Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1045 IOI Mobile Tour Online Preparation

May 17, Thursday.

Longyu Group.

In the morning of today, several core members of Longyu Group IOI Operation Cooperation will come to the meeting room on time.

According to the original arrangements, IOI mobile games will be on the line at 10:00 am. These core members are naturally staring throughout. Once an accident occurs, it will be handled immediately.

Eric and Zhao Xun also arrived.

At 10 o'clock in the morning, I was launched at this time. This time is a bit awkward, but there is no way, it can't be dragged.

Now, during the 515 game period, the welfare activities on the side have been fully launched, and the enthusiastic response has triggered online, and the finger company and Longyu Group have to do something.

If the opening service is dragged to the weekend, the heat loss of these two days is that Eric is difficult to accept, or it may affect other activities that have been arranged before.

At this point, responsible for the employees docked with each game platform are reporting the completion of the pre-preparation work.

"I have negotiated with the main channels, I have given our mobile game to reserve a recommended position."

"Recommended part of the channels is different, some very simply, directly gave the best recommendation; some requirements are more, need data to reach a certain standard; there are some best recommendations, but First, etc. can be arranged at will. "

"In short, the overall direction of channel resources can be relieved, after all, the quality of IOI mobile game is too hard, and there is an end tour basis. These channels also know that our game can make money, do not need us to say too much, they will go I want to promote it. "

"In addition, the channels have also opened an appointment for IOI mobile games. The current reservation has broken millions, and it is still growing. I believe that with our large-scale publicity activities, the number of players is still Will rise sharply on this! "

Eric and Zhao Xun two people nodded, and it was more satisfied with the current situation.

Of course, this is also within their expectations.

Originally with IOI mobile games, the most direct competitive relationship is "Eternal Hunter", the number of reservations of this game has reached millions, and the mobile game with IOI is basically the same level.

However, after the "Eternal Hunter" decided to jump, the same game seems to be difficult to compete with IOI mobile games.

For game channels, although the recommended resources can talk about the relationship, the most critical is really income.

The same promotional resources, give a good game more to make money, make money for a bad game.

The game channel is also divided, and there are many, for your own money, they will also give promotional resources as much as possible games.

In the eyes of Eric and Zhao Xu, IOI mobile games are obviously the best games that can make money in the near future.

As long as the IOI mobile game has enough exposure, there is enough recommended resources, with the quality of the game, why not fly in the sky?

Of course, with the GOG mobile game is more than, after all, the GOG layout mobile game is too early, in the domestic mobile game market is a well-deserved old big brother.

But IOI mobile games are a new work, compared with a newcomer, I am still enough to stand enough, in the short term, in the short term, actually misplaced competition.

In short, it looks great.

After listening to the report of the preparatory work, Erek nodded: "Well, everyone is working hard, doing it. Then we will open in time according to the original plan, at 10 o'clock in the morning!"

Zhao Ximing added again: "Everyone has worked hard, add a class a little today, and should focus on the data of the day of the day, pay attention to the ranking of our mobile games in the major lists, and there is also to pay more attention to online public opinion See how the players' response. "

"If there is any abnormal situation, be sure to report to me immediately, don't fall to you!"

Compared with Eric, Zhao Ximing is obviously familiar with this set of rules in the domestic mobile game market.

And he faded with an unattractive feel.

According to reason, I should not be so quiet.

After the joint conference in the fingers and Longyu Group, Tengda Group also made a 515 game festival. In fact, the two sides have already declared war, although they did not mention each other, but everyone knows the same thing, even players I can tell.

With the total character and the previous work style, as long as it is playing a battle, it will never be closed.

However, the 515 game festival has been opened for two days, but it seems that there is no action to do this with Long Yu Group, but it is focused on the three-point place.

This makes Zhao Ximing feel somewhat surprises, so the person under the man must always pay attention to the feedback of game data and players, and what is the first time to report.

When I got it, the total knife had already raised it on the neck, and I didn't know this.

Everyone nodded: "Good Zhao, you can rest assured!"

These are the elites of the department, the work experience is rich, and this kind of thing is even if Zhao Xumin doesn't want to make a good job.


At 10 o'clock in the morning, IOI mobile game is open!

Eric's hand has a lot of things to handle, so there is no full stare at the data of the mobile game and online discussion. These things are all handed over to Zhao Ximing and others have to do.

Eric is thinking about the countermeasures after the "515 Game Festival".

In his opinion, the Tenda Group will definitely fall into the weakness of a period of time after the "515 Game Festival" is vigorous.

Things of the movie box office also pay attention, but did not affect his plan.

Because the movie will return, you must wait until the final box office can get the process. "Mission and Choice" key extension can earn a lot of money, but this means that movies will have to start after you will start.

I can't get a thirst.

The burning talent is already in progress. After two or three months or even longer, it can go to Tengda account, and there is no much impact on the burning war of the two sides.

Eric is in turn thinking is a very wrong decision made by .

After the "mission and choice", the revenue of the key is definitely more than the general explosive film, and the box office that is tens of millions of or even hundreds of billions will not be earned. It doesn't have a bit.

But the key postpartum means that the return is slow, let the funds in Tenda are more stretched.

Is it important for 20 or three months in advance? Buy more than $ tens of thousands, hundreds of millions of box buildings?

Eric feels that in this critical moment of this burning war, it is obviously more important for the former.

I will never understand this truth, but I have chosen the secret key, it is obviously very confident to Tengda, thinking that this pen will be enough to win this burning talent.

"Once people expand, it is not far from failure."

Eric is determined, to continue to increase the effort of burning money after "515 Game Festival", so that the total will refund two difficulties!

Just considering, there was a slightly urgent knock on the outside, and then Zhao Ximing pushed the door.

"Not good! There is a situation to report with you!" Zhao Ximing's expression looks slightly anxious.

"Well? What happened?" Eric asked.

Zhao Ximing has a little guilty, handed over: "I just saw a few channels of the new tour best, suddenly found a game called" fitness battle "seems to be very fierce, and has already rushed to the new tour best-selling list One! "

"Our game has just launched, and though the data is not bad, but only accounts for the second place in the new tour best."

"This is not the key. The key is that I looked at the data of this" fitness big battle ", and I found out that it is a development of the Ocean game ..."

"In fact, I also saw this game, but because I didn't interested in the type of game, and I didn't hear it online, so I didn't look carefully ..."

"Retrospect now," Eternal Hunter "is delayed, not just hiding us, it is likely to hear news from some channels, and the new game is also hiding in the new game ..."

Zhao Ximing is a bit panic.

"Fitness Big Battle" is yesterday, he also saw it, but it may be because of the busy work, and did not look at this game develop company. Which is.

As a result, I saw that I was a game, Zhao Ximing.

is always as "God of Game", the name of the IOI mobile game, this geographic will hit the new game with the Poly, this is something wrong, and the pot is not running in his body. ?

Erik smiled slightly, did not pick up the mobile phone from Zhao Xuming: "I thought it was something."

"The situation of" Fitness Big Battle "I have already understood, I deliberately didn't let you change the schedule."

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