May 16, Wednesday.

Binhu cell.

Qiao Liang is working with a few waterfans in GOG.

"Quickly kill, the opposite mage is not big!"

"There is no big trick, you can kill!"

"Hey ... I haven't made a big trick now."

"Now that the opposite mage is not big, can someone make it hurt?"

The sound of the teammates vomiting in the team: "Lao Qiao, you are, don't lie to report the military situation! There is a big bigger you give a letter!"

Just a wave of group battles, Qiao Liang accidentally caught, took the lead in death, on the way of teammates, he shouted "the opposite mage did not have a big trick", so everyone saved four strokes, the result was opposite the Master a perfect trick Other enemies also have a strong, and they will be honest.

Qiao Liang said something embarrassed: "I can't help you, I can't have a lot of memory. I remember that the Master just let the big move, how is it so fast."

"Ok, come here today, I have to rest and rest."

Qiao Liang took out the team and took a headset and stretched a lazy waist.

Yesterday morning, the 515 game festival officially started, and now has passed a day.

During this time, Joe is given to the liver.

In Tengda's online game with friends, you can get a gift package every day. There are rare props in the game. You can also get a random red envelope cash back after an hour in the game. ...

In summary, the player is responsible for playing games, Tengda is responsible for smashing!

Although Qiao Liang thinks that it is a kind of ashes, so many epic weapons inside the "Maritime Fortress" he can't buy, and GOG has not done the whole skin, let alone rewards there are cash red envelopes.

Although these rewards are not a lot of Qiao Liang, it is just a matter of way.

Anyway, it is also to play games. Now playing games, there is such a rich reward, nothing more than playing more time, why not?

Of course, in addition to playing games, Qiao Liang is also focusing on the situation of Tenda Group and finger company burning money.

From the current situation, it can be said that Tengda Group is fully crushed!

Although the header and Longyu Group also launched a series of preferential measures, the players have just begun to be fragrant, but with the boss of this big hand, they immediately saw it!

After all, one is a discount, and the other is pure white, which is essentially different.

After the detailed rules of the 515 game festival, the players immediately entered the carnival state, and those players who only played with IOI, did not play GOG, and once again showed the players of GOG.

After all, although the skin of IOI is discounted, but still want to pay for it, and the game is playing games on the game!

As for this burning talent, who will win?

Most players have not considered this problem at all.

Is this still used? Of course, it is.

Because in this kind of thing, the general seems to have not yet lost, and the players have a total of 100% of the total.

If it is better than other, then it is not good, but it is more than anyone more than burning money.

It is not said that it is more money, but it is said that Tengda is big.

What's more, players don't care about the game company burning money. Anyway, everyone can get a real affordable, and the two companies burn the money, the more happy players are more happy.

Just now, the game made Qiao Liang have a little tired. After he stretched a lazy waist, decided to take a little rest, open the fan group to sneak see what everyone is discussing.

"? games!"

"New game? Really fake? I haven't heard any propaganda before I haven't heard it."

"Thousands of truths, this game is called" Fitness Battle ", a mobile game, a lot of platforms, you can find it!"

Seeing the discussion in the group, Qiao Liang couldn't help but stunned.

new game?

Tenda recently seems to have no publicity, there is a new game to go online?

But one of the people in the group discussed the screenshots.

This game named "Fitness Big Battle" is really a work of the Ocean game!

From the name, this seems to be a game related to fitness, so many people in the group are slightly disappointed.

What is this fun?

In most people's brain supplements, "Fitness Big Battle" should be a game similar to a fitness simulator or a fitness packaging traditional game, so there is nothing interest.

After all, the current market is barely able to stick to the fitness element, and there is only this game.

Have time to play this game, it is better to go to the gym to do Zhangka.

After all, you can hurt the gym to do card, as long as you can stick to it, can you lose weight? Not still the house, the more you get the house.

Everyone's confusion is normal.

Because of their first reaction, the game called "Fitness Big Battle" is hooked at the game of intelligent fitness clothes hangers.

Because there is no game name at the press conference, and the publicity page of "Fitness Battle" has not mentioned the intelligent fitness drying rack.

There are not many players who are concerned with intelligent fitness drying racks, and most of them also have a game with the intelligent fitness drying racks, so many people have seen this game for the first time. I haven't thought about it.

It is also looking at the download of this golden word sign.

Job, certainly won't let go.

Although this is a mobile game, its capacity is not small in the mobile game, Qiao Liang guess, this game is impossible to say.

What's more, the game of Tengda has a boutique. When did you have seen Tengda?

With this expectation, Qiao Liang immediately downloaded the game on his own tablet and then entered the view.


After a short black screen, the opening CG of the game appears on the screen.

The style of CG is relatively polarized to the cartoon style of the secondary element, and the characteristics of the characters are very distinct.

At this time, it seems to be the remains of an ancient architecture. It has been late. There is no moon and there is no star. Only a few dim oil lamps are on the broken wall of ancient architectural relics, so that the entire scene seems to add a bit of evil. atmosphere.

In the broken wall of the remains, eight people surrounded a round, sitting on the legs. In their body, a huge, a strange red magical magic array will be connected in series, like a pulse beating, slowly flashing.

The lens is swept away, and it is possible to see the rough appearance of these eight people.

The overall or secondary cartoon style, there is a lovely Meng girl, there is a surprisingly amazing royal sister, there is a lot of Loli and Zhengtai ...

These characters are clearly designed, and their appearance is very compliant with the aesthetic, hairstyle, color and color of the second dollar, and the costumes are all in line with the characteristics.

The clothes wearing in these people are different, and they are consistent with the characters, but all clothes are a bit biased towards the style of sportswear.

The most strange thing is that these people don't seem to be particularly perfect.

For example, the role of the Royal sister, it is clear that there is some sprayed blood behind it, but it can see some little belly, and there seems to have some extra fat on the thigh, it seems not good enough.

Other roles, each have each problem, just not obvious.

At this time, these eight people all have a double, eyebrows, but also swallow water from time to time, seem to have to endure terrible pain.

In front of them, the inner rings of the magic array also have eight borders that have been extended, and one food is placed on each.

Red burns, fried chicken, milk tea, grilled skewers ...

It looks very attractive.

These foods are constantly floating, and these eight people have a smell of these eight people, and these eight people swallowing the velocity of water seems to be faster and faster.

Some people have been able to reluctantly, try to control their hands, do not let their own food in front of them.

At this time, a majestic narrative came: "Inspiring, the ceremony is coming!"

"As long as you can stick to diet, endure hunger, will eventually defeat terrible fat devils!"

But immediately, there is a treacherous, full of confusing, white voice: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if you eat it."

"You are so hard, don't you eat a little bit, add physical strength, do yourself?"

"People can't live with eating, what do you mean?"

"I only eat a small mouth, it doesn't matter!"

These two sounds are circulated around everyone and constantly impact them.

Finally, the will of these people came to the edge of the collapse.

"I can't stand it, I am starving, I will eat it!"

Someone pounced the food in front of it.

After the sound of the big fast voice, other people's psychological lines also collapsed, all rumored to the food in front of them, stuffed in their mouths.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……"

A burst of laughter came, and the lower part of the magic array suddenly looked at the black smoke, turned into a huge devil of the body bloated, and the brain is full of intestines.

"Poor humans, your willpower is so fragile, how can you seal me with this trick?"

"So, these rights are gifts, give you!"

Huge fat devil played, floating from him out of countless bubble light ball, integrating into these eight people.

Then, these eight people's figure can expand a circle in the naked eye!

Originally just a little slightly flipped, but I don't look at it is still not particularly obvious, but now I can clearly see obesity.

The eight people have different cases, and some people have fats only have a specific part, but some people are all fat two laps, which is almost the edge of the collapse.

In a mad smile, the magical array completely dared, and the fat devil rolled up a burst of black smoke and flew away.

Eight people fell on the ground, and the food left in hand fell.

"After it, we failed!"

"I still can't resist the temptation of food, fat devil run, we are also parasitic by his fat, we can't control this magic array again!"

All the faces are all frustrated, two of which have even descended.

But very fast, one of them is slightly fat but looks very sunshine. "No, we can't give up so!"

"The fat devil will constantly confuse the humanity, parasitate with fat, and finally become the host of everyone, the life of our humanity will be greatly reduced!"

"Our willpower is not strong enough, and the body is not strong enough."

"But as long as you have a hard training, we have the opportunity to drive the fat devil who are sent to us, re-seal the fat devil!"

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