavioral mode and the raised account characteristics are very obvious, very easy to investigate.

In this way, although the surface is "random free", "randomly sending money" flag, but the higher the account rewards, the higher the number of accounts, and the accounts with low weight may symbolize a hair. Money does not even give it even more money.

For Tengda that has mastered the final interpretation of the event, these are very normal, players will not resent, after all, the players are all high-powered accounts of real gold and silver, and the wool party is also advantageous. .

Welfare is so much, is away by the wool party, is the benefits of real players get less? Everyone will definitely understand this truth.

Therefore, this rule is no problem.

The problem is that this activity has not been too big.

Even if there are many ways to prevent robots and wool party, Tengda has a large number of users, everyone is online, welfare, this overhead is still an astronomical figure.

And it is completely different from Zhao Xuming and Eric's forecast. This 515 game festival is not "discount" at all, but "white delivery"!

This means that the cost of the Tenda Group has to be significantly higher than the finger company and Longyu Group!

Originally, Zhao Xun thought that if Tenda Group made activities in the way of "discount discount", the burn war of burn the money is very operability.

For example, I have a six fold, you fight 50%, but the value in the two games is different, and the players are also difficult to distinguish it. It is more preferential.

Moreover, this preferential strength can also be adjusted as appropriate, and there is a point in which a preferential quota is also entirely within the controlled range.

But Tengda is directly in place, it is sent to it!

In this way, although the value of the goods in the two games is different, one is "discount", one is "white delivery", players still can see which is more cost-effective.

Obviously it is Taken this side to send more open!

The price war has not officially opened. The players' eyes are all attracted to the 515 game festival on the other side of Tengda. Even the old players of IOI have also been eye-catching, can't see the activities of IOI, how to do this ?

Just opened a full rush of the other party from the pattern!

But in confused, Zhao Ximing thought that this thing also had a wire transfer, or even an opportunity.

I always do so, it is indeed a big hand, but this Tenda's funding problem will become more serious.

Originally, the promotion can also return to blood. As a result, I have to turn it into a white to the head of the company and Longyu Group.

The result of swelling and changing the fat man is often the teeth falling into the belly.

Just, is there always a bluff, or it's a strategic, confident?

No one can guess.

Zhao Ximing is thinking, the phone on the table rang.

Sure enough, it was called Eric.

"Zhao, you also see the specific rules of 515 game event?" Eric's voice low, apparently this matter is completely out of his expectation.

Zhao Xing nodded: "I saw it. What should we do?"

Although Eric's voice is somewhat serious, it is still a calm: "Don't worry, first observe the observation."

"Burning the war, who can laugh at the end, depending on who can burn longer. 515 The game festival is indeed completely pressed us at the beginning of the welfare, but how long can this benefit? Even if you can stick to one week, put the whole The game will stick to it, but then? Tenda still has no more than a new round of offensive? "

"This is a long-term war, laughing to the end, you can laugh!"

Zhao Ximing hurriedly said: "understand!"

"The general can say that it is to break the boat, the back water is a battle, although it can really motivate the morale in the short term, but the back is insufficient."

"That is to say, ,

"I must always observe the trend of Tengda, don't let any spider silk!"

Hanging up the phone, Zhao Xuming stood a lot in his heart.

It was a little scared by the 515 game festival, just like it was on the gaming table, I just tested a few chips here, and I totally allin, which caused great psychological pressure to Zhao Xu Ming. Also have a deep doubt about your own strategy.

But now it is slightly calm down, it seems that this thing can also have another interpretation.

Can Tengda Group's money can't be generated? There is always a flowering time. Inventory of intelligent fitness drying hangers, "Mission and Choice" movies and games are still in the return period, plus the industries in other development of Tengda ... how to count, Tengda's money should not be much talented Correct.

So, do you have such a short, is it a bluff?

It seems that this is sufficient, it is entirely afraid of price war, wants to scare the head company and Longyu Group?

The balance, the old treacherous, the virtuality is real, true and false, I like to play my heart.

As long as the finger company and Longyu Group's Saving activities have been persisted, it is necessary to see the one-week 515 game festival after Tenda, and can still come out again!

Zhao Ximing thought, the more I felt that the situation didn't have the pessimism I just thought, but I was optimistic!

He is in his heart, and Anan slept steadily.

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