Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1043 Professional Edition is a different game!

Qiao Liang lived live and came to the hosted gym near the residence.

He did not do members, but it didn't matter. He taking him with the identity of his own use, as long as you show your own Otto mobile phone, try the smart fitness drying rack absolutely no problem.

He also brought his own tablet, ready to run the game with a tablet, and then broadcast his fitness picture with a tablet's front camera.

The two screens can be overlap together, and the APP live broadcast of the rabbit supports this feature, and the size of the two pictures can also be adjusted, which does not have to worry.

After coming to the hosted gym, Qiao Liang explained the intention of the fitness instructor.

I heard that the opposite is the summary of the family, the famous Qiao wet, the fitness trainer attaches great importance, immediately nod: "Okay, please please."

Said, the Qiao Liang collar collar a specific area in the gym.

Qiao Liang stunned: "So many devices?"

"And TV?"

In the quite core location in the gym, the six intelligent fitness drying racks are covered together.

Moreover, all the walls opposite these devices are all hung on a TV, one or one.

The size of the TV is not very large, 55 inches, but it is enough to be in this distance.

These TVs are clearly famous brands in foreign major factories, and the picture quality is absolutely guaranteed.

Seeing this scene, Qiao Liang is a little unexpected.

He originally thought that more than one intelligent fitness hanger in the hosted gym, and it is in the corner, does not match the TV or any other equipment.

After all, the hosted gym is also the main business. It has a lot of professional fitness equipment, why bother to put so much smart fitness drying rack?

The coach hesitatus, some are embarrassed to tell: "In fact, it is only one thing."

"But when the first two days, I was always in our flagship store to inspect, I found that I only put it in the store, I didn't have anyone, I am very unhappy. Improving all stores all 5 to six, but also all On TV."

"We also have a lot of hard work, putting these breaks ... cough, equipment."

The fitness instructor is almost mouth, saying "these breaks".

Tenda's clerk, highlights a true.

Obviously, not all the clerk who hosts the gym can understand the benefits of this thing.

Although Cheng Cheng also participated in the R & D of this thing, other coaches in the gym did not get these things.

The hosted gym has now opened a lot of branches, with the level of these clerks, many of them don't know that this equipment is also matched, but they have been unattended after seeing this equipment, and very places, it is a bit dissatisfied.

Although it is a self-owned product, these fitness coaches still prefer those professional fitness equipment, which is obvious.

Qiao Liang heard the dissatisfaction of the clerk, slightly smiled: "That is that you have not read the generals of , or let me come."

"Waiting for you to understand, may not be far from the storeman who has become the store."

Joe Liang smiled, chose one of the smart fitness clothes hangers, then turned on the TV and touched it with a mobile phone.

The fitness coach is not a bit curious, standing aside.

On the one hand, it is because Qiao Liang is special, he has to accept a good friend, on the other hand, because he is more curious, I really want to know what Qiao Liang is in the end.

What is the unread of reading? Why didn't you understand it?

It's hard to make this look a little bit of a little or unsatisfactory?

Qiao Liang is searching and connecting this smart fitness drying hanger through Bluetooth, then open the game, click on the "Professional" button of the title interface.

There is no too much tips, but simply changed the interface style, but there are many instructions, and the fitness action is completely changed.

When the replacement action, a very detailed description page will appear in the game screen, showing what kind of intelligent fitness drying rack is like, if you want to practice the next action, what few parts need to change, and Job Change a part, display it in real time, it is simply like an arm, which is very accurate.

The first action to do on Qiao Liang is a pinch chest.

The fitness coach is standing on the side, he can see that Qiao Liang is a newbie, there is no fitness foundation, so I want to give a little point, so unfair to do it, I can't get the best exercise effect.

However, he tried several times, but did not insert it!

Because the game role on the screen has already said that he wants to say it almost!

For example, when you start, the coach wants to remind Joe Liang to make a heavy strength, don't be stupid, you can add too much, find the weight of your own, is the most important.

As a result, he found that he does not need to open itself at all.

Because the role in the game will roughly determine the physical state of the Qiao Liang in accordance with the basic information such as Qiao Liang in the game, the body weight, the training situation, etc., and then let Qiao Liang go to try three different weights, and then according to Qiaoliang The time and Qiao Liang's own feedback used to determine whether the current counterweight is suitable.

During the period of Qiao Liang adjusts the instrument or change the weight, the game character will also talk about the professional knowledge of fitness, the basic concept of the big to fitness, and the details of a certain action are all involved.

The fitness instructor looks at the side, can't help but have some hair.

He suddenly had a feeling of unemployment ...

Although there is no private education in the hosted gym, as a coach, usually to guide those newcomers.

But this coach found that this role in the game replaces his role!

Of course, it is impossible to say that it is impossible, after all, a game program is not likely to have a big living person, but at least seven eighth of the role is still.

Because the fitness this thing is deeply affectionate, it is simple to say that some basic theories will not change, basically all common.

And there is another advantage in the role in the game, that is, it will not be annoying, it will not be good attitude.

Even if the player repeats the same mistake to return one hundred times, the role in the game will still be tip, guidance, this good temper is absolutely impossible.

And this will clearly let many people who are embarrassed to communicate with the coaches, let the heart and alienation, after all, dealing with the game character, more simple than the reality.

Qiao Liang quickly immersed in the game, he found with the intelligent fitness clothes hanger to play "fitness big battle", follow the mobile phone, it is entirely two concepts!

When playing with mobile phones, those actions are basically in a confused, simply in order to move cards, and the cool point of the game is also concentrated in the customs clearance card and get rewards.

However, it is totally different when playing with a smart fitness clothes.

Depending on the completion of the operation, the role in the game gives different feedback. For example, the action is too fast, you will ask the player to pay too low, let the players do the actions, don't give up, and the action is too slow, it will make the player to adjust the weight, or Take a little.

When the action is complete, the role in the game also has special speech and praise.

That is, playing this game with a smart fitness drying rack, each action can get feedback, making a special standard action to get a special pragmatic voice and action, will also get an extra calories, continuously There will be additional calorie bonus after the standard action.

And these, all are not enjoyed by ordinary version.

Qiao Liang continually replaced fitness action according to the system tips, and then started to practice the back and then the other parts.

Fitness is to pay attention to the way. Generally, the veteran will formulate a fitness program. For example, practice the chest today, do not practice your chest tomorrow, practice your legs.

Because today's muscles of some part have been exhausted, tomorrow's muscles may have not recovered, and then practice will not play a good effect. Must have to make this part of the muscles get a full rest, different parts alternately practice The effect is better.

And "Fitness Battle" is clearly taking into account this, and the fitness task arranged by Qiao Liang is arranged in accordance with this principle, and the schedule can also be viewed at any time and freely adjust it according to your preferences.

Qiao Liang will practice it, it is easy to see the bulk of the bullet, only the bullets rolled.

Obviously, the audience between the live broadcasts also shocked as the fitness instructor next to him!

"My God! Lao Qiao is lazy, actually practicing this?"

"I don't want to try it!"

"I don't know how long I can persist in the end of this three-minute heat, I am afraid that I have forgotten this time tomorrow."

"Not necessarily, this game has been abolished in order to prevent players from being worked, such as the content of the role, the driving force is still very good."

"It is very detailed. This is not the same game at the ordinary version of me!"

"The coach next to it is to stand? Onlookers?"

"I want some order, what to do!"

"Don't be impulsive, I will hold back! I really can't go to the nearby hosted gym to see, I will experience it again."

The audience in the live broadcast obviously produced very strong interest in this fitness equipment.

In the gym, there are also many members to pay attention to the game of Qiao Liang is playing, and it is full of curiosity.

After seeing a while, they also canceled today's fitness plan, using additional intelligent fitness drying hangers.

"Coach, how to use this?"

"Where is the game download?"

"How do I connect equipment?"

In the face of the inquiries of members, the coach has a trip to answer one by one, busy helping them debugging the equipment.

Just now, it seems very cool "intelligent fitness area", and suddenly become lively!

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