Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1049 Significance of Artificial Intelligence

Qiao Liang was originally touched to touch the fish, and the result of Aeeis directly gave him back.

I know that you do my muscles, so today all arranged a part that I didn't practice yesterday. This is nothing to say.

Joe Liang's mouth is slightly ticking: "But I am not good today, it is a bit tired."

Although there is a 50% of this, it is lying, but it should not be a problem with this artificial intelligence.

However, Aeeis silence said: "There is a writer who loves long run once: I don't want to run today, so I will run, this is a long-distance runner thinking."

"The same, I don't want to practice today, so I have to practice, this is a way of thinking that people who can stick to fitness changes."

"Always escape the fitness because of various reasons, the probability will be in halfway, and it is impossible to stick to it."

"If there is a physical discomfort during the training, the equipment will detect from the index of force and heart rate, and immediately stop training. If this situation does not happen, do not want to practice, mostly a mentality problem."

"It can make very well exercise in the case of proper and counterweight, if you are too lazy to move in half an hour ..."

"Say the bottom, or a lazy dog."

"This is too lazy, spending more than half of the equipment to buy, it is not as gray, it is better to hurry the time refund or let the clothes, let me play more functions."

Qiao Liang: "..."

This artificial mental dismissal is so reasonable, and there is no words between it.

And this kind of sound that has no emotion has a touch of taunt, and it is very reasonable to ridicule.

Qiao Liang sighed and sighed: "Don't say, don't I practice it ..."

After half an hour, Joe Liang sat in the sofa, and the lower body was also scrapped.

"I trust your evil ..."

Qiao Liang felt that he was bigger, and he couldn't stand it slightly by this aeeis. I feel that I can do it, and then today's training plan is completed.

The result begins with deep squatting, this set of movements, and practicing yourself want to die.

But I saw these calories that I have worked hard, Joe Liang felt worth it.

Although it is resistant before practicing, there are all kinds of stimuli and feedback during exercise, and the rewards given after workout are good enough, so I still stick to it.

These calories, Qiao Liang did not have to spend all, this is a veritable "hard-earned money" for him, and it is necessary to pay attention to it.

Especially with this lucky draw system, it is more careful.

Because this lucky draw system is within three days, it can be free for refund. If you can't get what you want, then refund, flower Cair Road is going to buy; if you get it, you can use the Cair Roller to buy again. Others.

There is such a refund policy, I don't have to spend myself.

Qiao Liang is open to the business city interface turned down: "I don't have much charge, I will charge for two hundred yuan."

"You have to leave the rich, what do you want to do after before?"

In this incident, Qiao Liang has always had its own principles.

Buy out the game, as long as it is a word-of-mouth, it is generally purchased directly.

Of course, if you can catch up, it is better.

And for this purchase game, Qiao Liang will finish calculation, charge a value that is the most suitable when it is most costly.

For example, "Fitness Battle", if this is a bought-in game, Qiao Liang feels that it is entirely normal to sell two or three hundred yuan.

If it is a relatively expensive host platform in abroad, four or five hundred are also within the normal range.

So, he probably charges 200 yuan in this price.

The sweepstakes of "Fitness Big Battle" are compared, 10 dollars once, the two hundred dollars are just twice, and they have passed the hand addiction to Qiao Liang, and do not pursue the game.

In the Internet, those who put the game, either there is a mine at home, do not care about these tens of thousands of money; if it is the merchant of the game company, how much is the money can earn back.

The two of Qiao Liang is not, and the money is naturally compared.

He went to the bathroom to wash his face, and then pressed the 10-piece button very devoutly.

The animation of the ten-cached is also like the lucky draw interface, and it is simple and no.

Soon, ten props appear on the screen.

The eyes of Qiao Liang swept it, and immediately showed a surprise expression.

Have a good thing!

The quality of props is the same as other games, but also white blue purple orange.

The commodity pricing of "Fitness Big Battle" is quite close, followed the same pricing strategy as the GOG skin.

Although there will be slight floats in the price of different products in the same quality, but can be estimated in accordance with rough pricing, white 5 yuan, blue 8 yuan, purple 20 dollars, orange 50 yuan.

According to the description of the lottery interface, spend 100 yuan can withdraw 80 pieces of props.

And Qiao Liang looked at this ten items. I found that there is an orange two purple, only one white, the rest is blue!

And the orange props are still one of the game characters, and there is a quite good exercise scene in two purple.

"Blood to make!"

"I can't think of me, I have become the day of the Emperor!"

Qiao Liang is almost moving to tears.

"Take advantage of your hand, then pump it!"

Qiao Liang is again taking a button down.

However, this time, the lucky god did not care about him, and the blue icon was mixed with white icon, the standard "Blue Sky White Cloud".


Qiao Liang is almost back.

It can only be said that the big rose of life is too exciting.

After taking it, the first thing he did not look at the effect after wearing the fashion, but it is necessary to earn it.

The first time is equivalent to picking up 151 yuan, and the second time is equivalent to smoke 68 yuan.

Although the second loss, it is still earning together.

The second draw is really uncomfortable.

He wants to keep the first item, but I want to return the second money.

Suddenly, he looked in a machine.

"I don't know if I can separate refunds?"

Qiao Liang immediately opened the refund interface, found that all order information within twenty-four hours can be arbitrarily selected for a refund.

"Isn't that a more conscience !!"

Qiao Liang was shocked.

If the refund policy can only refund all the recharge within 24 hours, the Qiao Liang will not be refunded, and Tengda can also earn more.

But now you can accurate order information to a certain order, is this not meant to try the players unlimited?

For example, 1000 yuan is filled with ten times, tenth of ten tours, then choose all of them to leave, unsatisfactory all package refunds.

Although there are three days of "calm", but the things that have been taking out are so cool for three days, and after three days, I will reclaim it.

Qiao Liang felt that this game was too conscience, conscience arrived as a player, and a little worried that the game company would not be bankrupt.

After the refund button, there is no excess prompt, and there is no step in the artificial review. Directly deduct the corresponding props directly, the refund is completed!

The whole process is like silk, and even Qiao Liang feels too fast, it is too convenient, he is very uncomfortable.

Even the second confirmation box did not, I wanted to repent, I didn't have time, I was very short of the refund.

It seems that this game said to him: Take your stinky money!

In this way, Qiao Liang is equivalent to spending one hundred, smoking 151 yuan, too cost-effective!

Unfortunately, this beautiful little skirt is drawn, and the girl in the game can't wear it.

Because you have to continue to lose weight.

However, you can preview the girl in a small skirt after losing weight, it is really good.

This makes Job where many of them continue to exercise.

After the draw, the game recharge system entered the three-day "calorie", and Qiao Liang was really calm, and the heart was full of power to turn off the game.

Then, he found that he was already hungry.

Fortunately, I will go to the door on time, so I waited for eating, so I saw the online message on the Internet.

"Hey? Head Company and Longyu Group have a lottery activity?"

"It seems quite cost-effective!"

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