Losing to become the richest man starts from the game

Chapter 1050 This lucky draw is over!

This time online news is not a lot, the news of the game circle is basically around these key events: Tengda and fingers' burning war, 515 game, "fitness big battle" and intelligent fitness clothes rack, IOI Mobile game, etc.

Players are a little bit unknown.

There are several games in Tengda to send things, and IOI is also very cost-effective, and there are new IOI mobile games and "fitness battle" ...

It is also because the two companies currently compete are particularly fierce, so players are also in a state of fishermen, paying attention to the movements of the two companies.

Yesterday IOI mobile game, there were many unique toll points in many players to express dissatisfaction, and this mood continued to ferment.

Obviously, the header and Longyu Group's response is very fast, this new lucky draw is what they are in order to appease the players.

Qiao Liang saw the announcement and rules of this sweepstakes, could not help but feel: "Really the blood!"

At present, the lottery is only released, and it is officially opened to wait for tomorrow, which is Saturday.

But the specific rules have been written clear.

The prize pool of this lottery covers a large amount of precious skin in IOI, and even many out of print limited skin is also placed in the prize pool for players.

More importantly, there is not only virtual items in this lucky draw, and there are some real things!

For example, the latest pineapple mobile phone, brand computer, graphics card, mouse, headset, etc.

Any digital product that players may like is arranged here.

The most eye-catching is the official statement has a car in the entire prize pool!

Not a high price luxury car, it is more than 300,000, but for general players, this is enough to make many people crazy.

What's more, this draw is a 30% off, unlimited, it doesn't lose money, but it's not enough!

Of course, the probability of lottery is definitely strictly calculated.

Game skin, especially some of the probability that the garbage skin is smoked, and the more the skin is rare, the lower the probability of pumping.

Those digital products, probability ratio limits lower skin.

As for the car, there is only one in the entire prize pool, and it is not purely seeing probability, at least more than 100,000 in the entire draw process, it is possible to puminate, this is the basic condition.

For Long Yu Group, more than 300,000 cars are not, the key is that this car has sufficient promotional effects. Like this, it is best to give back to the might.

Of course, there are some kind of game company, engage in activities, playing a dark box, and preparing a lot of gifts on the surface, in fact, finally giving the company's internal personnel.

Anyway, this sweepstakes are not notified, no supervision, and the event will be specifically stirred up. As for the prize, the fertilizer does not flow out of the field, and the employee is welfare.

A money is two flowers, very planned.

Of course, the head company and Longyu Group did not do so, they were big companies, or their faces.

Now is a critical period, in case the dark box operation is discovered, it is a big scandal, it is not worth it.

Therefore, in addition to adding points to the lucky draw, so that the local is easier to get it easier, other places are still very fair and fair.

Even the people who have always been very good at resisting the temptation, they all have a little tick.

But he just raised a thunder who had to pay for money, and I felt a bit wrong.

If you only have this lucky draw of the company, then he will definitely there will be no other ideas.

However, after the experience of the "Fitness Battle" is over, Qiao Liang then looks at the lucky draw of the head company, and always feels weird.

It's not a lot of rewards, nor is it a lot of discounts, just a bit can't feel.

"In fact, the lucky draw of fingers is, it is a common draw event."

"And it is very conscience."

"The lucky draw system of" fitness big fight "is very different from a common draw system. This contrast will feel very different."

"But the words come back, why do you want to do such a lucky draw system?"

Qiao Liang suddenly caught up.

The lucky draw system of "Fitness Battle" seems not complicated, but this design is definitely not doing ordinary designers.

The reason is very simple, this gating does not limit the player refund, which designer has this permission?

It is said to have such a big money, and you will definitely have a pair of people.

The total is designed with a lucky draw system. The reasons are worth it.

Is it to make a new and unconventional, different from other game drawings?

Or do you make a more conscience, win the player's word of mouth, play the effect of small profits?

I can't always earn less money.

These reasons don't seem to be a bit less than enough.

I should not always be able to design the game if I don't think about "distinguishing from other games".

Now so many projects in Tengda can make the generals of the patriarch, it is definitely deep!

Qiao Liang thought for a long time, still has no hair.

"Still go online, I should not be a few, I don't have a small number."


Qiao Liang easily found a lot of discussions about this lucky draw.

Obviously, fingerprints and Longyu Group have come, this sweepstakes should be not spending for publicity, and should also invite the water army.

Summity in the event of a car in the game manufacturer is more rare, coupled with a powerful publicity offensive, soon it will spread in the player group.

Many players have said that they are true!

Although everyone sprayed into the company's activities, it is not as good as Tengda's 515 game festival. The IOI mobile game has been jealous after I go online, but I am flattening, that is, it is with Tenda.

Compared with other game companies, the company has been very conscience.

And this finger company has a lottery activity, in addition to drawing the skin, and even the car, many players who have complained it have been unbelieved on the spot.

Discussing the "Fitness Big Battle" lottery system is also, but there is no much relative.

On the one hand, because Tengda did not buy the water army and did not make publicity. On the other hand, because the lottery can only take the props in the game, there is no real thing, so the heat will be somewhat.

However, most of the players involved in the discussion are also deeply conscience.

There are a lot in the forum in the show, almost everyone has retired, but it is only a problem with refund.

Some people are only planning to charge two or three hundred, and since she can just refund, she has not aroused more than two thousand. After the final refund, it still spent more than 400.

Someone counts the probability of various props in accordance with the recharge record, and see who has been 0.8 and whose cable is the most black.

Players seem to have such a big interest from the gameplay of the lucky draw system itself.

Qiao Liang brow is microstruck: "Do you say ... "

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