Coach one by one, then helps these people to debug equipment, very fast, several smart fitness drying racks are covered.

People who come late will only be on the side.

"This thing is also a game?"

"It's fun!"

Users who host the gym are mainly young, white-collar workers, and the proportion of female members is high.

Because the mode of hosting the gym has a certain screening effect, only the economic conditions are relatively good, and those who have a high requirements for the fitness environment, and the self-control ability is slightly poor, and the fitness is very determined. It can eventually stay.

Most of this screening is a young man, happens to be "fitness big fighting" target player group, which naturally has a very strong interest after seeing the game screen.

Before everyone didn't care for the smart fitness drying rack, it was because there was no game.

If there is no game, this stuff is just a normal fitness equipment, and there is no essential difference with other fitness equipment in the gym, and it is better than those equipment majors;

But with a game, it turns into a game's peripheral, the more fun of the game, the more useful!

Even the fitness coach also expressed, he didn't expect the intelligent fitness drying rack that did not ask before it was not asked, and it was so popular like this.

But he had to admit a little: after matching the game, the fitness experience of the intelligent fitness drying hanger is really more interesting than the boring iron in the gym.

After the intelligent fitness drying rack, their news is immediately spread quickly, and it is incoming the ear of netizens ...


After the first chapter, Qiao Liang was unfortunate.

The game has also begun to remind him, to force a break.

After recovering the smart fitness drying rack to the initial state, Joe is ready to use the free presented lucky draw, then study the mall system of this game.

During the game, the system has already given a few beautiful clothes and guides the Joe Liang completed the rehabilitation process for the game role.

"Rehabilitation" is a popular gameplay and has long been endless.

Does anyone resist the temptation of the beautiful girl to change the little skirt?

Many dressing games have a single gameplay, but it will run a lot of millions of months. As long as you have been in a new little skirt, you will pay a bill without retrieving.

Those special dressing games, most of them use paper people to play game characters, players are still unsperberated, "fitness big battle" is 3D modeling, very fine, and also talk to players , Accompany the player to do a fitness action, this is not more than the paper person?

After Joy Liang saw a few clothes sent by the system, the rehabilitation system of this game was very strong.

Although many advanced fashion locks are troublesome, but take a look, there is always no problem with the eyes addiction? If it is really good, if the price is appropriate, the little thorns have not been tasted.

Qiao Liang opened the newly opened mall interface, found that the entire interface was quite simple, only two large tabs were "Mall" and "Draw".

Other games have similar systems, but basically will be slightly modified, not shouting so straight, "fitness big fighting" is not covered.

Click on the mall interface, which is a variety of props in the game, and it is clear that it is clear.

These props are based on types, including characters, tops, trousers, shoes, gloves, wristbands, etc., and special fitness scenes, special effects of attacking monsters.

Mall can also be sorted according to the quality, sale of these props, which is very convenient to pick up.

There are also some arrangements for the discount package, such as a full set of clothing packages, there will be a specific discount.

However, all props in the mall have two prices, which are the price of Carrier currency and the price of recharge.

All goods, the proportion of two currencies, and there is no props that Corner coins cannot be bought throughout the mall.

The sweepstrap interface is much simple, nothing more than single pumping, ten cohes, and pumping with a protective props.

Many other games will be placed in this interface with a new hero, new props, used to attract players, but the interface of "fitness battle" has not put these things, it looks very simple.

Just when Qiao Liang thought of this lucky draw system, he noticed that there is a very eye-catching instruction icon on the interface.

"Detailed description of the lucky draw?"

Qiao Liang is a bit surprising, because many other games will not explain the lucky draw system.

The reason is very simple: actually not saying it.

The things that can be said, the players know too clearly, there is no need to explain; can't tell things, let the players know that they have to go out, and they can't explain.

The lottery is a dark box, and many game companies will write false probability in the lottery system, or to give some rare props, but not, anyway, players have no verification.

Of course, as the ESRO official platform is more strict, this situation has improved in recent years.

But most of the game companies will only be responsible to the official platform and will not do too much instructions to players.

Qiao Liang's consciousness opened, I originally thought that only a few descriptions of very simple, I didn't expect to be particularly detailed!

"The cost of lucky draw is 0.8, oh ... it looks a little loss, but it is actually not bad, the lottery will be a probability."

"Wait, the lottery can't use calories, and ... can be refundable automatically ?!"

This automatic refund puts the Qiao Liang.

In fact, many games can be refunded, but there are very strict restrictions, there must be special artificial review, and will not agree with the refund after the refund is once.

But "Fitness Battle" is obviously not the case, this automatic refund does not need to be manually reviewed, and it does not need "children to talk", as long as it is not satisfied with the results of the lottery!

The only restriction is that any recharge cannot be performed in the next three days.

But this strictly is unlike limited, it is more like a protected, so that players will be slightly cold and quiet after impulsive consumption, and manage their wallets.

As long as the upper limit of the refund does not do limitations, the players have a big time to retreat once every three days, know that the result of exiting their satisfaction.

"What is this routine?"

Qiao Liang is a bit confused.

He saw more golden games, and there is also an experience in boycotting temptation, but the gold game like this can be refunded is still the first time.

What is the designer of this game?

Qiao Liang suddenly has a very strong desire to recharge.

Anyway, the lucky draw is dissatisfied with direct refund! There is no psychological burden at all.

However, Qiao Liang hesitated and still kept back, after all, he now even the intelligent fitness drying rack has not placed it, this is a little more time to start the golden gold.

It is still to give these calories to the system, and then pump this free ten-cached opportunities.

Calories can not draw, so Qiao Liang picked a few beautiful little skirts and used the free ten.

Ten-picked props in the rules, not very good but not bad, there are two very good little skirts, Joe Liang is not the emperor, and it is also expected to be pre-expected to this results.

"Right, do you have a professional version of the gift package?"

Qiao Liang suddenly remembered, but after carefully studied it, it was found that this spree is corresponding to the number of intelligent fitness drying racks, each device is limited.

These devices that host the gym are public equipment, so they cannot lead to a gift package.

"Opening work!"

Although I have not got a professional version of the package, Joe Liang is already satisfied.

On the one hand, the official will give a chance of tens of pumping, so that he also got a very small price of beautiful clothes, this is the satisfaction of the game; and on the other hand, he is completely standard for his exercise today, practicing Sweating, walking is a bit slightly floating, this is a sense of satisfaction in the body.

If there is only a sense of gathering, it will be slightly empty, because the game is a spiritual entertainment, there will always be a feeling of waste.

However, if you exercise your body, the whole person will have a clear improvement, and the spirit will continue to be excited. The most important thing is that players can feel through exercise, their physical fitness has improved, more than simple playing games. Significant.

"Decided, one!"

After the trial, Qiao Liang no longer hesitated and placed it directly.

Although this intelligent fitness drying rack is expensive, it does value.

Moreover, Qiao Liang feels that "fitness big fights" has many advantages, especially this mall system, definitely there is a summary of it!

Go back and see if you can have a video or send a Weibo to analyze it, is it not beautiful?

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